Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1750: Potential hidden danger Liu Wuya

In the coral sea, in a certain sea area, the Zhenxian Pagoda floats high in the sky.

Thousands of cultivators gathered on the nearby island, ranging from Foundation Establishment to Nascent Soul. Their expressions were varied, envy, excitement, and curiosity.

Most of them have only heard of the existence of Zhenxian Pagoda, but have not seen it with their own eyes. After all, Zhenxian Pagoda only appears once in hundreds of years, and each time it appears in a different sea area. There are dozens of sea areas in the South China Sea, many Low-level monks stay in the same sea all their lives, and it is difficult to see Zhenxian Pagoda.

"Fairy Chen, this time the Zhenxian Pagoda appeared in the Coral Sea, didn't your Mulong Pavilion send someone to enter the Zhenxian Pagoda?"

An old man in a green robe with white hair said to a young woman in a green skirt who still had a charm. The young woman in the green skirt has a pattern of a blue attic on her sleeve.

The young woman in the green skirt is none other than Chen Yilong's only daughter, Chen Yue.

When Wang Changsheng first came to the South China Sea for development, he met Chen Chen Yilong by chance.

Hundreds of years have passed, things are right and wrong, and the wooden dragon pavilion is still there, but Chen Yilong and his wife have already sat down. Chen Yue is the pavilion owner of the wooden dragon pavilion. The wooden dragon pavilion is still a small sect. There were less than five people up.

"We don't have an immortal decree, how do we get through the barrier? Just watch the fun."

Chen Yue said with a light smile, without the Zhenxian Order, it was impossible to enter the Zhenxian Tower to break through the barrier, and he could only watch the fun outside.

"The Zhenxian Pagoda appeared in the Coral Sea this time. I don't know how many big forces will come over. I remember that the senior Gongsun of Longevity Island passed through the thirty-sixth floor and obtained the Tongtian Lingbao. I don't know if it will be this time. Someone broke through the thirty-sixth floor."

The old man in green robe was full of curiosity, stroked his beard, and looked towards Zhenxian Tower.

"Hey, someone broke into the thirty-fourth floor, it's amazing!"

The thirty-fourth floor of Zhenxian Pagoda was lit up, and it was obvious that someone had broken into the thirty-fourth floor.

Some cultivators are breaking through the barrier, and the aura of Zhenxian Pagoda is flickering non-stop.

On the thirty-fourth floor, Liu Wuya's face was pale and he was gasping for breath. It was not easy for him to break into the thirty-fourth floor. Several magical treasures were destroyed. Unfortunately, the thirty-third floor did not There is no baby-born spirit, if there is a baby-born spirit, he will not continue to enter the town fairy tower.

There was a ripple in the void, and Zhou Yunxiao appeared indifferently.

As soon as Zhou Yunxiao appeared, he immediately waved the long red saber in his hand and slashed towards the void. A piercing sound of the saber sounded, and a red saber aura of more than 100 meters long swept over and slashed towards Liu Wuya.

Liu Wuya was also a sword cultivator, so he hurriedly cast a spell to resist.

A red escaping light flew from a distance. It didn't take long for the red escaping light to stop. It was a red dragon boat that was more than ten feet long. The red dragon boat flashed continuously. It was obviously a flying spirit treasure. The monk stood on it, headed by a tall girl in a red dress.

"It's a member of the Baili family. The speed of the Baili family is so fast."

Some people recognized the origin of this group of monks. The Baili family was good at alchemy and was one of the top ten immortal families in the South China Sea.

The girl in the red dress stared at Zhenxian Tower, her eyes fiery.

The girl in the red dress is called Baili Yunying, a rising star of the Baili family in the late Yuanying period, and the cousin of Baili Yunlong.

In the first two appearances of Zhenxian Pagoda, the Baili Family missed the opportunity, mainly because of the long journey and missed the opportunity. This time, the Baili Family caught up.

A deafening dragon roar suddenly sounded, and Baili Yunying turned his head and looked towards the distant sky.

A white Flood Dragon with thick scales appeared in the distant sky. The white Flood Dragon was hundreds of feet long and exuded a terrifying pressure. A man and a woman stood on the head of the white Flood Dragon. It was Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingling.

