Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1744: Tier 5 monsters and spirit-gathering stones

The Red Moon Sea, the secret realm of heaven.

A giant peak shrouded in white clouds and mist, with a splendid palace on top of it.

Wang Xin stood on the trunk of a towering tree, looking at the palace in the distance.

He has been in the heavenly secret realm for several months, and has recorded the situation in the secret realm in detail. He has picked a lot of elixir of high years, but there is not a single elixir of more than 3,000 years, and there are not many fourth-order monsters. From this point of view, it is really strange.

He suspects that there are fifth-order monsters here. This secret realm has not been maintained for ten thousand years, and the level of monsters is not restricted. Otherwise, there would be no spiritual medicine for more than three thousand years.


A deafening roar suddenly sounded, and the flames shot into the sky in the distance.

Wang Xin could sense that a powerful spiritual pressure appeared within his sensing range.

He turned into a golden light and flew towards the place where the fire was.

Before he flew far, a huge yellow ball appeared in his sight. The speed of the yellow ball was very fast. Wherever he passed, the towering trees were knocked down by the yellow ball, dusty and dusty. fly.

Behind the yellow ball, there are dense cyan thorns, and they seem to have encountered something terrible.

A terrifying divine consciousness passed by Wang Xin, he was startled, and hurriedly landed on the ground.

The yellow sphere turned into a double-eyed mouse, its body was covered in blood, and it smelled of burning, and most of its fur was burned off.

The wood demon's body was charred and black, and the damage was not light.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and a group of red fire clouds ten miles long appeared high in the sky, emitting an amazingly high temperature.

After the scarlet fire clouds rolled violently, fireballs the size of houses fell out one by one, hitting Wang Xin.

The golden light on Wang Xin's body was shining brightly. A miniature Flood Dragon appeared on his body and roamed non-stop. A deafening dragon roar sounded. A miniature Flood Dragon flew out from his body. After a blur, it turned into a golden Flood Dragon with a length of more than 100 meters. , rushing towards the falling huge fireball.

Huge fireballs fell on the golden dragon, and bursts of explosions came out. The rolling flames drowned the golden dragon, but it failed to hurt Wang Xin.


An angry beast roar suddenly sounded, and a huge beast with the size of a hill flew high into the sky.

The head of the giant beast resembles a tiger's head, with only one eye on its head, a red sharp horn on its head, a pair of huge red fleshy wings on its back, three thick and long tails, and some red patterns on its body. A fifth-order low-grade monster.

"After so many years, someone finally came in."

The giant beast spit out human words and his tone was indifferent.

Wang Xin turned his head and glanced at it, his brows furrowed. At first glance, this beast looked like a hybrid monster. It looked like a tiger but not a tiger. Instead, it looked like a legendary beast. Monsters with multiple tails are very rare.

呲lie beast is a kind of fierce beast. The monster in front of him is obviously not a pure-blooded beast. It is estimated to be a monster with the bloodline of 呲lie beast. Even so, it is terrifying.

The golden Flood Dragon came straight towards the giant beast with extremely fast speed.

The giant beast opened its **** mouth, and a deafening roar sounded, and a red sound wave swept out. Wherever it passed, the earth and rocks cracked, and the towering trees exploded instantly, turning into tiny sawdust.

The red sound wave collided with the golden Flood Dragon, and the golden Flood Dragon suddenly let out a painful scream, and its body turned into a little golden light and collapsed.

At this time, Wang Xin was less than three hundred feet away from the giant peak where the control hub was located.

At this moment, a little fire appeared in the void ahead, and the figure of a giant beast appeared, the fire escape technique.

When Wang Xin saw the giant beast, his expression changed.

He was about to run away, when the one eye of the giant beast lit up with a flash of red light, and Wang Xin's eyes became dull, obviously falling into an illusion.

The giant beast opened its **** mouth, and a powerful suction emerged out of nowhere, and Wang Xin flew towards the giant beast uncontrollably.

At this moment, a cyan thorn flew out from Wang Xin's sleeve, and there were several small purple flowers on the surface of the cyan thorn.

