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Chapter 1755: Zhenhai Xuanshui Order

The latest website: Tens of thousands of miles away, a golden light lit up in a certain void. Wang Jiyun fell from the void. She raised her right hand, and a blue light flew out. Cyan lotus, sparkling.

After a while, a white light flew from a distance, it was the dry light, and Wang Qingshan was standing on it.

"Ji Yun, are you alright!"

Wang Qingshan's face was full of concern.

"Thank you for your concern, my ancestors, I'm fine."

Wang Jiyun's tone was a little weak, and he flew over the Qianguang Escape Shuttle.

With a flash of inspiration, Gan Guang Eunying Shuttle flew towards the sky at a very fast speed.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Wang Qingshan brought Wang Jiyun back to Wang Changsheng's side.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Jijun, Wang Qingshan and Wang Changjie walked into Lieyang Palace, the palace door was closed, and aura flashed.

"How about it? Can I get the Tongtian Lingbao?"

Wang Changsheng was full of anticipation. He handed Wang Jiyun a Mingyue Pearl. If he couldn't exchange it for Tongtian Lingbao, then there was no need to take out the Mingyue Pearl.

"No, her vision is very high, and she doesn't seem to pay much attention to the Moon Pearl."

Wang Jiyun told the truth about the conversation between her and Qiling, without any omission.

"Ancestor, this is what I got from Zhenxian Tower."

Wang Jijun took out three materials, and Wang Changsheng promised that as long as she passed the thirty-fifth floor, she would become the key training object of the family, and she would definitely enter the Nascent Soul stage. .

"Empty Moon Divine Crystal! Fifth-order Dragon Yuan!"

Wang Changsheng was surprised and said that the Dugu family and Zhenhaizong were able to escape the island into the bottom of the sea, that is, with the empty moon crystal, with this treasure in hand, the family could avoid a catastrophe, which is equivalent to sticking a protective talisman to the Wang family, the fifth-order dragon Not to mention Yuan, Wang Changsheng can take Long Yuan to strengthen his body, this is the real Yuan left over from the fifth-order Flood Dragon, and the effect must be very good.

"There is also a complete set of Spirit Treasure Killing Needles, which is not a loss."

Wang Jiyun said with a smile, it's not that she is selfless, but that she has handed in so many rare materials, and she will definitely get a lot of good things if she crosses the thirty-fifth floor.

"Yes, Ji Yun, after the Hui clan, I guarantee that you will enter the Nascent Soul stage. If conditions permit, I will refine a set of Lingbao-level flying swords for you."

Wang Changsheng promised that Wang Jiyun's performance was very good, and the three materials she obtained were all good things, especially the complete set of spirit treasure needles, which could improve Wang Changsheng's strength.

There were nine spirit-killing needles in total, and the whole body flashed blue light. The number was more than the burning sea flags refined by Wang Changsheng.

The use of the spirit killing needle in combination with the dry blue cold air is absolutely irresistible.

"Thank you, ancestor."

Wang Jiyun's expression was excited.

"Okay, Qingshan, take her down to rest! I have something to tell Changjie."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Qingshan responded and left with Wang Jiyun.

Wang Changsheng took out the Zhenhai Token with a look of reluctance on his face, and he said to Wang Changjie: "Show this token to Qiling to see how she reacts, hand in the Burning Sea Flag, and hope that it can be exchanged for the Tongtian Lingbao. Remember, don't be impulsive, do what you can, since ancient times, there have been many geniuses who died in Zhenxian Tower, don't be reckless."

Zhenhailing is a defensive treasure. If he guessed correctly, the ancestors of Zhenhaizong should have established a cultivating sect in the spiritual world. Zhenhailing is the token of this cultivating sect. If the tool spirit really fell from the spiritual world, he would Maybe it can be exchanged for Tongtian Lingbao. Of course, he just asked Wang Changjie to take out the Zhenhai Ling to check on Qi Ling, not to ask Wang Changjie to hand over the Zhenhai Ling.

"Okay, I see."

Wang Changjie agreed, took out the Immortal Suppression Order, injected mana, and a dazzling aura swept out, drowning Wang Changjie's figure.

He felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a spacious and bright hall, a girl in a golden shirt stood not far away, it was the spirit.

Wang Changjie took out a set of spirit treasure burning sea flags, a fourth-order puppet beast, three ten thousand-year-old spirit trees, and a dark moon bead, and asked, "If I cross the thirty-fifth floor, can I get the heaven-penetrating spirit treasure? "

Qi Ling shook his head and said indifferently: "No, Tongtian Lingbao is not Chinese cabbage."

