Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1749: Level 5 Dragon Yuan and Kongyue Divine Crystal

Most of the baby-born spirits are in the hands of the big forces. If you want to get the baby-born spirits, you have to make great achievements and exchange them with the big forces for the baby-born spirits, or you can find them dangerously.

He tried to find the baby-born spirit in the past, almost lost his life, and the magic weapon of his life was damaged, and he escaped by luck.

After the news of Wang Changsheng's promotion into the God Transformation Stage spread, Liu Wuya felt that the sky was falling. He didn't have the chance to avenge his Taoist companions in this life. He didn't expect that there was no way out of the sky. Near the sea, rush over as soon as possible.

He got a Zhenxian Token in the Five Dragons Secret Realm, and he could enter the Zhenxian Tower to hunt for treasures.

Several escaping lights flew from a distance, and the speed was very fast.

Liu Wuya's consciousness sensed that there was a cultivator of Yuanying, and his expression tightened. If he did not enter the Zhenxian Tower to hunt for treasures, and the Zhenxian Ling was snatched by the cultivator, he would not be able to enter the Zhenxian Tower. .

He hurriedly injected mana into the Immortal Immortal Order, and the Immortal Immortal Order lit up with a dazzling aura. He felt a flower in front of him and suddenly appeared in a spacious and bright hall.

A girl in a golden shirt with a cold look stood in front of him, who was the spirit of Zhenxian Pagoda.

"You have to hand in the materials to enter the town immortal tower. Anything is fine. The more precious the things you take out, the more precious the rewards you get."

The tone of the girl in the golden shirt was indifferent.

Liu Wuya took a deep breath and asked, "If the materials are rare enough, can you get the Heavenly Soul Treasure if you pass through the thirty-fifth floor?"

"Yes, it depends on what you bring out."

Liu Wuya's expression was excited. He took out a pale golden jade bottle and said, "This is the dragon essence left by the fifth-order Jiaolong. It is an excellent body refining material."

The girl in the golden shirt took the golden jade bottle, glanced at it, put it away, and said indifferently: "It's just the Dragon Yuan of the fifth-order Flood Dragon, at most one spiritual treasure will be rewarded."

Listening to her tone, the Dragon Yuan of the fifth-order Jiaolong is just an ordinary thing.

Liu Wuya was stunned, the girl in the gold shirt's tone was too loud! This is the Dragon Yuan of the fifth-order Flood Dragon. As long as he takes it out, it will definitely cause a **** storm. If he hadn't worried about others killing people and stealing treasures, he would have exchanged it with the big forces for a baby spirit.

An alchemy cultivator obtained the dragon yuan of the fifth-order flood dragon. As long as he takes out this item, it may be difficult to leave alive. He can't explain it at all. If the cultivator Yuanying searches his soul and knows his grievance with the Wang family, he may Give him to the Wang family for disposal. If it wasn't for this, he would have exchanged Long Yuan for the Infant Spirit Artifact.

He hesitated for a while, then took out a spar that was full of silver light.

"This is a piece of Sky Moon Divine Crystal that this junior got by chance. This is the material for setting up the fifth-order grand formation."

Liu Wuya said with some pride, the Tianlan Sect cultivator was in chaos everywhere, the Shen family, Dongfang family and Wanhuo Palace were attacked, and many treasures went out. Just figured out the origin of this thing.

Kongyue Divine Crystal is a special array material, this material can allow a sect or a cultivator family to hide, or escape into the sea, or into the void, the Dugu family is to escape the island into the sea, so far there is no show up.

"Oh, gone?"

The girl in the golden shirt's tone was indifferent, and the Kongyue Divine Crystal that Liu Wuya was proud of did not catch her eye.

Liu Wuya almost vomited blood with anger. Is the girl in the golden shirt with such high eyesight?

He took out a few more materials, but the girl in the golden shirt didn't like it at all.

"If you don't have any good things, you can go through the level! Go through the thirty-fifth floor and give you a spiritual treasure, and pass the thirty-sixth floor of the younger brother to get the chance to get the heavenly treasure."

The girl in the golden shirt urged.

"Who are the experts on the thirty-fifth floor?"

Liu Wuya bit his head and asked.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion."

Liu Wuya was stunned, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Even if he had cultivated to the ninth level of pill formation, he would not dare to say that he was the opponent of Qinglian Immortal Companion in the pill formation stage.

