Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1779: 9 The power of the drum

The latest website: The nostrils of the crocodile exhaled a vast white cold air, and countless white cold air emerged from the body. The blue sea suddenly froze, but soon, the ice layer broke.

The sea was spinning so fast that the ice shattered before it could spread.

There were bursts of passionate pipa sounds, and thousands of blue water blades flew out from the blue sea, and the muffled sound of "ding ding" came from the crocodiles one after another.

The blue sea suddenly set off five shocking waves. After one blurred, it turned into five blue giants with a height of more than 30 feet. The muscles of the arms and thighs of the blue giants were bulging, and the tendons were exposed, as if cast iron. It is Aoi Hydralis.

The five Kwai hydraulics jumped up and smashed their fists at the crocodile.

Their double punches hit the crocodile, as if they were hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, and there was a muffled sound.

Every Kwai Shui Lishi has the strength of one million kilograms. Even if the crocodile has thick skin and thick flesh, it can't help but let out a painful roar, and its huge body twists.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a white and cold light, covering the two sunflower hydras. The two sunflower hydras suddenly froze and turned into ice sculptures. At the same time, a large number of snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky. White snowflakes fell on the other three Aoi Hydra, and they also turned into ice sculptures.

The tail of the crocodile swept away suddenly, and the five sunflower hydras were torn apart, turning into ice chips all over the sky.

The sea tumbled violently, and the five Kwai Shui Lishi appeared again. They were transformed from mana, and they continued to grow. Unless Wang Changsheng's mana was exhausted, the Kwai Shui Lishi would continue to appear.

The five Kwai hydraulics swung their fists again and hit the crocodile.


After an angry dragon roar sounded, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up, drowning the blue sea.

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Tongtian Lingbao!"

His divine sense sensed that an astonishing aura fluctuation appeared in his sense.

The white light dissipated, the blue sea had turned into a sea of ​​ice, and the five Kwai Hydras had also turned into ice sculptures.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and the ice sea was torn apart, turning into countless white ice cones, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan's face turned cold, the sound of the pipa became rapid, and a blue sound wave swept out, and the white ice cones collided with the blue sound wave, bursting one after another, turning into a billowing cold air.

It didn't take long for the cold air to dissipate, revealing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, their faces solemn.

They never imagined that the Heavenly Soul Treasure mentioned by Huangfuxiong fell into the hands of the fifth-order monster, didn't it mean that the Heavenly Soul Treasure collided with a special vessel?

The crocodile was lying on the snow, its eyes flashing with a cold light, and a whole body of snow-white ball floated on top of its head.

Tongtian Lingbao Profound Jade Bead is made from a large piece of Wannian Profound Jade as the main material.

The crocodile obtained this treasure by chance, and the speed of cultivation increased by leaps and bounds, and this was how he was able to advance to the fifth rank.

If you want to drive the Tongtian Lingbao, you must master the secret art of Tongbao, and monks from small forces or loose cultivators cannot master the Tongbao formula at all.

The crocodile has been staying in the Meteorite Icefield, and has no chance to obtain the cultivation method of the Tongbao Art. It can only exert part of the power of the Xuanyuzhu. Even so, it has the confidence to defeat the opponent.

"You are looking for death yourself, then I will send you on your way."

The crocodile's tone was cold, and the mysterious jade beads above his head burst into a dazzling white light, a gust of wind suddenly blew nearby, and countless white snowflakes fell from the sky.

One after another white tornado appeared on the snow field, there were hundreds of them, and countless snowflakes were blown away, and the whistling sound was loud.

Hundreds of white tornadoes hit from all directions, targeting Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan's ten fingers swept across the pipa string quickly, and a large blue sound wave swept out and greeted him.

The blue sound wave collided with the white tornado, and disappeared like a muddy sea.

There was an ear-piercing sound of breaking the air, and this piece of void seemed to be shattered by the wind.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, flicked his sleeves, and a small drum covered in moisture flew out and landed on the ground. The surface of the small drum was engraved with nine lifelike dragons, which were the nine dragons.


Wang Changsheng let out a low voice, and a magic tactic hit the Jiujiao Drum, and the size of the Jiujiao Drum soared to a height of about ten feet.

There was a skeletal sound of "crackling" in his body, his height increased a circle, and his blue veins were exposed.

A dazzling blue light emerged from Wang Changsheng's fists, and he punched the Jiujiao drum.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out.

Where the blue sound wave passed, ripples like water ripples swayed in the void, as if it was about to be torn apart, and countless snowflakes were thrown away.

The blue sound wave collided with the white tornado, and the white tornado collapsed as if it had encountered a nemesis.

"Tongtian Lingbao! Impossible! You also have Tongtian Lingbao!"

The crocodile exclaimed, with a hint of panic in his tone.

If the other party doesn't have the Tongtian Lingbao, it would dare to use the Tongtian Lingbao to fight one against the other. Now that Wang Changsheng took out the Tongtian Lingbao, it wouldn't dare to fight.

The blue sound wave came in front of it, and the mysterious jade bead above its head suddenly burst out with countless white chills, and greeted it.

The blue sound wave came into contact with the white cold air, and it suddenly froze. The tail of the crocodile swept away suddenly, the ice layer was broken, and the sound wave disappeared.

Another deafening dragon roar sounded, and another blue sound wave swept in.

This blue sound wave was stronger than the sound wave just now, but the crocodile blocked it with the mysterious jade bead.


One after another deafening dragon roar sounded, and blue sound waves swept out one after another, and one sound wave was stronger than the other.

After the sixth blue sound wave swept out, Wang Changsheng's face flushed red, Wang Ruyan had a green talisman attached to his body, and his face was pale.

The Jiujiao Drum is a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure that can kill in a large area. No one except the caster can be spared. If she hadn't refined some kind of fourth-order high-grade talisman, it weakened the power of the sound wave, plus the protective aura and the spiritual treasure. She couldn't stand it either.

Where the sixth blue sound wave passed, the ground was torn apart, and more than a dozen hills burst suddenly, turning into annihilation powder.

There was a look of panic in the eyes of the crocodile, and the mysterious jade pearl rose sharply, facing the seventh blue sound wave.


With a loud noise, the sixth blue sound wave collided with the Xuan Yuzhu, the Xuan Yuzhu flew out, and the blue sound wave instantly arrived in front of the crocodile.

The crocodile was taken hurriedly spewed out a vast expanse of cold light and greeted him. At the same time, countless white cold air emerged from the body, and the whole body was wrapped in a thick white ice armor.

The white cold light collided with the blue sound waves, and it was torn apart like thin paper.

The blue sound wave swept across the body of the crocodile, and the white ice armor was torn apart and turned into a large piece of white ice.

Ice Escape Technique!

A white and cold wind suddenly blew around Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and the crocodile appeared, with some blood on its surface, obviously traumatized.

Almost at the moment when it appeared, the ups and downs of the pipa sounded, and a little blue light suddenly appeared in the void, turning into mysterious blue notes, and the blue notes scrambled to enter the body of the crocodile.

It seemed to be frozen, motionless.

This is the new magical power and spiritual sound mastered by Wang Ruyan, which can temporarily hold the enemy. The higher the cultivation level, the more mana and the longer the time to hold the enemy.

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