These things can't get into her eyes at all. She can refine the Tongtian Lingbao, and whether to give it to the Tongtian Lingbao is up to her to decide. Do you want to be fair? It is only fair that the strength is stronger than her.

Wang Changjie frowned. The Wang family had already taken out the blood book, but they still couldn't get the Tongtian Lingbao. Qi Ling's vision was so high?

He took out the Zhenhai Ling and asked cautiously, "Do you know this thing?"

"Zhenhai Xuanshui Order! Where did you get it?"

The tool spirit exclaimed, his face full of incredible color.

"You know this thing?"

Wang Changjie frowned, he didn't know the origin of Zhenhailing, but from Wang Changsheng's attitude, this thing was very important.

"Say, where did you get this thing? Otherwise, I'll kill you immediately."

The girl in the golden shirt looked cold, and a powerful spiritual pressure rushed out of her body.

Wang Changjie felt that there was a million-pound mountain on his shoulders, his legs softened, he knelt down, and spewed out a large mouthful of blood.

Before he could react, the girl in the golden shirt suddenly appeared in front of him, and a soft golden light flew out from her hand, covering Wang Changjie's whole body.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and Wang Changjie passed out.

"Taihao Master Wang Changsheng, Qinglian Island, is actually a clan of Qinglian Xianlu. Could this Wang Changsheng escape from the spiritual world like me?"

Qi Ling said to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

She picked up the Zhenhai Ling that had fallen on the ground, and said to herself: "Zhenhai Xuanshui Ling, this is the exclusive secret treasure of the old ghost of Zhenhai Gonglin, how could it appear on a junior in the lower realm in the spiritual transformation stage?"

She flicked her sleeve at Wang Changjie, and a pale golden pill flew out and disappeared into Wang Changjie's mouth.

After a while, Wang Changjie woke up.

"I can give you Tongtian Lingbao, you leave with the Zhenhai Xuanshui Order, and help me give your clan brother a word, let him stay here for a while, I have something to tell him, don't tell anyone else. Man, do you understand?"

Qi Ling's tone was cold.

Wang Changjie was stunned. It was the first time he had heard that Artifact Spirit could leave Zhenxian Pagoda.

"Yes, yes, the younger generation obeys."

Wang Changjie agreed with all his mouth. He heard that artifact spirits can be channeled, which is a bit like a plant becoming a spirit, but it will take thousands of years and a special environment for artifact spirits to be channeled.

"Remember, you only got through the thirty-sixth floor to get the Heavenly Soul Treasure. Anyone who asks you will say that, you know?"

The tool spirit said meaningfully.

Wang Changjie was stunned, he didn't know what Qi Ling meant.

The next moment, he felt a blur in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a spacious and bright hall, the void fluctuated together, and Gongsun Yang appeared.

Wang Changjie's eyeballs were about to fall out, didn't he say he was going to pass the thirty-sixth floor? How did he go straight to the thirty-sixth floor? Is this cheating, or is the tool spirit helping him cheat.

Outside Zhenxian Tower, the spiritual light on the thirty-fifth floor dimmed, and the spiritual light on the thirty-sixth floor lit up.

"Someone broke into the thirty-sixth floor!"

The monks exclaimed, so far, few people have broken into the thirty-sixth floor.

Wang Changsheng's expression was calm. According to the time, it was impossible for Wang Changjie to break into the thirty-sixth floor.

It didn't take long for the aura of on the thirty-sixth floor to dim.

Time passed a little bit, and within an hour, three people broke into the thirty-sixth floor one after another, but the spiritual light on the thirty-sixth floor quickly dimmed.

An hour later, a dazzling aura lit up on the thirty-sixth floor, and Wang Changjie flew out from it.

"The children of the Wang family have crossed the thirty-sixth floor!"

The monks exclaimed.

Meng Tianzheng, Gongsun Yang and Liu Ruyi looked at each other, they were all a little surprised.

In terms of background, the Wang family is definitely the lowest. This time, when they entered the town immortal pagoda, several of their descendants brought fourth-order talismans, spirit treasures and other big killers, but they failed to break into the thirty-sixth floor. Wang Changjie actually did it. arrive.

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly. The task he gave Wang Changjie was to pass through the thirty-fifth floor. Even if Wang Changjie had Lingbao and a third-order Jiaolong, it was impossible for him to pass through the thirty-sixth floor! Could it be that he underestimated his clan brother?

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