Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1738: Wang Qingling's beast taming

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Fairy Ziyue was silent for a while, and said, "Brother Wang, do you think the Sun Moon Palace should be destroyed?"

Wang Changsheng said seriously: "Yu Yi, the Sun Moon Palace should be destroyed, Yu Gong, the Sun Moon Palace should not be destroyed."

Fairy Ziyue sighed lightly, a trace of sadness flashed across her phoenix eyes, and said softly, "Senior Brother Wang, I understand what you mean."

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​the Murong royal family in the Central Plains was founded by the descendants of the Murong family, the Murong family, the first immortal family in the South China Sea, and Murong Yuyao presented a secret realm of heaven. If the news is true, there must be many strange things in it. Bao, maybe you can take this opportunity to advance to the Divine Transformation Stage."

Wang Changsheng hurriedly changed the topic, the value of the secret realm was very high, and he was willing to tell Fairy Ziyue this secret, indicating that he regarded Fairy Ziyue as his own.

"Tianpin Secret Realm!"

There was a look of surprise in Fairy Ziyue's phoenix eyes, she naturally knew the value of the secret realm of heaven.

Her expression became complicated, why didn't she understand that this was Wang Changsheng's favor, and ordinary people didn't have this kind of treatment.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Yes! But this matter is not urgent. We have brought back a lot of good things from Tianlan Realm, and we will improve our strength first."

They have obtained a lot of good things from Tianlan Realm, and they are not in a hurry to go to Tianpin Secret Realm to find treasures.

Wang Changsheng turned his hand and took out a small golden shield the size of a slap. After injecting mana, the golden shield suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, and it instantly swelled.

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​this golden tortoise shield is for your self-defense! We have many spiritual treasures in our hands. You have helped us a lot, so don't be polite to me."

They got a total of four spirit treasures, two defensive spirit treasures, and Wang Changsheng gave Ziyue Fairy a defensive spirit treasure, which was already very good.

Another defensive spiritual treasure, Wang Changsheng intends to protect Wang Qingqing, after all, it is his daughter.

"Defense Lingbao! This gift is too precious, I can't accept it."

Fairy Ziyue politely refused. This gift is too precious. Spirit treasures are precious, and defense spirit treasures are even more rare.

Unable to resist Wang Changsheng's persuasion, she still accepted this defensive spirit treasure.

"By the way, Junior Sister Tian, ​​Zhenhai Ape is still in your hands!"

Wang Changsheng asked about Zhenhai Ape. He subdued a group of snow apes in the Demon Burying Icefield in Tianlan Realm. Snow Ape and Zhenhai Ape are both ape spirit beasts and should be able to mate.

Zhenhai Ape is the guardian spirit beast of Zhenhai Sect, and its descendants should not be too bad. Wang Changsheng wants Zhenhai Ape to mate with Snow Ape, and their descendants may inherit their magical powers.

Fairy Ziyue nodded, and with a flick of her wrist, a blue light flew out of her hand and landed in front of Wang Changsheng, who was Zhenhai Ape.

The Zhenhai Ape is already a middle-grade fourth-order, and it has no rivals on the bottom of the sea, and other high-level monsters are its food.

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​I caught a group of Snow Apes from Tianlan Realm. I plan to let Snow Apes mate with Zhenhai Apes, what do you think?"

Wang Changsheng asked with a smile, he still respects Fairy Ziyue.

"No problem, but Zhenhai Ape is a beast. It's probably not easy to make it mate with Snow Ape."

Fairy Ziyue didn't object, but she couldn't do anything about this kind of thing.

"As long as you agree, this matter is left to Qingling. This is her strength."

Wang Changsheng already had a favorite candidate, and Wang Qingling was the most suitable person to do this.

"We haven't seen you for many years, Junior Sister Tian, ​​let's have a good chat!"

Wang Changsheng made a gesture of invitation and walked towards the top of the mountain with Fairy Ziyue.


In a valley extending in all directions, Wang Qingling stood in an open space, Bingfeng Jiao and Lei Feng fought fiercely with a group of snow monkeys.

Wang Changsheng subdued a group of snow apes, but they were of high rank and were hard to tame. Wang Qingling was responsible for domesticating these snow apes.

hoo hoo hoo!

A low beast roar sounded, and dozens of snow apes spewed out a white sound wave at the same time, heading straight for Bingfeng Jiao and Lei Feng.

The long and thick tail of the Ice Wind Jiao suddenly swept away, and a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and its dragon tail shattered the white sound waves, and bursts of air waves broke out.

Snow Monkey's battle formation is not so easy to hurt Ice Wind Jiao, Jiao Long is not so easy to deal with.

There are no icebergs and snow here, and the Snow Ape's strength has been weakened to a certain extent. The Snow Ape King wanted to use other means. There were bursts of sharp phoenix roars from the sky, accompanied by a huge thunderous sound.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, a group of tens of miles of thunderclouds appeared high in the sky, and the thunderclouds rolled violently, and you could see silver thunder snakes wandering around.


After a deafening loud noise, dozens of silver lightning bolts as thick as an adult's arm pierced the sky and slashed towards the snow ape below.

That's not all, the ice wind Jiao turned into a white light and rushed towards them.

The Snow Ape King roared, the void shook, and a white chill emerged from the body, and a thick white armor emerged. They gathered together, and countless white chills floated above their heads, turning into a huge giant. A white ice curtain covers them.

Dozens of silver lightning struck the white ice curtain, and the white ice curtain shattered instantly.

The thundercloud tumbled violently, and silver thunderballs the size of fists fell one by one, smashing on the snow ape, and suddenly burst open, and the dazzling thunder light drowned their figures.

Bingfeng Jiao rushed into the herd, rampaging, and the snow apes flew out one by one, smashing heavily on the ground.

Lei Feng spread his wings and flew high in the sky, his body was wrapped in countless silver arcs, and it emitted clear and loud phoenix chirps.

The Ice Wind Jiao rammed on the ground, and the Snow Monkey couldn't hurt it at all.

Before the time for a cup of tea, all the snow apes fell to the ground, their breath was sluggish, they did not worry about their lives, but the injuries were not small.

Bingfeng Jiao and Lei Fengfei landed next to Wang Qingling, and Wang Qingling took out the spiritual fruit and fed them to them.

The Snow Ape King hesitated and walked towards Wang Qingling, and the other Snow Apes followed suit.

They came to Wang Qingling and stood up honestly.

Wang Qingling took out a white fruit and distributed it to them.

One-handed big stick one-handed sweet jujube, can subdue the snow monkey.

It is not easy to domesticate the snow ape, and it will take a lot of time.

Snow Monkey will be soft once, and it will be soft for the second time.

"Qingling, you did a good job."

Wang Changsheng's voice suddenly sounded, Wang Changsheng descended from the sky and landed in front of Wang Qingling, and Zhenhai Ape was also there.

"Ninth Uncle, why did you come here? In such a short time, you couldn't completely tame Snow Ape."

Wang Qingling's face was embarrassed.

Wang Changsheng nodded with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not urging you, and the Zhenhai Ape is also handed over to you. You can find a way to let the Snow Ape mate with the Zhenhai Ape, hoping to give birth to offspring."

He gave Wang Qingling the beast repelling ring. As long as there is a beast repelling ring, he can drive the Zhenhai Ape.

"Okay, wrap it on me."

Wang Qingling agreed that Zhenhai Ape and Snow Ape are both ape-like spirit beasts, so breeding shouldn't be difficult.

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