Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1746: Giant Demon Slayer

Among the blue lotus flowers, one after another blue sword shadows can be seen, sparks are scattered everywhere, and a muffled sound of "kengkeng" can be heard from time to time.


The body of the giant beast was covered in blood, its eyes turned blood-red, and a red-golden flame spewed out, hitting three blue glass swords.

The aura of the three blue glass swords dimmed, and they were shaky.

Taking this opportunity, the sharp horns of the giant beast spurted a thick red light, hitting a blue glass sword, and the blue glass sword flew out instantly, and the giant beast rushed directly to other blue glass swords.

Wang Qingshan's sword art changed, and at the same time he opened his mouth, Qinglian Karmic Fire flew out and hit the giant beast.

The azure glass swords that were knocked into the air quickly returned to their positions, and the nine azure glass swords sprayed out slender azure threads, turning the swords into threads. Only the sword cultivators who understood the meaning of the sword could display this great supernatural power. The sword meaning belongs to the sword cultivators A threshold, only after comprehending the sword intent can it be regarded as a true sword cultivator.

The dense blue silk hit the giant beast, and there was a muffled sound, and the giant beast made a painful roar. If Wang Qingshan was a cultivator, this blow has already hit it hard. Unfortunately, Wang Qingshan is only in the Nascent Soul stage. Just hurt the fifth-order monster.

Blood spots appeared on the surface of the giant beast. It screamed in the sky, and billowing flames emerged all over its body. A huge fire cloud with a size of more than ten miles wrapped the giant beast. At the same time, the giant beast continuously spewed golden flames and attacked the Qingli sword.

The golden flame hit the Qingli sword, and the aura of the Qingli sword suddenly dimmed. The golden flame is obviously not an ordinary flame, and the Qinglian sword is better.


In a loud noise, the nine Qingli swords flew out, and the Qinglian swords also flew out.

Wang Qingshan frowned. He took the initiative to withdraw from the sword formation. If he continued to fight, his flying sword would be destroyed. The blue glass sword was just an ordinary magic weapon, not a spiritual treasure. , otherwise the power will not be so great.

The rapid sound of the pipa sounded, the sea water tumbled violently, forming one after another huge wave, the sea water violently rotated, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of hundreds of miles, a powerful air flow suddenly appeared, and the red flame on the surface of the giant beast swayed non-stop. , seems to collapse at any time.


The giant beast spewed rolling golden flames and hit the sea water, causing bursts of white smoke, and the sea water boiled at the same time.

After a burst of "chi chi" sound, thousands of blue ice needles shot out, and the blue ice needles approached the giant beast three feet, still intact.

The giant beast sensed something was wrong and wanted to avoid it, but at this moment, an unbearable pain came from its sea of ​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to burst open.

Affected by this, the reaction of the giant beast was stagnant, and the dense blue ice needles hit its body, which suddenly burst and turned into a blue cold air.

There were some blue ice layers on the surface of the giant beast, and half of its body was frozen, and its response became more and more sluggish.

The void above its head suddenly lit up with a white light, which was the Bingyue Ring. When the Bingyue Ring appeared, countless white cold air burst forth, covering the giant beast. .

Countless white chills emerged from the Bingyue Ring, and half of the beast's body was frozen.

The Qinglian Karmic Fire landed on the tail of the giant beast. It made a painful roar, and a blue sound wave swept over. Wherever it went, the sea water rolled back.

The sharp horns of the giant beast spurted a red light and greeted it.


The red light collided with the blue sound wave, and they both perished, and a powerful air wave erupted.

At this moment, the sea in front of the giant beast suddenly burst, and a three-hundred-foot-tall Kuwaishui man drilled out of the sea, holding a giant axe with blue light in his hand, and slashed towards the giant beast, the blue giant axe. Before it fell, there was a wave of ripples in the void.

The giant beast was unavoidable, and quickly spewed out a golden flame, hitting Sunflower Hydra.


With a loud bang, the Kwai Hydralis burst and turned into sea water, and part of the sea water splashed on the giant beast.

One of the **** of sea water lit up with a dazzling blue light, and Wang Changsheng appeared at once, it was the water escape technique.

He was holding a flat sea axe in his hand, and his expression was indifferent.

He raised the flat sea axe high and chopped it towards the beast's head.

The giant beast wanted to avoid it, but a sharp pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness again, its response slowed down again, and the flat sea axe accurately hit its head.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", sparks flew everywhere, Wang Changsheng felt like he was smashed on the copper wall and the iron wall, and the tiger's mouth was numb.

The giant beast let out a painful roar, its huge body twisting non-stop, trying to throw Wang Changsheng off, but it was useless, Wang Changsheng seemed to be stuck to its body.

Wang Changsheng put away the Pinghai Axe, held nine Dinghaizhu in each hand, and smashed it towards the beast's head.

The giant beast let out a deafening roar, and billowing flames emerged from its body, covering Wang Changsheng's body.

But soon, a large blue chill gushed out from Wang Changsheng's body, and the flames flashed and disappeared. His fists smashed wildly on the head of the giant beast. The whole body was covered in flames, and the sea was boiling.

Wang Changsheng didn't care, his fists kept hitting the giant beast's head, and the beast's resistance became weaker and weaker.

"Stop, stop, I'm willing to recognize you as master and take my life away."

The beast begged for mercy.

Wang Changsheng was unmoved. He fought with the eight-winged snow beast, and was escaped by the eight-winged snow beast, mainly in the glacier with the eight-winged snow beast. However, he is proficient in fire spells. In the battle of the sea, Wang Changsheng has the advantage. In addition, Wang Xin mentioned the special supernatural power of the giant beast. It is difficult not to lose.

If he encountered this beast in the volcanic area, Wang Changsheng would not dare to approach the enemy.

The head of the giant beast was a blur of flesh and blood, and bones were faintly visible.

Lingbao couldn't do anything about this monster either, so Wang Changsheng had to fight close to hand, using his physical strength to win.

He needed materials to refine the spirit treasure, and this fifth-order monster came at just the right time.

Wang Changsheng's right fist released a great deal of spiritual light, and smashed it towards the giant beast's head again. The giant beast roared in pain and stopped moving. The skull was torn apart and shattered by Wang Changsheng.

With a flash of red light, a mini giant beast flew out from the corpse and flew high into the sky, but the spirit of the beast hadn't gone far. A giant red tower descended from the sky and took away the spirit of the beast.

To be able to kill this monster this time, firstly, Wang Changsheng’s supernatural powers restrain this monster, water overcomes fire; secondly, there is a geographical advantage, here is the sea, and it is very convenient for Wang Changsheng to mobilize the aura of water; thirdly, and most importantly, Wang Changsheng is A body cultivator, he is a double cultivator of the Dharma and body. He has taken a variety of elixir for body building, and his body is very powerful.

Wang Changsheng also considered using the Pluto Moon Pearl, but he would not use the Pluto Moon Bead unless it was a last resort. The main reason was that the traces caused by the Pluto Moon Bead were difficult to erase, and it was easy to expose the existence of the secret realm of heaven.


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