Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1761: travel

Zhenhaizong was rebuilt, and there is really no heavy treasure, just a Zhenhaiding, but Zhenhaiding is not a spiritual treasure. Zhenhaiding is the identity proof of the suzerain of Zhenhaizong, and its symbolic meaning is greater than its practical significance.

With a set of Lingbao, Zhenhaizong has a great atmosphere. It is particularly difficult for the reconstructed sect to restore its glory. The biggest problem is that there is no heavy treasure. Once a major crisis occurs, the Taoism can easily disappear.

If a force wants to pass on it, in addition to the successor, it is very important to have a heavy treasure or a spirit beast with a powerful bloodline.

The Ten Great Sects and Ten Immortal Cultivation Families of the South China Sea were once brilliant. Even if they fell, relying on the heritage accumulated by their ancestors, they would not cut off their inheritance. As long as a few seedlings were born, they would be able to return to their peak.

The founders of various major forces are very powerful, such as the Four Seasons Sword Master of Taiyi Immortal Gate, the Four Seasons Sword Master is famous in the Eastern Fence World, Taiyi Immortal Gate has developed for thousands of years, and is firmly seated on the throne of the No. The Wang family is now following the old path that these great forces have taken.

"A sect can't do without heavy treasures. The first elder has the grace to recreate me. It's just a set of spiritual treasures. You can accept it, Junior Sister Tian!"

Wang Changsheng's tone was sincere, he did not forget the man who digs the well when he drank water, and he remembered that others treated him well.

Fairy Ziyue hesitated for a while, but accepted it, and Wang Changsheng also showed his good intentions.

Wang Changsheng looked at Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, we are also old acquaintances. You help Junior Sister Tian to manage Zhenhaizong. Thank you for your hard work. This is a little bit of my heart, so please accept it!"

With a flick of his sleeve, an exquisite golden brocade box and a cyan jade box flew out and landed in front of Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect Wang Changsheng to give them treasures.

"Senior Wang, Sect Master, we still have something to deal with, so let's say goodbye first."

Cheng Zhenyu bowed and left with Zheng Nan, leaving behind Wang Changsheng and Fairy Ziyue.

Fairy Ziyue took out the tea set to make tea, and chatted with Wang Changsheng.

"Senior Brother Wang, Senior Sister Wang is about to become a god!"

Fairy Ziyue asked with a smile.

"Madam has some insight. I plan to travel with her for a while. Qinglian Island has already set up a large formation. Even if the spiritual cultivator attacks, you can take refuge. Junior Sister Tian, ​​you might as well live in Qinglian Island for a while. If cultivator Zong attacked Zhenhaizong during this period, it would be troublesome."

Wang Changsheng's tone was sincere, and the Tianlan Sect cultivator was always a hidden danger.

The relationship between Zhenhaizong and the Wang family is well known. Maybe Tianlanzong cultivator will take action against Zhenhaizong cultivator.

"Thank you Senior Brother Wang for your kindness. I am the Sect Master of Zhenhai Sect, and I should sit in Zhenhai Sect. This is my responsibility."

Fairy Ziyue's expression was serious. As the sect master of Zhenhai Sect, it would be unreasonable to go to Qinglian Island to practice, and she didn't want to do it.

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, he could hear the meaning of Fairy Ziyue's words, this was Fairy Ziyue's choice, and he couldn't force it.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng left and used the teleportation array to return to Qinglian Island.

There was only Fairy Ziyue left in the empty hall. She sat on the jade chair, looked at the distant sky, and said to herself, "Xianlu Qinglian, Xianlu Xianlu, two people are Xianlu."

Qinglian Island, Tiangong Peak.

This is the place where the Wang family's craftsmen gather, and it is also the stronghold of the family. The puppet beasts and magic weapons sold by the Wang family are all from Tiangong Peak.

On the top of the mountain, in a spacious red stone square, hundreds of immortal cultivators gathered, from the Qi refining stage to the pill formation stage, and they sat around a high circular platform.

Wang Qingqing was sitting on the high round platform, and she was explaining the art of refining.

Wang Qingqing was still in the early stages of Nascent Soul. In her spare time, she would explain the art of refining to the younger generation, and select good seedlings to cultivate.

