Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1756: Tongtianlingbao 9 Jiaogu

Since Wang Changjie was promoted to the world of immortality, there were only a handful of life-and-death struggles. Because of his high seniority, good qualifications, and the help of Ximen Feng, to be honest, he didn't endure much hardship.

Because of Wang Mingren's relationship, Wang Changsheng takes care of Wang Changjie more. Wang Changjie is not a pampered son, but he hasn't suffered much.

"Could it be that it is the third-order Jiaolong Jiangong?"

A bold conjecture appeared in Wang Changsheng's mind, but soon, he rejected his conjecture.

Although the strength of the third-order flood dragon is not weak, even if other forces can't produce more than ten third-order flood dragons, the fourth-order talisman or some exotic treasures are always fine! None of them could pass the thirty-sixth floor, but Wang Changjie actually passed the thirty-sixth floor. Could it be that Wang Changjie detained the Mingyue Pearl and used the Mingyue Pearl to break through the barrier?

Wang Changsheng felt that this should be the case, as long as Wang Changjie passed the thirty-fifth floor and used the Moon Pearl to pass through the thirty-sixth floor, this would make sense.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, a little blue light emerged from under Wang Changjie's body, turning into a white cloud, supporting Wang Changjie.

Under the envious expressions of thousands of monks, a white cloud carrying Wang Changjie flew towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng flicked his two fingers, and a blue pill flew out and disappeared into Wang Changjie's mouth.

"Changjie, are you alright!"

Wang Changsheng's face was full of concern.

Wang Changjie looked complicated, shook his head, and said, "Brother, I'm fine."

The white cloud fell in front of Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changjie walked down.

At this time, the thirty-sixth floor of Zhenxian Pagoda lit up again, and all the monks looked towards Zhenxian Pagoda.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Changjie walked into Lieyang Palace, and the palace door closed automatically.

"How is it, what kind of heavenly treasure did you get?"

Wang Changsheng said excitedly, this is a treasure of the heavens. With this treasure in hand, Wang Changsheng has a greater right to speak in the Dongli world. You must know that not every cultivator has the treasure of heaven, and most cultivators have the treasure. All use Lingbao.

Wang Changjie flipped the palm of his hand, and a beautiful golden jade box appeared in his hand. There was a silver talisman on the jade box, and the aura was amazing.

Wang Changsheng took off the talisman, opened the lid of the box, and a dazzling blue aura swept out.

After a while, the blue aura dissipated, and a blue snare drum appeared, emitting a wave of pure water aura.

The surface of the snare drum is engraved with nine lifelike dragon patterns. The surface is covered with water vapor, like a blue ocean. Nine blue flood dragons swim on the surface of the snare drum.

"Nine Jiao Drums!"

Wang Changsheng frowned. Drum-type magic treasures were rare, so he didn't know how powerful this treasure was.

"Apart from this magic weapon, what else is there?"

Wang Changsheng asked excitedly.

Wang Changjie took out two golden jade bottles, handed them to Wang Changsheng, and said, "A bottle of golden marrow forging pills and two Jinyang jade dew pills are all fifth-order medicinal pills. Yulu Dan can assist the spirit transformation stage."

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng was stunned. Wang Changjie crossed the thirty-sixth floor and got a Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, and he got two bottles of fifth-order medicinal pills?

What Wang Changjie brought out was the set of spiritual treasures and the Mingyue Pearl, which were more precious, but according to Wang Jiyun's statement, the Item Spirit did not value the Mingyue Pearl at all, let alone the complete set of spiritual treasures.

"What the **** is going on here? Can you tell me?"

Wang Changsheng asked, and with a flick of his sleeve, eighteen Dinghaizhu flew out and turned into a thick blue water curtain, covering them.

Wang Changjie did not dare to neglect, and told the whole story again.

"You mean, she recognized Zhenhailing? Want to interview me? How?"

Wang Changsheng had a suspicious look on his face.

The spirit of Zhenxian Pagoda actually wanted to see him, and he took the initiative to help Wang Changjie cheat? Judging from the reaction of the tool spirit, the Zhenhai Ling, no, it should be the Zhenhai Xuanshui Ling should be some kind of token, if it is a heavy treasure, the tool spirit will be taken away.

"She said that when Zhenxian Pagoda disappears and you continue to stay here, she will find a way to see you. She searched my soul and knew a lot of things about our family, so she gave Tongtian Lingbao and two bottles of fifth-order pills. Medicine."

Wang Changjie said truthfully, to be honest, he felt like he was dreaming.

It was unbelievable, the Zhenxian Pagoda Artifact Spirit helped him cheat, and he had to meet Wang Changsheng. If the news spread, it would definitely cause an uproar, and it would be a disaster for the Wang family.

"This matter must not be said. Even to Aunt Ximen, you have to say that you have passed the thirty-sixth floor."

Wang Changsheng warned, his expression solemn.

Wang Changjie gave a wry smile, nodded and said, "I understand, I can't believe it. It's like a dream. She killed seven third-order flood dragons, performed a full set, and injured me, but I'm not serious."

"I know, you stay here and heal!"

Wang Changsheng urged that he wanted to return to Zhenhai Xuanshui Ling, he turned around and walked out, the news was too shocking, why did Qiling want to talk to him? Judging from Wang Changjie's statement, Wang Changsheng can be sure that Zhenxian Pagoda is from the spiritual world. She should know the origin of Zhenhai Xuanshuiling, or she belongs to this force.

When Wang Changsheng walked out of Lieyang Palace, Meng Tianzheng, Liu Ruyi and Gongsun Yang all looked at Wang Changsheng with envy on their faces.

From now on, the Wang family also has a heavenly treasure, and his status has risen rapidly.

"Congratulations! Daoyou Wang."

Gongsun Yang congratulated him with a warm tone.

He also has the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, as well as the Spirit Bird of the Golden Crow bloodline.

Liu Ruyi and Meng Tianzheng congratulated Wang Changsheng one after another, and Wang Changsheng responded with a smile.

"Except for the cultivator of the gods, everyone else will leave here immediately and must not approach this place for thousands of miles. Violators will be severely punished."

An icy female voice suddenly came from Zhenxian Tower. The next moment, a huge wave broke out on the sea.

The monks were stunned, what's the situation? Someone got the Zhenxian Tower?

The top of Zhenxian Pagoda lit up with countless dazzling, which turned into the appearance of a girl in a golden shirt.

"Tool spirit! The tool spirit of Zhenxian Pagoda!"

Some intruders exclaimed.

Gongsun Yang's eyes were wide and his face was full of inconceivable expressions. Since the advent of the Zhenxian Pagoda, the cultivators from all major forces have hoped to have a direct dialogue with the Zhenxian Pagoda's artifact spirit, but unfortunately they all ended in failure.

This time, the artifact spirit of Zhenxian Pagoda actually showed up, which is strange.

"What? Can't understand what I'm saying? Violators will be killed without mercy!"

The girl in the golden shirt turned cold and her voice was sharp, causing the void to vibrate and distort.

"All cultivators retreat to a distance of 100,000 miles, and no one is allowed to approach this place. Violators will be killed without mercy."

Liu Ruyi said in a deep voice, this is her chance. If she has a good relationship with Qiling, she might be able to get a heavenly treasure.

The three of Wang Changsheng spoke one after another and asked the other monks to leave. The monks had to leave the place, leaving only the four of them.

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