"There are spirit treasures on the 30th and 40th floors? Who are the masters?"

Liu Wuya continued to ask.

"There is no Lingbao, the thirty-fourth floor is the real person Zhou Yunxiao, the thirty-third floor is the Ming Shui people, and the thirty-second floor is the Qinglian Sword Master Wang Qingshan.

The girl in the golden shirt said impatiently.

Liu Wuya even claimed that he was, and did not dare to ask any more. A dazzling aura lit up under his feet, drowning his figure.

After a while, the spiritual light dissipated, and Liu Wuya disappeared.

"Country bumpkin, take out the Dragon Yuan and Kongyue Divine Crystal of the fifth-order Flood Dragon, and pass the thirty-fifth floor to get the Heavenly Soul Treasure? Are you really dumping auntie here on the spot?"

The girl in the golden shirt looked disdainful.


The news that Zhenxian Pagoda appeared in the Coral Sea Area quickly spread, and the major forces sent a large number of people to the Coral Sea Area.

For a time, the coral sea area was very lively.


Five Dragons Sea Area, Qinglian Island.

In the council hall, Wang Qiuming was holding a clan meeting. The first place in the clan was Wang Changjie, and Wang Yingjie won the tenth place. He also paid a heavy price and was seriously injured, so he had to retreat.

"The Zhenxian Pagoda is now in the Coral Sea Area, you will go to the Coral Sea Area with me immediately."

Wang Qiuming instructed that the Wang family had nine immortal decrees in their hands, and planned to send Wang Changjie, Wang Jijun, Wang Yinghao, Chen Xudong, Wang Youwei, Ouyang Mingyue, Wang Rongting, Wang Rongxiang, and Wang Rongfei to go to the town immortal pagoda, which was also one of them. test.

Wang Changsheng and others have been away for more than a year and have not returned yet. According to the agreement, if the Zhenxian Pagoda is opened, Wang Qiuming will immediately take his people to the Zhenxian Pagoda.


Everyone agreed and looked excited.

Wang Changjie frowned. The first prize was awarded a Spirit Treasure, but he didn't have a Spirit Treasure yet, and he was not sure if the reward would not be handed out.

Wang Jiyun is full of confidence. She has a flying sword spirit treasure, and she has the confidence to cross the thirty-fifth floor.

"Meng Fen, the family will be handed over to you. If you encounter any trouble, you can ask fellow Daoist Cheng of Zhenhaizong for help."

Wang Qiuming warned that as soon as he left, there would be no Nascent Soul cultivator in the clan.

To be cautious, he will bring the Qinglian Town Demon Pagoda.

Wang Mengfen agreed repeatedly, thinking that no one would have trouble with the Wang family.

Just as Wang Qiuming and others flew out of Qinglian Island for a hundred miles, a deafening dragon roar suddenly came from the front, and a flash of light flew towards here quickly. It was Wang Changsheng and others.

Wang Changsheng used the flying dragon to travel in the sky map and returned to Qinglian Island at the fastest speed.

"Grandfather, grandmother, you are back, Zhenxian Pagoda is now in the coral sea."

Wang Qiuming said excitedly.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "We already know, let's go, we will take you to the town immortal pagoda, Qiu Ming, Haitang, you stay at Qinglian Island."

Qinglian Island cannot live without the Yuanying cultivator. Ye Haitang is a magician. If she encounters danger, she can help the clan to escape.

"Yes, grandfather (uncle)."

Wang Qiuming and Ye Haitang agreed in unison.

"I'm fine, I'll stay too!"

Fairy Ziyue volunteered herself. She was already in the Nascent Soul stage and had no interest in going to the Coral Sea Area. The cultivators of Zhenhaizong were too weak to grow up.

Wang Changsheng mentioned to let the disciples of Zhenhaizong go to Zhenxian Pagoda, but Fairy Ziyue politely refused. Zhenhaizong had less than ten cultivators, most of them from the Wang family, and they had a high failure rate when they went to Zhenhaizong.

"That's fine! You stay behind, be careful, if you encounter danger, you retreat immediately."

Wang Changsheng instructed, when the magic trick was pinched, the flying dragon made a deafening dragon roar in the sky map, and the aura soared, carrying the crowd towards the coral sea area, and soon disappeared into the sky.

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