"The fourth-order Jiaolong is the Bailing Fairy of Qinglian Island."

Some people recognized their identities. In the entire South China Sea Xiu Xianjie, only Myriad Beast Island and Qinglian Island Wang Family had fourth-order Flood Dragons, which were easy to identify.

Bingfeng Jiao stopped near Zhenxian Pagoda, Baili Yunying bowed and said politely, "Little sister Baili Yunying has seen two fellow Taoists, why are you the only ones here? Where are your juniors!"

"We just hit the front line, and the juniors will be here soon."

Wang Qingshan explained with a smile.

"Today is so lively! There are so many Taoist friends here."

A hearty voice suddenly sounded, a sharp bird chirping came from the distant sky, and a golden light appeared in the distant sky.

The speed of the golden light was very fast. It didn't take long for the golden light to stop near the Zhenxian Pagoda. It was a golden crow more than ten feet long. The golden crow's eyes were green. Gongsun Yang and other dozens of monks stood there. On the back of the golden crow.

"Meet Senior Gongsun."

Wang Qingshan and the others changed their expressions slightly and hurriedly saluted.

They did not expect that this time Gongsun Yang personally led the team.

Gongsun Yang nodded, his eyes fell on Wang Qingshan, and he asked pleasantly, "Wang Xiaoyou, how is the real Taihao recently? Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for over a hundred years."

"Senior Lao Gongsun is concerned, and Ninth Uncle is all right."

Wang Qingshan replied respectfully, in terms of fame, Gongsun Yang is more famous than Wang Changsheng. He is the first cultivator of Pill Formation to cross the thirty-sixth floor in ten thousand years.

Gongsun Yang nodded, his eyes swept across the children of the Baili family, and he asked Baili Yunying, "I thought Brother Yunlong would lead the team, but I didn't expect Fairy Baili to lead the team."

He has contacts with Baili Yunlong, knows Baili Yunlong's talent, and calls him closer to nature.

"Cousin has something to do, so this junior will lead the team."

Baili Yunying replied honestly.

"The Zhenxian Pagoda is here, this is your chance, go through the level!"

Gongsun Yang commanded, his tone solemn.

The last time he was able to obtain the heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, it had something to do with him carrying a piece of spiritual treasure. This time, Myriad Beasts Island sent fifteen disciples, and three of them took the spiritual treasure through the barrier. I hope they can pass the thirty-sixth If you get another piece of Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure from Zhenxian Pagoda, you can keep the Myriad Beast Island safe for thousands of years.

"Yes, Uncle Shi (Master)."

Gongsun Yang's disciple and disciple Sun agreed in unison, and the fifteen disciples of Myriad Beast Island took out the Immortal Suppression Order and injected mana.

After a burst of dazzling spiritual light lit up, the twelve Myriad Beast Island disciples disappeared.

"Go through the barrier too!"

Baili Yunying instructed, and the thirteen disciples of the Baili family agreed in unison, and they took out the Immortal Suppressing Orders one after another. After a dazzling light lit up, they disappeared.

On the thirty-fourth floor, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com Liu Wuya's body was covered in blood, his breath was sluggish, his clothes were stained red with blood, and there was a terrifying bloodstain on his left shoulder, and white bones could be vaguely seen.

"Haha, I finally passed the thirty-fifth floor."

Liu Wuya's expression was excited, he did everything he could and finally defeated Zhou Yunxiao, but he was also seriously injured.

A golden light lit up in the void, and a golden jade table appeared, on which there were ten kinds of things, including baby-born spirits and spirit treasures.

Liu Wuya picked out a baby gift, a Lingbao Lieyang Golden Knife, and a bottle of healing elixir. A dazzling golden light lit up under his feet. Liu Wuya felt his body tighten and his eyes darkened.

When he came back to his senses, he was already over a desert island.

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, Wang family, you wait for me."

Liu Wuya secretly said in his heart, with a grim expression on his face, he knew very well that unless he entered the stage of spiritual transformation, he would seek revenge by himself.

His top priority now is to heal his injuries, and then hit the Nascent Soul stage. Without absolute certainty, he will not seek revenge from the Wang family.

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