The cyan thorns went straight to the giant beast's **** mouth, the buds of several purple flowers bloomed, and a sweet purple miasma rushed out, hitting the giant beast's eyes.

The giant beast was furious, spewing out billowing flames, hitting the cyan thorns. The cyan thorns broke off before the flames burned to Wang Xin.

The red flame hit Wang Xin, and Wang Xin was drowned by the billowing flames. The pain brought him back to his senses.

The next moment, a golden light lit up in the sea of ​​​​fire, and a "*" character flew out, and instantly grew to the size of a hill, hitting the giant beast.

The giant beast was not afraid at all, spewing out a red sound wave, and greeted it.


The "*" character was smashed by the red sound wave, and a powerful air wave erupted.

The red sound wave submerged into the sea of ​​red fire, the sea of ​​red fire suddenly collapsed, and Wang Xin disappeared.

A gust of wind passed near the giant peak, and Wang Xin appeared, his face pale.

If it wasn't for a few fourth-order escape talismans, it would be very difficult for a Yuanying cultivator to teleport hundreds of feet under the eyes of a fifth-order monster.

He is less than fifty feet away from the giant peak, and he can feel a strong gravity. If he guessed correctly, there is a large Yuanci mine or Yuanci Mountain here.

The golden light on Wang Xin's body rose sharply, and there were bursts of Sanskrit sounds from his body. The pressure on his body was relieved, and he strode towards Jufeng.

The giant beast was furious, spewing out billowing flames to attack Wang Xin, but when the red flames approached the giant peak fifty feet, the red flames suddenly burst, turned into countless red flames, and disappeared without a trace.

Because of the existence of the magnetic field, its attack could not hurt Wang Xin at all, otherwise it would have destroyed the control hub long ago.

Wang Xin strode up the mountain. His speed became slower and slower, and the gravity on his shoulders became stronger and stronger. He could see the bones of many monsters. Yes, it is estimated that the fifth-order monsters drove them to attack the giant peak where Control Shun was located, but unfortunately it failed.

The giant beast was unwilling to give up, and used other means to attack Wang Xin, but it was useless. All attacks approaching the giant peak ten feet would disappear completely.

After a cup of tea, Wang Xin had already reached the top of the mountain. His face was flushed red, his body was glowing with golden light, his teeth were gnashing, his legs were trembling, and he was sweating profusely.

Wang Xin shouted loudly, the golden light on his body was shining brightly, and a miniature Jiaolong appeared on his body. He accelerated his speed, and after walking a hundred paces, he couldn't take it anymore, and fell to his knees directly, feeling like a million jins. A heavy mountain was pressing on He gritted his teeth and slowly climbed forward. Yes, he could only climb, and now he can't stand up at all, his speed is very slow.

He could clearly see the three characters "Jinlin Palace" on the plaque of the palace. He was more than a hundred feet away from the Jinlin Palace.

Wang Xin's speed is very slow. Every step forward is very difficult. He is sweating profusely, and the sweat keeps dripping on the ground.

It took Wang Xin more than half an hour to appear at the gate of the palace at a distance of more than one hundred feet.

As soon as he approached the gate of the palace, the gravity disappeared, and as soon as his body loosened, he was able to stand up, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Wang Xin rested for half an hour and pushed open the door of the hall. The hall was spacious and bright. In front of it was a statue of a man with a benevolent face. In the center of the hall was a magic circle with a size of more than 100 feet. There were hundreds of the same size. The grooves, each groove has a spiritual stone, most of the spiritual stones have turned gray-white, obviously exhausted aura.

There are more than 20 spiritual stones that have not completely turned gray-white, and one of the blue spiritual stones is bright in color and full of spiritual energy.

Sisi's spiritual energy slowly poured into the blue spiritual stone, which was very strange.

"Spiritual Gathering Stone, it's no wonder that the control hub is still in operation after tens of thousands of years."

Wang Xin suddenly realized and recognized the origin of the blue spirit stone.


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