Wang Changsheng is the craftsman with the highest level of craftsmanship in the Wang family. Under his influence, many clansmen have learned the art of crafting craftsmanship.

"The way of refining tools, you still have to study hard and practice hard, don't think about reaching the sky in one step, down-to-earth, and lay the foundation first."

Wang Qingqing said slowly, Wang Yinghao's craftsmanship level is second only to Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingqing. It is not enough to have only one Wang Yinghao, and the family needs more craftsmen.

"That's right, the foundation is the most important. If the foundation is not solid, the level of the refining tool is not high."

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Changsheng descended from the sky and landed on the round stone platform.

As soon as Wang Changsheng appeared, there was a commotion among the monks. They quickly stood up and said in unison, "Meet the ancestors."

Their expressions are different, some are curious, some are excited, some are excited, some are nervous, many of them have never seen Wang Changsheng, but have only seen Wang Changsheng's portrait.

Wang Changsheng's gentle eyes swept over the clansmen, nodded, and said, "Sit down! Today I will tell you about the art of refining tools. Listen carefully, I hope it will be beneficial to you."

Wang Changsheng talked about his experience in refining tools, from the refining of magic tools to spiritual treasures, and from the materials and techniques of tool refining.

His knowledge is far from comparable to these clansmen, and the clansmen listened with relish.

Wang Changsheng talked for a long time, and the people benefited a lot.

"Okay, that's all for today. You go back and study hard. There is no shortcut to refining weapons, only hard work and hard work."

Wang Changsheng taught.

A tall and thin young man in red stood up, bowed and saluted, and said, "Grandson Wang Huayang has seen the ancestors, and grandson has something puzzled. If he studies hard and works hard, he will definitely improve his level of refining?"

"That's not true. It depends on your ambition and confidence. If you keep standing still and still can't make a step forward, I advise you to give up and learn other skills to move the dead and move the living, you know?"

Wang Changsheng taught.

"Yes, grandson understands."

Wang Huayang nodded thoughtfully and sat down.

"Qingqing, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Wang Changsheng turned into a blue light and walked away, and Wang Qingqing hurriedly followed.

Not long after, they came to a small courtyard on Qinglian Peak.

"Qingqing, I'm going to travel with your mother for a while. You have to take care of yourself, don't run around, and stay on Qinglian Island to cultivate, you know?"

Wang Changsheng warned that the person he was most worried about was Wang Qingqing.

"Father, mother is about to hit the God Transformation Stage?"

Wang Qingqing asked excitedly, if Wang Ruyan entered the Spirit Transformation stage, the family's strength would be stronger.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "It's just preparation. Your mother's practice is a little special, and I don't know how long it will take."

"Got it, Dad, I'll take care of myself."

Wang Qingqing nodded and agreed.

Wang Changsheng took out the colorful glazed bowl, handed it to Wang Qingqing, and said, "If you accept this treasure of trapped enemies, even if you encounter a cultivator, you can delay it for a while."

"Thank you dad."

Wang Qingqing thanked him and accepted it.

Wang Changsheng sighed lightly, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said, "If only Qingzhi was still alive."

"Brother Quanxia knows and will be happy for us."

Wang Qingqing comforted Two days later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the backs of the tortoise, and Wang Qingqing and others saw them off.

"Don't send it, you go back!"

Wang Changsheng instructed, the blue tortoise on the surface of the tortoise emitted a great deal of blue light, speeding up its escaping speed, and after a while, the tortoise disappeared into the vast sea.

"Cousin Haitang, start a part of the clan guarding formation. If your parents are not here, you must be on guard."

Wang Qingqing warned.

Ye Haitang nodded, and at this moment, a deafening thunder sounded from the sky, the wind was blowing, and colorful auras emerged in the void.

The aura in a radius of hundreds of miles gathered in a certain direction, and a huge aura vortex appeared in the sky.

"Infant formation vision, Uncle Changjie is impacting the Nascent Soul Stage!"

Wang Qingqing was full of surprises. With Wang Changjie's aptitude, it shouldn't be difficult for him to enter the Nascent Soul stage. Wang Changjie was the proud man who passed the 36th floor of Zhenxian Tower.

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