Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1743: race ratio

Qinglian Island, a martial arts field.

Thousands of cultivators gathered in the martial arts field, and all the clansmen looked at the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda.

Since the clan competition was held, the performance of the clan members has been good, but everyone knows that the top 20 of the clan competition this time are destined to be the cultivators.

Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda has a total of 109 floors, and it can transform into fourth-order high-grade monsters at the highest.

The 1st to 27th floors correspond to the Qi refining period, the 28th to 54th floors correspond to the foundation building period, the 55th to 81st floors correspond to the elixir formation period, and the 82nd to 108th floors correspond to the Nascent Soul period. .

On the seventy-eighth floor, Wang Yingjie was manipulating three third-order puppet beasts to face four all-red demon wolves, and the four demon wolves had the strength to form a sixth-level pill.

Wang Yingjie cannot control five third-order puppet beasts at the same time. His spiritual sense is not so strong. The family has a secret technique for increasing spiritual consciousness, which is the 9th-turn Divine Exercise. The main medicine for forging Shendan is the inner core of a certain monster, which can only be found in northern Xinjiang, but it is very rare.

This is also something that can’t be helped. There are some secret techniques with great power, but they require the assistance of specific cultivation resources. After a long time, such materials will disappear. Therefore, powerful forces may open up an independent space, Arrange it into a secret realm, or use the natural secret realm to transform.

The Wang family is already doing it, but it will not be used in a short time. The predecessors planted the trees and the later generations enjoyed the shade. There are some things that don't have a big reward now, but for the future generations of Fuze, it must be done.


The four red demon wolves let out a loud roar, and each spewed a thick red flame, hitting Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie pinched the magic trick, the tortoise puppet beast stood up and stood in front of him, four red flames hit the tortoise puppet beast, and the billowing flames drowned the tortoise puppet beast.

He turned his hand and took out a cyan-glowing net pocket, with runes flashing on the surface of the cyan net pocket.

Qingyan locks the demon net, this is the magic weapon that Wang Qingling gave to Wang Yingjie.

He took out the Qingyan Locking Demon Net and broke into a magic trick. The Qingyan Locking Demon Net instantly swelled, covering the four red demon wolves. The sound wave quickly swept across the bodies of the four red demon wolves, and their responses slowed down a lot.

Taking this opportunity, the Qingyan demon net fell from the sky, covering the four red demon wolves.

As soon as Wang Yingjie's tactic was pinched, a large azure flame suddenly appeared on the surface of the Qingyan Locking Demon Net, and the three puppet beasts swarmed up and attacked the four red demon wolves.

In a burst of loud explosions, the four red demon wolves turned into little auras and disappeared.

Wang Yingjie breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the three puppet beasts with scars and frowned.

With his sixth-level cultivation base, it is already very powerful to be able to pass through the seventy-eighth level.

He wants to get to the 81st floor, and his goal is to be number one. Even if he can't become number one, it will not be too bad to work hard in the direction of number one.

He put away the puppet beast and the magic weapon, a blue aura lit up under his feet, and the environment in front of him was blurred. He appeared in an identical hall with three golden characters "Seventy-nine" engraved on the stone wall.

A little bit of aura emerged in the void, and five third-order monsters appeared, a black poisonous scorpion, a red seal, a golden giant eagle, a blue giant python, and a cyan giant tiger.

The five monsters attacked Wang Yingjie from different directions, and Wang Yingjie quickly brought out puppet beasts to fight.


On the eighty-first floor, Wang Changjie controlled nine red flying swords to surround the two dragons.

A Flood Dragon with red flames all over its body, a Silver Flood Dragon wrapped in countless silver arcs on its body, both Flood Dragons are third-order top-grade, their bodies are covered in scars and obviously suffered a lot of trauma.

So far, no pill cultivator has ever crossed the eighty-first floor.

Wang Jiyun has a spiritual treasure, but she did not participate in this clan competition, which is unfair to other clansmen. With a spiritual treasure in hand, Wang Jiyun has a high chance of participating in the clan competition and winning the first place.


A deafening dragon roar sounded, and two flood dragons hovered in the sky. A huge black thundercloud and red fire cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. The black thundercloud and red fire cloud gathered together, and countless silver arcs and red firelight emerged. .

One by one, red thunderfires flew out and smashed at Wang Changjie.

Wang Changjie's sword art was pinched, and nine red flying swords let out a piercing screeching sound, turning into nine huge fireballs, facing the red thunder fire overhead.

The rumbling sound continued, the red firelight and the silver thunderlight intermingled, and the air was billowing.

Wang Changjie's sword art changed, and nine red flying swords appeared in the firelight, and the nine red flying swords differentiated into hundreds of red flying swords, heading straight for the black thundercloud and the red fire cloud.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the dense red flying swords struck the bodies of the two Jiaolongs, and there was a "kengkeng" metal collision.

Wang Changjie flipped his hand and took out a small mirror with golden light. The back of the mirror was engraved with three big characters, "Golden Obsidian Mirror." This magic weapon was built by Ximen Feng, who spent a lot of money and asked a fourth-order refiner to create an object that can be imprisoned in a small space.

He was second only to Wang Changsheng in seniority, and with the help of Ximen Feng, he was born with a golden key in his hands, and he was excellent in both cultivation techniques and magic weapons.

A golden light flashed, and a golden glow swept out, covering the two dragons.

Wang Changjie's sword art changed, and the nine red flying swords merged into one, turning into a red long rainbow, slashing at the two dragons with the momentum of destroying the dry and pulling the rot.


A huge roar sounded, and the two Flood Dragons roared, turning into a little bit of aura and disappearing.

Wang Changjie breathed a sigh of relief, put away the magic weapon, and showed a thick smile on his face.

"Uncle Changjie, do you want to continue to pass the level? The eighty-second floor will transform into a fourth-order monster."

Wang Qiuming's voice suddenly sounded.

"I'll keep going through the barrier."

Wang Changjie said in a deep voice, he wanted to fight a fourth-order monster. Before that, he had fought with a fourth-order monster several times, all of which ended in failure, but he persisted for a long time.

As soon as the voice Wang Changjie's feet lit up with a dazzling blue light, and the surrounding environment became blurred. Wang Changjie suddenly appeared in a more spacious hall with three golden characters "eighty-two" engraved on the stone wall.

There is also a lifelike silver giant tiger engraved on the stone wall. A loud tiger roar sounded. The silver giant tiger suddenly came to life and drilled out of the stone wall. The surface of the silver giant tiger was wrapped by countless silver arcs, emitting There was a violent breath.

Wang Changjie's face became solemn, he took out nine red flying swords and went up to meet him.


The silver light on the surface of the silver giant tiger released a lot, and countless silver arcs rushed out, hitting Wang Changjie.

On the one hundred and ninth floor, Wang Qiuming sat on a golden futon. There were more than ten golden mirrors in the void in front of him. Each mirror had a different picture. There were Wang Changjie, Wang Yingjie, Wang Youwei, Ouyang Mingyue, Wang Yinghao and other clansmen. .

From Wang Qiuming's point of view, among the many cultivators in the family, Wang Yingjie has the worst aptitude, and is indeed the most diligent clan member. In terms of strength, Wang Jijun and Wang Changjie are the strongest, while Wang Rongfei's combined strength is relatively strong.

He is more optimistic about Wang Changjie. In terms of aptitude, identity, background, cultivation methods and magic weapons, Wang Changjie is the best.

The family has always emphasized fairness, but there is no absolute fairness. This time, Wang Jijun had Lingbao who did not participate, and Wang Changjie had a great hope of becoming the first place.


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