Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1742: Yuan Magnetic Mineral Vein and Golden Baby Fruit Tree

The cave extends along the ground, the road is winding, there are some stalactites at the top, and water droplets drip from time to time.

After a while, Wang Xin suddenly stopped. He could clearly sense that there was something special in front of him, blocking his consciousness.

The wood demon moved forward, exploring the way in front, but it couldn't continue to move forward after moving several meters. There seemed to be some kind of powerful restriction in front of it, imprisoning it.

Wang Xin sacrificed a golden flying knife and flew towards the front. The golden flying knife flew ten feet and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Magnetic field!"

Wang Xin frowned. The Immortal Burial Sea area is a natural magnetic field, and the spiritual consciousness of immortal cultivators will be severely restricted. Could it be that there is some kind of magnetic ore here?

Countless mysterious golden runes appeared on his body, his whole body was wrapped in golden Buddha light, and he strode forward.

As soon as he walked ten feet, he felt a strong gravity, as if there was a million-pound mountain on his shoulders, his body sank, and his feet sank into the ground.

If it were an ordinary Yuan Ying cultivator, he would definitely not be able to do anything. Wang Xin is a Buddhist practitioner and a physical practitioner in the Yuan Ying period.

The golden runes on his body suddenly brightened, the pressure on his shoulders loosened, and he strode forward.

After walking more than 100 feet, he came to a cave with a size of 100 acres. There was a pale golden fruit tree in the upper left corner of the cave. The leaves of the golden fruit tree were golden and oval in shape, and seven pale golden fruits hung on the tree. , The shape of the fruit resembles a miniature baby, looking from a distance, it looks like seven golden little people hanging on a tree.

"Golden Infant Fruit, this is the main medicine for refining the Infant Transformation Pill!"

Wang Xin exclaimed, looking excited.

The Wang family has experienced many turmoils, there are not many good things, and the rare and exotic fruit trees are even rarer. The golden baby fruit tree was moved back to Qinglian Island, and it will be more convenient for the family to train Nascent Soul monks in the future.

The stone wall on the right flickered with a faint golden aura, obviously there was some kind of special ore.

He walked towards the stone wall on the right. The closer he got to the stone wall, the stronger the gravity.

He took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword and slashed towards the stone wall.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword stuck tightly to the stone wall.

"Magnetic ore veins!"

Wang Xin sucked in a breath of cold air, and his eyes became hot.

Magnetite is a very rare refining material. If it is refined into a magic weapon, it can restrain the magic weapon that is refined into metal ores. In addition, it can release magneto-optical light to trap the enemy, and can also release gravity to hurt the enemy.

The Shenbing Palace has a zongzhi treasure Yuan magnetic beads, which can weaken the power of the magnetic field. It is because of the Yuan magnetic beads that Wang Changsheng and others can go deep into the Immortal Burial Sea to kill Zhou Sihong.

Yuan magnetite can only refine treasures with magnetic force. If you want to refine the heavy treasure such as Yuan magnetic beads, you need Yuan magnet crystal.

There may be a metamagnetism in the metamagnetism vein. There is a metamagnetism mineral vein here, so I don't know if there is a metamagnetism.

It is very difficult to mine Yuan Magnetic ore veins, and he cannot do it alone.

He turned around and walked towards the Golden Infant Fruit Tree. He was surprised to find that there was no magnetic force next to the Golden Infant Fruit Tree, which could explain why the Golden Infant Fruit Tree could grow and bear fruit smoothly.

The golden baby fruit tree is far away from the magnetic element vein, so it is not affected by the magnetic field. From this point of view, the scale of this magnetic element vein is not large, and the probability of having the element magnetic crystal is small.

Gold-eating beasts feed on metal ore, and Yuan magnetite is also a metal ore, and because of this, it can move freely here.

Wang Xin went out, brought the double-eyed rat and the wood demon, and asked them to transplant the golden baby fruit tree.

The wood demon took root in the ground, and the double-eyed rat escaped into the ground.

