Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1760: Dinghaizhu is promoted to Lingbao

"Looking at the direction, it seems that Ji Yun is impacting the Nascent Soul Stage!"

Wang Mengxuan said thoughtfully, after Wang Changsheng entered the Divine Transformation stage, it was much easier for the Wang family to obtain the baby-born spirits.

The roar of the rumbling sound came from the sky, and a huge vortex of spiritual energy appeared in the sky, and the spiritual energy in a radius of hundreds of miles gathered towards the vortex of spiritual energy, and the strong wind blew the towering trees on the island to sway from side to side.


Qinglian Peak, basement.

Wang Changsheng was sitting on a cyan futon, his face was slightly pale, and in front of him was a three-legged and two-eared blue cauldron.

Wang Changsheng's magic formula was pinched, and he whispered: "Disease!"

There was a muffled sound of "bang", the top cover flew up, and eighteen blue lights flew out, flying around Wang Changsheng uncertainly.

The blue light flashed, and eighteen blue-blue **** appeared. The surface of each blue ball was engraved with two small characters "Dinghai", which was Dinghaizhu.

In the past 30 years, Wang Changsheng has been refining weapons, refining two sets of complete sets of spiritual treasures, the number of which is not large, they are the seven-star demon slaying nails and the Lieyang flag. The number is not many, the more the number of Lingbao, the greater the power of the complete set of Lingbao, these two sets of Lingbao are just used by Wang Changsheng to practice.

Dinghaizhu has been upgraded to a spiritual treasure. The price is that Wang Changsheng has used up all the materials for refining the spiritual treasure. This is also thanks to the storage rings of two spiritual monks, otherwise he would not be able to refine so many spiritual treasures. This also has a lot to do with him being an artifact refiner. If he changed to a general god-turning monk, even if he got the materials, he couldn't refine the spiritual treasure.

In the entire Dongli Realm, there are not many Tier 5 Refiners. The Lu Dao of the Shenbing Palace is the Refiner with the highest level of Refining in the Dongli Realm, and the Shenbing Palace is also the force with the largest number of Tongtian Lingbao in the Dongli Realm. ,none of them.

"A complete set of Lingbao! Finally succeeded."

Wang Changsheng was talking to himself, his expression excited.

Eighteen Dinghai Pearls, each of which is a spiritual treasure, the summoned Kuishui Lishi has stronger magical powers, and it follows that Wang Changsheng consumes more mana and consciousness, which does not matter.

Wang Changsheng has quite a few spiritual treasures in his hands, such as the ice moon ring, the colorful glass bowl, the dragon lock, the flying dragon in the sky, the sea-splitting boxing glove, the soul-reducing bead, the seven-star demon sword, the spirit-killing needle, and a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. Nine Jiao Drums and Seven Star Demon Killing Nails can be reserved as treasures of the town.

The fly in the ointment is that there is no defensive spiritual treasure, but Wang Changsheng has the Zhenhai Xuanshui Order, and he is not short of defensive spiritual treasures.

There are two sets of Lingbao and a Tongtian Lingbao, even if Long Xiaoyao kills him, Wang Changsheng is not afraid.

Yuan Magnetic Crystal can be refined into a heavy treasure, but it requires a lot of rare refining materials. Wang Changsheng has not gathered the materials for the time being, and Yuan Magnetic Crystal has been kept in his storage ring.

He put away Ding Haizhu, got up and walked out.

There was a deafening thunder in the sky, and there was a huge black thundercloud in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

A little blue light appeared in the void in front of Wang Changsheng, and it turned into the appearance of a tortoise. The tortoise has grown to three hundred feet in size. It is still a low-grade fourth-order, but its size keeps getting bigger.

It is quite spiritual, and often goes out to sea with the double-eyed mouse to hunt monsters, and the two cooperate with each other.

"You guy has grown up again. If you are given 1,800 years, I don't know if you can grow up to the size of an island."

Wang Changsheng chuckled lightly.

The tortoise made a low roar, and countless blue arcs appeared on its body, as if to show off itself.

