Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1780: The 2nd Tongtian Lingbao Xuanyuzhu

The latest website: Wang Changsheng smashed the drum face of the Jiujiao Drum with a punch, and a shocking dragon roar sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out. .

The blue sound wave hit the crocodile, the crocodile made a terrifying roar, and a large number of white scales fell off its body, dripping with blood, and its huge body flew out like a broken kite, falling heavily. on the ground.

A dazzling blue light appeared on the surfaces of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and Wang Changsheng's breath soared, quickly rising to the level of the middle stage of God Transformation.

His blue veins burst out, and the blood vessels under the skin can be clearly seen.

No wonder Zhenxian Pagoda Artifact Spirit said that only physical cultivation can drive the Jiujiao Drum. The power of this treasure is indeed not small, but it also consumes a lot of mana.

Wang Changsheng's right fist burst out with a dazzling blue light, hitting the Jiujiao drum again.

An earth-shattering dragon roar sounded, ripples in the void, violently twisted and deformed, and a blue and misty sound wave emerged out of nowhere, sweeping away in all directions.

With a "puff", Wang Ruyan opened her mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, her face paled. Even with many protections, the eighth sound wave of Jiujiao Drum still injured her, which shows the power of the eighth sound wave.

Where the eighth blue sound wave passed, the void was violently distorted and deformed, the ground was torn apart, and thick and long cracks appeared.

The crocodile was startled, and the Xuanyuzhu turned into a white light and flew towards it.

Xuan Yuzhu spun around, and a billowing cold air emerged. The wind was blowing everywhere, and a white tornado with a height of more than one thousand feet and a diameter of one hundred feet appeared out of thin air, facing the blue sound wave.


The white tornado exploded like a piece of paper, and the mysterious jade beads flew out.

Without mastering the Tongbao Art, the crocodile could not exert the full power of the Xuanyuzhu at all.

The crocodile wanted to use the ice escape technique to avoid it, but there was an unbearable pain from the sea of ​​consciousness again.

When it reacted, the blue sound wave had already arrived in front of it, quickly passing over its body.

The huge body of the crocodile suddenly lay on the ground, motionless, all its internal organs were shattered.

In a flash of white light, a mini crocodile flew out from the corpse, and a giant red tower descended from the sky, covering the mini crocodile and putting it into the red giant tower.

Wang Changchang let out a sigh of relief, his eyes full of joy.

"No wonder Zhenxian Pagoda Artifact Spirit said that the Jiujiao Drum is the most powerful among the many spiritual treasures she has refined. It killed a fifth-order monster in eight bangs. Isn't it even more powerful?"

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, in the eyes of Zhenxian Pagoda, the Jiujiao Drum is just a spiritual treasure.

Maybe it's because the vision of the artifact is too high, or the spiritual world has a level plan for the heavenly treasure.

"If I hadn't taken the fifth-order Dragon Yuan and a bottle of Golden Marrow Bone Forging Pill, I really couldn't drive this treasure."

Wang Changsheng sighed, if he hadn't taken the fifth-order Dragon Yuan and a bottle of Golden Marrow Bone Forging Pill, he wouldn't be able to ring the eighth ring at all.

Driving the Jiujiao Drum requires not only mana, but also sufficient strength. If it is not in the Divine Transformation stage, it will not be able to knock at all. Even if Wang Ruyan is filmed for a year, she will not be able to beat it.

He made a move with one hand, Xuan Yuzhu flew towards him and landed on his hand, the tentacles were extremely cold.

"It should be made from ten thousand years of mysterious jade, and the amount is still quite large. Madam, you don't have the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure yet. Let this treasure be handed over to you!"

Wang Changsheng handed the Xuan Yuzhu to Wang Ruyan, so that each of them would have a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, and their strength would be stronger.

With Wang Changsheng's current mana, he couldn't use two Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures at the same time.

Wang Ruyan was not polite and put away the Xuan Yuzhu.