Soon, the ground shook violently, and the golden baby fruit tree slowly emerged from the ground, with its roots and stems intact.

The wood demon and the double-eyed mouse teamed up, and it was very convenient to transplant elixir and spiritual wood.

Wang Xin picked seven golden baby fruits, put them in seven golden jade boxes and put them away.

Walking out of the cave, Wang Xin left a mark near the valley, and drew the topography around the valley on the animal skin, marking the valley with a golden mark.

"Let's go! Keep looking for the elixir, we still have a lot to do!"

Wang Xin instructed, the double-eyed rat burrowed into the ground and moved quickly, followed by the wood demon.


Outside the secret, on the island, is a spacious and bright hall.

Murong Yuyao was talking to Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and others were there.

"Our ancestors set up a control hub in the secret realm. As long as the control hub is found and the spirit stone is replaced, it can resume operation, and then can leave the secret realm. If there are fifth-order monsters, they will also be sent out by the formation."

Murong Yuyao said slowly, generally speaking, the secret realm is divided into natural secret realm and artificial secret realm. This heaven-grade secret realm is a man-made secret realm, and various restrictions are arranged, mainly to avoid the appearance of fifth-order monsters, and to open the secret realm regularly. The chances of appearing fifth-order monsters are very low, but this secret realm has been closed for ten thousand years, and there may be fifth-order monsters.

"So many years have passed, once the fifth-order monsters appear, even if there is a control hub, it is useless! The fifth-order monsters have already been destroyed!"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said.

Murong Yuyao shook her head and said confidently, "No, the control hub is built on top of a Primordial Magnetic Mountain. Unless that monster can ignore the magnetic field, it will not be able to destroy that Primordial Magnetic Mountain."

"Yuanci Mountain! Why didn't your ancestors refine this thing into a treasure? It's too wasteful to put it in a secret realm!"

Wang Changsheng asked with some doubts, Yuan Ci Mountain can be refined into a heavy treasure, it is too wasteful to protect the control hub, is it the ancestor of the Murong family who is not a prophet? Knowing that the Murong family is going to decline one day, they deliberately left Yuanci Mountain to guard the control hub?

"That's not true. This secret realm is actually a natural secret realm. Later, after the transformation of our Murong family and a lot of resources, it became a heavenly secret realm. The Yuanci Mountain is too small, and it was refined into a magic weapon. It was a waste, the ancestors laid out the formation, hoping to breed the Yuan Magnetic Crystal, so they stayed in the secret realm, but the Yuan Magnetic Crystal has not been bred Our Murong family has gone downhill."

"Metamagnetic Crystal!"

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became hot. Metamagnetic ore is completely different from Yuan Magnetic Crystal. Metamagnetic ore can only be used to refine ordinary magic weapons, but it can be used to refine a spiritual treasure, and Yuan Magnetic Crystal can be used to refine a spiritual treasure at a minimum. precious.

There is a Yuan Magnetic Bead in Shenbing Palace, which is one of the treasures of the six major sects.

"So many years have passed, perhaps a rare material for refining equipment such as Yuan Magnetic Crystal has been bred."

Fairy Ziyue said with a smile, as an artifact refiner, she naturally knows the value of the Primordial Magnetic Crystal.

If there is really a magnetic crystal in the secret realm, at least one spiritual treasure can be refined to enhance Wang Changsheng's strength.

"If you can get a few more Yuan Magnetic Mountains and refine a set of Yuan Magnetic Magic Treasures, Dad's strength will be stronger."

Wang Qingqing said excitedly, the power of a complete set of Yuan Magnetic magic weapons is no worse than that of Lingbao.

"How can Yuanci Mountain be so easy to obtain? In the entire Dongli world, the Immortal Burial Sea area has the most abundant mineral resources, but now the Immortal Burial Sea area is bursting with spiritual energy, even if you want to find Yuanci Mountain, it is not easy."

Wang Ruyan chuckled lightly.

"Waiting for good news! I hope Wang Xin can give us a surprise."

Wang Changsheng said calmly.


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