"How big is the tortoise? In a few hundred years, it may be the size of an island."

A familiar female voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Changsheng turned his head to look, Wang Ruyan came towards him, Wang Ruyan's breath was much stronger than before, and his mana was much more refined.

"Ma'am, are you out?"

Wang Changsheng smiled happily, and it seemed that Wang Ruyan could try to attack the spirit transformation stage.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said, "I plan to go out and travel for a while to hit the spirit transformation period."

Her cultivation method is different from others. Others have cultivated to the great consummation of Nascent Soul, and can use spiritual objects to impact the spirit-transforming stage. However, she is different. She does not rely on spiritual objects and cares more about the tempering of her state of mind.

"Okay, I'll accompany you, count the time, Haitang should set up the big formation."

Wang Jiyun got a piece of empty moon crystal from Zhenxian Tower, which can be used to arrange a large array. If the family encounters a major crisis, Qinglian Island can be escaped to the bottom of the sea.

Zhenhaizong has this method of arranging the formation, and other materials are easy to collect, but the main material, Sky Moon Divine Crystal, is not easy to collect.

Wang Changsheng took out the communication disk and contacted Ye Haitang.

"Haitang, come to Qinglian Island when you have time, I have something to ask you."

"Okay, I'll go right there."

It didn't take long for Ye Haitang to appear in front of Wang Changsheng. Ye Haitang was still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and her aura was much stronger than before.

"Haitang, is that formation ready?"

Wang Changsheng asked straight to the point.

Ye Haitang nodded and said: "Thanks to the layout map left by Zhenhaizong, it has been laid out, but some materials are not available, I have made a substitute, and can dive Qinglian Island into the seabed, the location is ten million Inside, that empty moon crystal is enough to be used three times, and can be hidden for more than a hundred years each time you dive, unless there is a special treasure, it will be difficult to find."

Arrays need to be laid out diagrams, alchemy requires refining maps, alchemy requires pill recipes, and talismans require refining methods. If the level is high to a certain level, no maps are needed.

"Three times! Not bad, you worked hard."

Wang Changsheng had a look of approval on his face, Ye Haitang was proficient in formations, she dared to say so, she must be sure.

"It's okay, uncle, this is what I should do."

Ye Haitang smiled sweetly, her face full of pride. As an array mage, she was also very proud to be able to set up a fifth-order array with the help of the array diagram. If she can advance to the God Transformation stage, she can improve the protection of Qinglian Island. Clan formation.

A good family guarding formation can protect the family for a long time, the spiritual cultivator has a day of sitting, the formation can still run, and it can always protect the family.

"Haitang, auntie hasn't chatted with you for a long time, you can chat with me!"

Wang Ruyan took Ye Haitang and walked into the house. Wang Changsheng came to a secret room that was more than 100 meters long. There was a teleportation array that was more than 100 meters long in the secret room. The light lit up and drowned Wang Changsheng.

The spiritual light dissipated, and Wang Changsheng appeared in a secret room about the same size. Wang Changsheng strode out.

When they came to the main hall, Fairy Ziyue was talking to Cheng Zhenyu and his wife.

"Brother Wang, why are you here?"

Fairy Ziyue was a little surprised to see Wang Changsheng, and stood up quickly, and Cheng Zhenyu and his wife also stood up.

"I refined a set of spiritual treasures and left them to Zhenhaizong to be the treasure of Zhenhaizong! Without the Great Elder, I would not be where I am today."

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and the two crimson flags flew out, floating in mid-air, exuding a strong wave of fire aura. It was a complete set of Lingbao Lieyang Flags, with only two sides.

Zhenhaizong has a set of heavenly fire attribute exercises, and this set of spirit treasures is just right.

"A complete set of Lingbao!"

Fairy Ziyue exclaimed, this gift is too precious. Over the years, the Wang family has helped Zhen Haizong a lot, and now they are giving away a set of spiritual treasures. Fairy Ziyue really doesn't know what to say.

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