Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1763: The rivers and lakes are happy and grudge

Central Plains, Great Qin Dynasty.

Zhejiang, Heifeng Mountains is located at the junction of Zhejiang and Taizhou, stretching for 100,000 miles, with high mountains and dense forests.

Because of its superior geographical location, many business travelers pass by here every year, and there are also many robbers.

On this day, on a remote road, a group of robbers were fighting with the guards of the business traveler. A dozen guards fell to the ground with arrows stuck in their bodies.

A black-faced man with a scary scar on his head held a pair of black axes and chopped the two guards to the ground.

A middle-aged man with a pot belly trembled in his legs, his face was pale, and some yellow liquid flowed from his feet, and he was scared to pee.

"Forgive your life, the hero, take all the money, and spare my life."

The middle-aged man hurriedly begged for mercy, his tone trembling.

The black-faced man sneered and slashed at the middle-aged man with a double axe.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was about to be cut in half, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and several blue lotus darts fell from the sky, hitting the black-faced man's hands accurately. angry.

A tall blue-shirted youth and a blue-skirted young woman with picturesque features, the blue-shirted youth holds a blue long knife, and the blue-skirted young woman holds a blue long sword, it is Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. .

This time, they are integrated into the secular world, and they will act as chivalrous knights who are happy and vindictive, and act as chivalrous heroes everywhere.

"Qinglian Heroes, it's you! How dare you destroy the good things of our Heifengzhai, courting death"

The black-faced man shouted angrily.

As soon as the voice fell, dense arrows flew out of the grass on both sides of the path, heading straight for them.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, and a blue sword qi swept out, blocking the arrow from the left, Wang Ruyan shook his right hand, and a sharp sword qi flew out, blocking the arrow on the right.

With a muffled sound of "keng", the blue long sword and the blue long sword collided, crossed together, and struck the black-faced man.

The other robbers wanted to block, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan raised their hands together, and a large lotus dart flew out, piercing the robber's body.

A shrill scream sounded, and the black-faced man's head rolled down and fell to the ground. The headless corpse fell to the ground, and the ground was stained with blood.

The middle-aged man was so frightened that he slumped on the ground, his face turning blue.

"There is a caravan coming here, you can do it yourself."

Wang Changsheng picked up the head of the black-faced man, and left the place with Wang Ruyan.


Echeng is the prefecture city of Zhejiang, with prosperous businesses and many business travelers.

There are more than a dozen portraits pasted at the entrance of the city gate. They are all Jiang Yang robbers wanted by the government.

Chen Dalong is a distant relative of the prefect, and through the prefect's relationship, he is a small leader, responsible for opening and closing the city gate.

On this day, as usual, he drank small wine and ate side dishes at the gate of the city. The people lined up to enter the city, and geese crossed and plucked their hair. When he came down in the morning, he detained a lot of things, including chicken, duck, and fish.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in front of him, Wang Changsheng produced a simple wooden box and said, "The head of the head of Heifengzhai is exchanged for ten thousand taels of silver."

Chen Dalong hurriedly stood up with a flattering expression on his face, and said, "Dr. Wang is really amazing. The prefect has been waiting for a long time, and I want to have an interview with you."

"Lead the way!"

Wang Changsheng instructed that they are now knights, they will kill those robbers from Jiangyang everywhere, and distribute the rewards to those poor families.

After a while, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ru and Chen Dalong walked into the county office and came to a quiet courtyard.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with a dignified face walked in.

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, you go down!"

The middle-aged man told Chen Dalong, and Chen Dalong even claimed that he was, and strode away.

"Wang Daxia, Mrs. Wang, you are highly skilled in martial arts. In less than half a year, you have successively killed 27 robbers and robbers wanted by the government. Are you interested in eating official meals?"

The middle-aged man's tone was gentle.

"Thank you for the kindness of the prefect, our husband and wife are used to being idle and are not used to eating official meals."

Wang Changsheng politely refused, they just wanted to experience the pleasure and revenge of the knights.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "Why don't you do this! You guys are vacant, and if you run into trouble in the future, this official can help."

"No need, we have made up our minds, thank the prefect for your kindness."

Wang Changsheng was unmoved.

A look of anger flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, he took out a silver note from his sleeve, threw it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "The reward order has changed, the head of the head of Heifengzhai is only worth one thousand taels, you can leave. ."

Wang Changsheng was not angry either, accepted the bank note, and left with Wang Ruyan.

"Hmph, I don't know what to lift, but you will look good in the future."

The middle-aged man sneered, with a look of disdain.


A year later, in a dilapidated mountain temple, dozens of beggars in ragged clothes gathered in the mountain temple. They were covered in mud and stench.

The temple door was pushed open, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in.

"Qinglian Heroes, Daxia Wang, Madam Wang, you are here."

An old beggar who was over fifty years old stood up and walked quickly to Wang Changsheng, looking excited.

Wang Changsheng took out dozens of taels of silver, handed it to the old beggar, and said, "You can use this money to buy some food. It's almost winter, so buy some clothes to keep out the cold."

After saying this, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are about to leave. Over the years, they have been killing the Jiang Yang robber wanted by the government in exchange for a bounty. They distributed the bounty to the poor so that they could live a better life.

"Wait, Master Wang, we don't want money."

The old beggar stopped Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng turned around and said, "What do you want?"

The old beggar suddenly spilled a piece of cyan powder and hit Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't dodge either and inhaled the cyan powder.

"We want your lives, rebels, who have been hit by Hua Gong San, and they will be captured soon."

The old beggar laughed wildly.

A dozen beggars took out their weapons and surrounded Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"What anti-thief? Don't slander Wang Ruyan said with a cold face.

"Hmph, we caught a group of rebels not long ago, they have confessed, you are the leader, we are ordered to arrest you and bring you to justice, you should die!"

The old beggar sneered.

"Stupid, we killed Xiangma, who was making money for the Sixth Prince, and then charged us with accusations? It's ridiculous, haha, ridiculous."

Wang Changsheng sneered, with a look of disdain.

A powerful spiritual pressure rushed out of his body, and the old beggar and others flew out one after another, but there was no fear of life.

"Jianghu is nothing more than that, it is no different from the world of immortals."

Wang Ruyan sighed and said, they have done a lot of good things, and they ended up being labeled as rebels by the powerful, just because they killed the men of the powerful who were making money.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan disappeared into little blue light and never appeared.

The old beggar and others were stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

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