Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1754: great reward

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Outside Zhenxian Tower, Wang Changsheng, Meng Tianzheng, Liu Ruyi and Gongsun Yang were chatting.

The reason why they led the team in person was naturally that they hoped to get a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. Besides, they were also worried that the Tianlan Sect cultivator would take the opportunity to cause chaos.

If Gongsun Yang hadn't crossed the thirty-sixth floor to get the Heavenly Spirit Treasure, not many people would believe that Zhenxian Pagoda would be able to take out the Heavenly Spirit Treasure, and the things recorded in the classics would also be wrong. .

In the past, it was enough to send the Nascent Soul cultivator to lead the team, but with the existence of Long Xiaoyao and others, the Spirit Transformation cultivator had to lead the team in person.

Chatting and chatting, they talked about the topic of soaring.

At the God Transformation stage, if you want to advance to a higher realm, you can only ascend to the spiritual world. Starting from tens of thousands of years, the monks in the later stage of the transformation can only soar. The major forces have summed up many ways to soar. Safe, beyond that, either sneak in, or look for the interface directly under the spirit world.

Dongli Realm was originally the interface directly under the Spirit Realm, but later I didn’t know what happened to the Spirit Realm, and the Dongli Realm could not be contacted with the Spirit Realm. This makes it difficult for Dongli Realm to contact the Spirit Realm.

Therefore, either look for space nodes to sneak in, but the failure rate is very high. It is best to find an interface that can communicate with the spiritual world, so that it is easier to ascend. No matter which method, if you want to ascend to the spiritual world, your cultivation is the most important.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, are there no treasures or formations that can assist in ascending the spiritual world?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"There have been treasures like Feixiantai in the past, but then they failed. According to our analysis, there is a problem with Feixiantai in the spiritual world. Feixiantai is a bit like a teleportation array. It takes two to operate. If there is a problem with one, it cannot be used."

Liu Ruyi explained that even if Feixiantai can be built in the lower realm, there is no Feixiantai in the spiritual world, and it cannot be used.

"Friend Wang Dao, you have been to Tianlan Realm for so long, and you don't know anything about Ascension Spirit Realm?"

Meng Tianzheng was full of curiosity. He heard about Wang Changsheng's deeds of destroying the bodies of the two cultivators. He wanted to come to Wang Changsheng to know some secrets.

After hearing this, Gongsun Yang looked at Wang Changsheng, and Liu Ruyi had already heard Wang Changsheng say it.

"The smuggling monks in Tianlan Realm have basically failed. The success rate of smuggling this road is too low. It's not about Shouyuan. They won't try. Plunder the cultivation resources of other interfaces and speed up your cultivation speed."

Wang Changsheng said slowly, he searched Zhao Hongxue's Nascent Soul and found a lot of useful information.

Tianlan Realm is scruples about being able to communicate with the Spirit World in Dongli Realm.

"Able to communicate with the interface of the spiritual world? It is rare to see the Tongtian Lingbao that breaks the interface. If a few people pass by and want to constantly shuttle through various interfaces, you still need a Tongtian Lingbao that can break the interface. In addition, it is necessary to find out the space nodes leading to other interfaces, otherwise it is very likely that you will enter the land of absolute spirituality by mistake.”

Liu Ruyi frowned and said that the last elder of Wanjianmen died in a place of absolute spirituality.

There is no spiritual energy in the land of absolute spirituality, and the cultivator cannot mobilize the spiritual energy, and the energy of absolute spirituality will dissipate. The former is permanent, and the latter is a special substance.

"Tongtian Lingbao is rare, and Tongtian Lingbao that can break the interface is even rarer."

Gongsun Yang sighed and said, "There are many kinds of Tongtian Lingbao, and their powers are different.

He looked at Zhenxian Tower with fiery eyes.

On the thirty-fifth floor of Zhenxian Pagoda, Wang Jijun looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan not far in front of her. Her face was slightly pale. With the complete set of flying swords and Yuanying period talismans, she went all the way to the thirty-fifth. Floor.

"Finally made it to the thirty-fifth floor."

Wang Jijun took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

Her mission was to break through the thirty-fifth floor and provide Wang Changsheng with information about the artifact spirit.

After a piercing sound of breaking through the air, dense blue fist shadows slammed into her face, blocking her retreat. Behind the blue fist shadow, there was a blue sound wave.

Wang Jijun flipped his jade hand, blue light flashed, the Danghai Sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards the front void, and a dazzling blue sword light swept out and slashed towards the opposite side.


The dense blue fist shadows and blue sound waves were smashed by the blue sword light, and a powerful air wave erupted, and the smoke billowed.


Outside Zhenxian Tower, there is a deserted island, Lieyang Palace.

In a certain secret room, Wang Changjie sat cross-legged on a red futon, with three red flags floating in the air, with a powerful aura.

After a while, Wang Changjie frowned, and three red flags fell to the ground.

Pill cultivators can only use the Spirit Treasures to unleash part of their power, and their spiritual sense is also very expensive. Although Wang Changjie took the Divine Expansion Pill, his Spiritual Consciousness can control a complete set of Spirit Treasures, but his mana cannot support it, which is a hassle.

Wang Changjie took a deep breath and walked out.

Walking out of Lieyang Palace, he looked at the Zhenxian Pagoda high in the sky with a solemn expression.

Wang Changsheng flew from a distance and landed in front of Wang Changjie.

"How is it? Changjie, can you control a complete set of Lingbao?"

Wang Changsheng's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Consciousness can be manipulated, but mana can't support it. There is no problem in using one piece, but it can't be done in a complete set."

Wang Changjie shook his head straight, with a hint of loss in his tone.

Wang Changsheng had a disappointed expression on his face, thinking about it too, the complete set of spiritual treasures is indeed precious, and the spiritual cultivator should be able to take it out. tower.

He made a lot of preparations, and since this plan didn't work, he would start other plans.

"Hey, someone broke through the thirty-fifth floor."

Wang Changjie snorted lightly and looked towards the Zhenxian Pagoda high in the sky.

On the thirty-fifth floor of Zhenxian Pagoda, Wang Jijun sat paralyzed on the ground, some blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, his face was bloodless, the Danghai sword was inserted in front of her, and two third-order puppet beasts fell to the ground.

With her cultivation, she could only exert part of the power of Lingbao, but luckily she passed the thirty-fifth floor.

Wang Jiyun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took out a blue pill and put it in his mouth.

It didn't take long for her pale face to return to normal, she stood up and walked towards the golden jade table not far away.

"Empty Underworld Divine Crystal!"

Wang Jiyun sucked in a breath of cold air, his tone trembling a little.

There is no Tongtian Lingbao, but there are many good things, which are related to the things she took out.

Wang Jijun chose three things, a spiritual treasure, an empty ghost crystal, and a baby spirit.

After a golden glow lit up, Wang Jiyun disappeared.

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