Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1747: Murong Yuyao's request and refining Lingbao

This monster was willing to submit to Wang Changsheng, but Wang Changsheng still killed it for several reasons. First, this fifth-order monster's supernatural powers are not strong, but the flames are more powerful. Conquering this monster can't provide much for Wang Changsheng. Help; second, he lacks the materials for refining Lingbao, this fifth-order monster is a good material for refining; third, this monster that forcibly surrenders has certain hidden dangers, and its loyalty is not guaranteed.

To sum up, Wang Changsheng planned to kill this monster.

This time, to kill this monster, Wang Changsheng relied on the power of his physical body, and his physical body needs to be strengthened.

Wang Changsheng put the corpse in the storage ring and planned to take it back to refine the spiritual treasure.

Ye Haitang withdrew the formation, and the monks returned to the island.

"Father, when we were controlling the formation, some cultivators saw something abnormal, but they didn't dare to approach and avoided it. They probably went back to report."

Wang Qingqing said with a frown, the fighting technique was too loud, and several cultivators found some anomalies, but they did not approach, but immediately returned to report.

"They didn't see you!"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"No, they just observed it from a dozen miles away, and we didn't reveal our identities."

Wang Qingqing said truthfully.

"Go back to Yunhaizong first, and calm down this island, Qiu Xin, you announced to the outside world that the remnants of Tianlan Sect attacked this island, and let out the wind, the remnants of Tianlanzong may make trouble in the Red Moon Sea, and our family also let out the wind, just say The whereabouts of the remnants of the Tianlan Sect were discovered in the Red Moon Sea."

Wang Changsheng instructed that after killing the fifth-order monster, there would be no major danger in the secret realm of the heavenly grade. In the future, I will explore slowly, first use the corpse of this fifth-order monster to refine a few spiritual treasures to enhance the strength of myself and my family. .

"Yes, Uncle Ninth."

Wang Qiuxin agreed, it was not difficult for him.

They teleported back to the Cloud Sea Sect through the teleportation array.

In the Cloud Sea Palace, Wang Xin introduced Wang Changsheng and others about the secret realm of Tianpin.

He found more than twenty thousand-year-old elixir, five thousand-year-old elixir, none three-thousand-year-old elixir, a lot of ten-thousand-year-old elixir, and not many fourth-order monsters, most of which were taken by fifth-order elixir. The monster ate it.

"In this way, Wang Xin needs to go into the secret realm to explore."

Wang Ruyan said calmly, Wang Qingshan and others are the future of the family, and it is impossible for them to explore an unknown secret realm. If something goes wrong, the inheritance of the family will be broken.

"Let's talk about it after a while! Qingshan, you all retreat first! I have something to tell little friend Murong."

Wang Changsheng asked the other clansmen to retreat, leaving only Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Murong Yuyao in the hall.

"Little friend Murong, we won't treat our own people badly. You can dedicate a secret realm of heaven, let's talk! We can agree to anything you want, as long as you don't ask too much."

Wang Changsheng promised generously, to be honest, there is no one 3,000-year-old elixir, he is a little disappointed, but it is not bad to get a secret realm of heaven. With this secret realm, the Wang family will continue to cultivate masters, which involves one question.

Murong Yuyao is an outsider. She doesn't leak secrets now, will she leak secrets in the future? If Wang Changsheng is here, even if other forces know that the Wang family owns a secret realm of heaven, it will be fine. Once Wang Changsheng is not there, news of the secret realm of heaven will be a big disaster.

The common man is innocent and guilt, and sometimes treasures are a trouble.

"The younger generation hopes to acquire some islands for the development of our Murong family. Our Murong family is willing to follow the lead of the Wang family."

Murong Yuyao took a deep breath and said carefully.

She knew very well that the best solution was to marry into the Wang family, but if she married into the Wang family, the entire Murong family would be merged into the Wang family.

"The Murong family? Now?"

Wang Changsheng frowned. To be honest, even if Murong Yuyao wanted a piece or two of spiritual treasures, Wang Changsheng was willing to give it to her, but he never thought that Murong Yuyao wanted to rebuild the Murong family.

The Murong family was the first immortal family in the South China Sea more than 10,000 years ago. It seems that they acted too domineeringly and were destroyed by other forces. He helped Murong Yuyao rebuild the Murong family, and the trouble was really not small.

"That's not true. It's better not to use the name of the Murong family. The younger generation hopes that the family will develop in the South China Sea, and the senior Wang will be fulfilled."

Murong Yuyao said seriously.

"Have you lost your land in the Central Plains? If you do this, will the Dayan Dynasty agree?"

Wang Ruyan asked in confusion.

Murong Yuyao shook her head and said, "They have almost divided the territory of our Murong royal family. Staying in the Central Plains is just a name. There are too many scumbags in the Central Plains Xiu Xian world. The royal family is supreme, and all other forces should serve the royal family. I don't like that very much."

"We can give you some island development, but you'd better not play the banner of the Murong family, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble. When your strength is strong, then consider this matter."

Wang Changsheng instructed that the Murong family developed under the watchful eyes of the Wang family, so there was no need to worry about Murong Yuyao leaking secrets.

Murong Yuyao repeatedly expressed her thanks and agreed.

"In addition to the island, I will give you a spiritual treasure. There is no suitable spiritual treasure for the time being. I will say it later. I will not treat my own people badly."

Wang Changsheng warned her a few words and told her to withdraw.

A few days later, a terrifying news spread in the Red Moon Sea. The monks of the Wang family on Qinglian Island discovered that a sub-rudder under the jurisdiction of the Tianlan Yunhaizong was suspected of being attacked by the remnants of the Tianlan Sect. , After the news spread, people in the Red Moon Sea were panicked, and the major forces stepped up their vigilance.

Cloud Island, a secret room.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, holding a light red eyeball in his hand. Which fifth-order monster is the eyeball? According to Wang Xin, the fifth-order monster can perform illusions by relying on this eyeball.

Speaking of which, Wang Ruyan's Wufeng Famu was made from Wufeng's eyeballs, and the eyeballs in Wang Changsheng's hands are suitable for refining a soul-absorbing treasure.

In addition, animal skins can be used to refine a set of fire-type spirit treasures, enhancing the family heritage.

Wang Changsheng now has seven spiritual treasures, namely the Ice Moon Ring, the Dragon Lock, the Colorful Glass Bowl, the Pinghai Axe, the Flying Dragon in the Sky, the Splitting Sea Gloves, and the Seven-Star Slayer Sword. Wang Ruyan has three, the Phoenix Lock and the Lieyang Pagoda. , Phantom Pipa, Dongli Realm rewarded four spiritual treasures, one each for Wang Qingqing, Ziyue Fairy, Wang Qiuming, and Wang Qingling. Wang Mengbin, Wang Qingshan and Ye Haitang all have spirit treasures, which are quite good, and most of them are stolen. .

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give a man a fish. As long as Wang Changsheng's refining level is improved, he can refine a few more spiritual treasures to enhance the family's heritage and benefit future generations.

Wang Changsheng threw the red eyeballs in front of him, entered several magic tricks, opened his mouth and spewed out mysterious cold flames, wrapping the red eyeballs...

Three months later,

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