Wang Changsheng put away the corpses of Dinghaizhu and Jiaojiao, and with the corpse of a fifth-order monster, he could refine a few more spiritual treasures, and the family heritage was further enhanced.

"Let's go! Let's get the seven-star ice pulp fruit tree back."

Wang Changsheng strode forward, and Wang Ruyan quickly followed.

It didn't take long for them to appear at the foot of a towering iceberg, with a hundred-acre ice lake on the left.

On the halfway of the iceberg is a fruit tree with a whole body of white. There are five snow-white fruits hanging on the tree. Each fruit has seven silver light spots on the surface, which are arranged like the Big Dipper.

He released the wood demon and let it transplant the seven-star ice pith fruit tree.

The wood demon tossed for a while, but returned without success. I don't know how long the iceberg has existed, the magic weapon is hard to hurt, and it can't take root.

"According to Huangfuxiong's statement, this iceberg is at least 10,000 years old! It is really difficult to deal with an iceberg that has existed for 10,000 years."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, if one is forcibly transplanted, if one fails, the seven-star ice pith fruit tree will wither. By then, they will spend thousands of years cultivating the seven-star ice pith fruit tree.

"If that's the case, then the entire iceberg will migrate back to Qinglian Island, just as a nest for the Snow Ape."

Wang Changsheng chuckled lightly, his face full of confidence.

"The entire iceberg migrated back to Qinglian Island!"

Wang Ruyan was stunned, his face full of shock.

Wang Changsheng strode to the foot of the mountain. He took out the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword and slashed towards the iceberg.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", and there was a faint cut mark on the surface of the iceberg.

Wang Changsheng put away the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, put on Sea Splitting Gloves in both hands, and smashed it towards the iceberg.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and a long crack appeared on the surface of the iceberg.

One punch, two punches, three punches...

The roar continued, and the cracks in the iceberg were getting bigger and bigger.


On a low **** a hundred miles away, Wang Qingling frowned, his eyes full of worry.

Huang Fugui and Huangfu Rui took a seat to adjust their breath and waited quietly.

"Fairy Wang, don't worry! Senior Wang and Senior Wang are highly skilled, they will be fine."

Huang Fugui comforted.

Wang Changsheng saved his life this time, the kindness was too heavy.

"I'm not worried about the safety of the nine uncles and nine aunts. It's been so long, why hasn't the fight been over yet? I still need Xiaobai's help to get the treasure!"

Wang Qingling frowned and said.

"They're here, and they must have dealt with that fifth-order monster."

Huang Fugui was full of joy and looked into the distance.

Wang Qingling looked towards the distant sky and saw two escaping lights flying towards them.

Not long after, two rays of light fell in front of them, it was Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Nine uncles and nine aunts, are you all right!"

Wang Qingling asked with concern.

"Two seniors, have you dealt with that monster?"

Huangfu Rui asked in disbelief, how strong is Qinglian Immortal Companion? Can you kill a fifth-order monster so quickly? But this is understandable, after all, Qinglian Immortal Companion has Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure and is proficient in the art of combined strikes.

"We're all The monster was taken care of by us, we got the thing, let's go! It's not advisable to stay here for a long time."

Wang Changsheng didn't plan to stay for a long time. They only had two-fifths of the map of the Falling Immortal Icefield. There may be surprises in unknown places, and the risk must be very high.

He was already satisfied with the corpse of a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, a seven-star ice pulp fruit tree, and a fifth-order monster.

"Let's just say it! Senior Wang and Senior Wang are highly skilled, and the junior admires them extremely. This time, it is thanks to Senior Wang, otherwise the junior will be more fortunate."

Huang Fugui said gratefully, with a flattering look on his face.

"Let's get to know each other once, it's just a little effort."

Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, took out the flying dragon in the sky, and jumped up, followed by the others.

After a deafening dragon roar sounded, the flying dragon turned into a blue light in the sky and disappeared into the sky.

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