Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1759: 30 years

Time flies, thirty years have passed quickly.

Qinglianfang City was formerly known as Jinlianfang City, but it was later renamed Qinglianfang City. Since the news of Wang Changsheng's promotion into the Divine Transformation Stage spread, a large number of merchants poured into Qinglianfang City to do business. Is there a safer place than this?

The Wang family took the opportunity to introduce many preferential policies to attract more merchants to settle in. In addition, there are good things appearing in Qinglianfang from time to time, such as complete sets of magic weapons, complete sets of puppet beasts, dragon eggs, etc., a large number of monks poured into Qinglianfang City, making Qinglianfang City. Lianfang City is becoming more and more prosperous.

Qinglianlou is the largest teahouse in Qinglianfang City, and the consumption is relatively high. Ordinary monks generally do not appear here.

In a box on the third floor of Qinglian Building, a gentle middle-aged scholar was talking to Chen Yue.

Chen Yue is the only daughter of Chen Yilong. After she met Wang Changsheng in the Coral Sea, many people knew that her father knew Wang Changsheng. Chen Yue came to Qinglianfang City on purpose. She wanted to join the Wang family and seek greater success. Wang Mengfen understood. After her relationship with Wang Changsheng, she promised to accept the wooden dragon pavilion, which was private.

On the bright side, the Wooden Dragon Pavilion is a small sect in the Coral Sea Area, but the Wooden Dragon Pavilion collects immortal cultivation resources for the Wang family.

With the support of the Wang family, Chen Yue has become prosperous over the years, her cultivation has become higher and higher, and she has made many friends.

Not long after, a slight knock came from outside, and a gentle male voice suddenly sounded: "Mrs. Chen, Wang is here."

"Friend Wang Dao, come in!"

Chen Yue and the middle-aged scholar stood up, the door was pushed open, and a young man in golden shirt walked in. The young man in golden shirt was tall and thin, with a faint smile on his face, giving people a kind of approachable approach. a feeling of.

Wang Mengxuan, the son of Wang Youwei, with wood and fire double spiritual roots, he is also a practitioner of kendo and has already formed elixir.

Wang Mengxuan is one of the rising stars of the Wang family. In the past 30 years, there have been many outstanding members of the Wang family. Wang Mengxuan is just one of them.

"Fairy Chen, who is this fellow Daoist?"

Wang Mengxuan's eyes fell on the middle-aged scholar, his face full of curiosity.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, let me introduce you, this is Fellow Daoist Lin from the Tianfeng Sea Area. Fellow Daoist Lin was born in the Guangyang Sect. He is the head of the Guangyang Sect."

Chen Yue said with a smile that the Guangyang faction is only a small faction, but the Guangyang faction has offended another major force. The Guangyang faction hopes that the Wang family can come forward to mediate, otherwise the Guangyang faction will be in danger of destroying the faction. After all, the Guangyang faction is only a Even if the small sect is destroyed, no one will speak for the Guangyang sect.

"I met Daoyou Wang in Xialin Guangyang."

Lin Guangyang bowed and said politely.

Wang Mengxuan just nodded and sat down,

The three chatted over tea and chatted, and the topic soon came to the difficulties encountered by the Guangyang faction.

"Wang Daoyou, please help, this matter is just a word for you."

Lin Guangyang pleaded.

Wang Mengxuan frowned. Lin Guangyang injured a disciple of a Nascent Soul cultivator, mainly to compete for treasures. This kind of thing is too common.

With the current status of the Wang family, it is indeed only a matter of one sentence, but Wang Mengxuan will not do anything that is not beneficial. The world is bustling, and it is impossible for the Wang family to deal with such trivial matters every day.

Chen Yue gave Lin Guangyang a wink, Lin Guangyang took out a golden jade box, pushed it in front of Wang Mengxuan, and said, "This is a piece of colorful glazed gold, and we fought because of this thing."

"Colorful glazed gold!"

Wang Mengxuan's expression changed, this material was what Wang Changsheng wanted to collect.

He opened the lid of the box and saw a dimly lit spar inside.

"This piece of colorful glazed gold is filthy? The refining tool is greatly reduced, and I don't know if it can remove the impurities."

Wang Mengxuan frowned and said that if the impurities could not be removed, the value would be greatly reduced.

Lin Guangyang frowned and took out a golden wooden box, which contained two high-grade spirit stones, which were widely used.

"Okay! I'll try to help, but it's a fact that you hurt the other party. You have to prepare a generous gift. I'll be a good friend and take you to the door to make amends."

Wang Mengxuan ordered.


Lin Guangyang frowned. He originally hoped that the Wang family would solve this matter directly. With the status of the Wang family, wouldn't it be a matter of one sentence? Forgive that Nascent Soul cultivator didn't dare to say anything.

"Our royal family's rules are very strict. I have accepted your favor and will try my best to help solve this matter, but I am not bullying others."

Wang Mengxuan was a little displeased. Since Wang Changsheng came back from Zhenxian Tower, the Law Enforcement Hall has dealt with hundreds of people who violated the clan rules. .

He was willing to bring Lin Guangyang to the door to apologize, which is already very good, mainly because no human life was caused. If there was a human life, Wang Mengxuan would not intervene in the matter. The family only dealt with twelve bullying clansmen last month. Among them One is still a cultivator.

"Lin Daoyou, Wang Daoyou is friendly to help you, I don't know how many people can't be envious."

Chen Yue said meaningfully.

Lin Guangyang suddenly realized that it doesn't matter to spend more spirit stones, the key is to make friends with Wang Mengxuan. With this level of relationship, it will be easier to do things in the future, which is more important than anything else.

"Wang Daoyou said that if you are confused, just do as you said."

Lin Guangyang agreed.

"I still have something to deal with. I will contact you after a while. Don't worry, I will send someone to say hello to Senior Sun. It should be fine."

Wang Mengxuan instructed that he would send someone to verify the matter, it was impossible to listen to Lin Guangyang's side words, and he didn't want to be a gunman.

Naturally, Lin Guangyang didn't dare to say even claimed to be.

After chatting for a while, Wang Mengxuan said goodbye and left.

Qinglianfang City has a teleportation array directly under the control of Qinglian Island, but only the upper management of the Wang family can use it.

Wang Mengxuan could use it naturally. He came to the teleportation formation, and soon came to the secret room where the teleportation formation was directly under his control. He walked up, and a dazzling aura lit up, drowning Wang Mengxuan's figure.

The spiritual light dissipated, and Wang Mengxuan appeared in a spacious and bright hall. There were more than a dozen teleportation formations in the hall. People teleported away from time to time, and people teleported over from time to time, looking very lively.

Walking out of the hall, Wang Mengxuan turned into a flash of light and walked away. Before he could fly far, there was a deafening roar from high in the sky, the wind was blowing, and countless auras emerged in the void, colorful and very conspicuous.

The spiritual energy in a radius of hundreds of miles converged in a certain direction, and Wang Mengxuan almost fell from the sky.

"This is the vision of a baby born! Some clansmen have attracted the baby born thunder tribulation!"

Wang Mengxuan was stunned for a moment, and soon his face was filled with joy. The stronger the family's strength, the better his treatment.

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