Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1762: Huafan

Donghuang, Wei State, Lijia Village. .

Li Hu is a relatively powerful hunter in the village. There is also a blind old lady in his family, and his wife is pregnant. Li Hu usually makes a living by hunting and can live a decent life.

A mountain stream flows past the end of the village, and the villagers use the stream water for irrigation and have been living a self-sufficient life.

Every time Li Hu went to the mountains to hunt, it was as little as a few days or as long as a few months.

Today, at dusk.

Li Hu and many other hunters strolled along the mountain road, and each of them had a happy smile on their faces.

"This time, I was able to hunt a blind bear. The skin is sold in the town. I can definitely buy it at a good price. I can have a good year this year."

Li Hu said with a smile that he had already figured out how to spend the money, buy some supplements for his wife, and take some medicine for his frail mother.

"Hey, we didn't see anyone living here before we entered the mountain, is it new?"

A hunter said curiously.

Li Hu looked in the direction pointed by his companion, and saw a simple thatched hut, and a wisp of cooking smoke slowly rose.

The thatched cottage is located on a low soil slope, not far from the mountain stream.

"It should be a new move. This world is not very peaceful. I heard Liu Mazi from the next village say that there were several big households that were robbed by a loud horse, and many people died.

"It's not easy for anyone these days, let's go and see! If we can help, we can help. Who is not in trouble?"

Li Hu said enthusiastically that he almost starved to death in his early years, and was taught by an old hunter to hunt.

Li Hu and the others came to the thatched hut. A tall young man in a blue shirt and a young woman in a blue skirt with picturesque features came out. They were Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan's experience this time was different from the previous one. She wanted to be a mortal for a period of time and experience mortal life, and Wang Changsheng would naturally be by her side.

"My name is Li Hu, what's the name of the young master?"

Li Hu asked cautiously, judging from the clothes of these two people, it looks like they came from a wealthy family.

Even if it is a desolate dignitary, it is not something he can offend.

"Your Excellency... You are too polite. My name is Wang Changsheng, and this is my wife, Wang Ruyan. We encountered a robber and our money was stolen. We had no choice but to settle down here."

Wang Changsheng said sincerely, he has not dealt with mortals for a long time, and he is a little uncomfortable.

"There are no bad people here, they are all from the village. You can live here with peace of mind! Your house is a little broken, let's help you repair it! Otherwise, if it rains, you will get caught in the rain."

Li Hu said enthusiastically that his wife was about to give birth, and he hoped that Wang Changsheng could teach his children to read and write, instead of staying in the village all his life like him.

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

Li Hu put down his prey, greeted his companions, and helped repair the hut.

"Wang Xiucai is from the village. If you need any help in the future, feel free to ask."

Li Hu's tone was warm.

Wang Changsheng agreed with a smile. He wanted to give some copper coins as a reward, but Li Hu and others refused.

"Husband, let's live here and experience the life of mortals."

Wang Ruyan had a look of longing on his face.

Wang Changsheng nodded, no matter where Wang Ruyan was going, he would always be by Wang Ruyan's side.

In this way, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan lived mortal lives.

Wang Changsheng built a small pond, planted some lotus flowers, and planted some vegetables behind the hut. He was in charge of ploughing the fields, while Wang Ruyan was in charge of making rice, cooking, and weaving. The two lived a life of men farming and women weaving.

In less than half a month, their peaceful life was broken. Li Hu brought some villagers to the door, saying that he wanted to ask Wang Changsheng to teach their children to read and write, and they paid with food.

Looking at the expectant eyes of many villagers, Wang Changsheng agreed.

Li Hu was overjoyed, and led someone to build a larger thatched hut, where Wang Changsheng taught the children to read and write.

Only more than a dozen children came to read and write. It was not because other children did not want to read and hyphenate, but because of difficulties at home. They did not have time to study and could not afford food as tuition fees.

Wang Changsheng did not force himself, he taught as many children to read and write as many children came.

Wang Changsheng was in charge of teaching, and Wang Ruyan took the initiative to teach women and children in the village to raise silkworms and weave cloth. Because of the arrival of Wang Changsheng and his wife, some changes have taken place in Lijia Village.

Spring and autumn come, and seven years have passed quickly.

In an open field, Wang Changsheng was writing on the ground with a sharpened stick, and more than 40 children were writing on the ground with sticks in their hands.

The environment in the village is very primitive. They cannot afford pen, ink, paper and inkstone, so they can only write on the ground.

Wang Ruyan taught the women and children in the village to raise silkworms and weave cloth. The income increased, the villagers' lives were better, and more children came to read and write.

"Sir, I have written it, you can take a look."

A boy with decent features said, the boy was wearing coarse clothes and was taller.

Li Qingshu, he is Li Hu's son, Li Qingshu was named by Wang Changsheng with help.

Wang Changsheng walked over to take a look, nodded, and praised: "Yes, continue to work hard, others must learn from Qingshu."

"Yes, sir."

All the children agreed in unison, and continued to write on the ground with sticks.

"It's not good, the big thing is bad, something happened, we met a big cat."

A panicked man's voice suddenly sounded. Wang Changsheng looked into the distance and saw Li Hu and other villagers walking towards his location. Most of the villagers were injured. Li Hu was unconscious and bloodied. Dyeed clothes red.

Wang Changsheng was an immortal cultivator, and his ears were relatively good, so those children didn't hear anything at all.

"You write slowly, I have something to go out for."

Wang Changsheng gave an order and left quickly.

It didn't take long for him to come to Li Hu's side. There were several terrifying bloodstains on Li Hu's left chest. The blood stained his clothes, but the bleeding had stopped. 1

"Where's Sun Ergou! Why didn't you see him?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said that he had already gotten to know these villagers well and knew their lives.

"Er Gouzi was dragged away by a big cat. We met two big cats, who suddenly came out. Brother Li was also injured. Er Gouzi was dragged away on the spot. It is estimated that he died. Wang Xiucai, you are on your body. Do you have any money? We want to take Brother Li to the town to have a look."

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out more than a hundred copper coins, and gave them all to the villagers.

Several villagers took Li Hu to the town to find a doctor for treatment.

Wang Changsheng rushed into the deep mountain and found some **** clothes in the tiger's lair, but did not see any villagers.


The two tigers pounced on Wang Changsheng, but a powerful spiritual pressure suddenly rushed out of Wang Changsheng, and they immediately lay on the ground, motionless, and their internal organs were shattered by the powerful spiritual pressure.

Wang Changsheng sighed lightly. In the past seven there have been too many similar things, and the power of mortals is too small.

Seven days later, Sun Ergou's family held a funeral for him, but the body was not found. He just put some clothes that Sun Ergou had worn, dug a hole and buried it. There was no coffin. Sun Ergou's son was forced to drop out of school. , picked up a **** to plow the fields, and there was a frail grandmother and younger brothers and sisters at home, he could only shoulder the heavy responsibility of life.

Inside the thatched cottage, Wang Changsheng was talking to Wang Ruyan, they were all wearing coarse clothes, and those who didn't know they thought they were mortals!

"Ma'am, how long are you going to stay here?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Wang Ruyan sighed and said, "The life of a mortal is not easy. I've experienced enough, so I can leave. Let me find some teachers for the children!"

The next morning, when the children came to class, they found that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were gone. They read the letter left by Wang Changsheng and knew that Wang Changsheng had left.

Seven days later, the two teachers came to Lijia Village and continued to teach the children to read and write. Over time, the villagers gradually forgot Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

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