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Chapter 1786: Shangguan Tianhong vs Sun Tianhu

The latest website: Donglijie, Immortal Burial Sea.

Hundreds of cultivators were patrolling at high altitudes, and three Nascent Soul cultivators led the team. Everyone's face was very solemn, and the spiritual energy dissipated. This was a huge threat.

Fortunately, for some unknown reason, the Tianlan Sect cultivator did not leave the Immortal Burying Sea.

Dongli Island, the council hall.

Sun Tianhu, Liu Ruyi, Baili'e and Feng Li are discussing something.

"It's strange, the aura of the Immortal Burial Sea has been dissipated for more than two months, why haven't you seen the trace of the Tianlan Sect cultivator, Daoist Feng, is there any news about the spies you sent into the Immortal Burial Sea? "

Sun Tianhu frowned and said that there were signs of disintegration of the Qi of Absolute Spirit, so he sent in to notify a number of cultivators, asking them to go to the Immortal Burial Sea to fight against the Tianlan Sect.

The Qi of Absolute Spirit has dissipated, but there is no trace of the Tianlanzong cultivator, which is strange.

"The Immortal Burial Sea is a natural magnetic field. Ordinary monsters can't sneak into the depths at all, so the Ice Ape Clan and the Flood Dragon Clan can enter, but they haven't replied yet, they are either killed or trapped by the ban."

Feng Li sighed and said that the spiritual consciousness of immortal cultivators will be severely restricted in the Immortal Burying Sea Area, and the demon race is no exception. It is difficult to go deep into the Immortal Burying Sea Area, let alone find the whereabouts of the Tianlan Sect cultivator. The task of the Ice Ape Clan and the Jiaolong Clan is to send people to carry out the task, it is hard to say if you don't care.

"You said, is it possible that the monks of Tianlanzong are all dead?"

Liu Ruyi put forward a bold conjecture. It is not impossible. Being trapped by the Qi of Absolute Spirit for hundreds of years, it is very difficult for a cultivator to survive without mana.

"That's not necessarily true. If you are well prepared, it will not be a problem to survive for hundreds of years. After all, they came prepared, it is impossible not to think that there will be a burst of spiritual energy, and they must have prepared countermeasures..."

Before Baili'e's words were finished, a loud alarm sounded, and several sound transmissions flew in.

Sun Tianhu crushed a sound transmission, and a panicked man's voice suddenly sounded: "Master Sun, it's not good, the Tianlanzong cultivator rushed out from the Immortal Burial Sea, and more than ten cultivators led the team."

"More than ten cultivators of God Transformation!"

The four of Sun Tianhu looked at each other, and their faces became quite ugly.

"Blessed or unfortunate, we can't avoid it. Let's go out and take a look. We can delay as long as possible and wait for the arrival of other fellow Daoists."

Sun Tianhu took a deep breath and flew out as a flash of light.

Liu Ruyi and the others followed closely behind.

There was a dragon boat with a whole body of blue light. Thousands of monks stood on the blue dragon boat. The leader was Shangguan Tianhong, Lei Yunbin and others stood beside him, and Zhenjun Qianhu was also there.

This time, Shangguan Tianhong can be said to have used all his strength, and he has almost scavenged the resources for cultivating immortals in Tianlan Realm. This time he came here, and he did not plan to go back.

Shangguan Tianhong has three heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, one each for defense, attack, and flight, which can be called invincible.

The four of Sun Tianhu floated high in the sky, their expressions tense.

"Shangguan Tianhong! The Sect Master of Tianlan Sect, you are here in person."

Sun Tianhu said in surprise when he saw Shangguan Tianhong.

They arrested many cultivators of Tianlanzong and asked them to draw portraits of high-level members of Tianlanzong, including the portrait of Shangguan Tianhong.

"Myriad Beasts Island, Fellow Daoist Sun, the old man has long admired the name, and finally saw the real person, just you four cultivators?"

Shangguan Tianhong smiled contemptuously, his tone flat.

If it wasn't for the alliance with Dongli Realm to attack the Thousand Gourd Realm, he would have already done it, and the Yuanying cultivator in Dongli Realm would not have had time to warn him.

"It seems that an unusually fierce battle is inevitable today, so let this old man come to experience your magical powers."

Sun Tianhu's tone was heavy. The thief was captured first, and the king was captured first. If the cultivators of Tianlan Sect were not given some color, the four of them would be more fortunate than fortunate today.

"Okay, the old man also wants to see what kind of magical powers Sun Daoyou has."

Shangguan Tianhong smiled boldly and agreed.

He has three heavenly treasures, so naturally he will not be afraid of Sun Tianhu.

Sun Tianhu and Shangguan Tianhong flew towards the sky at almost the same time, and the two were thousands of feet apart.

Sun Tianhu's wrist flicked, a loud tiger roar sounded, and a silver light flew out from the spirit beast bead, turning into a giant tiger with two pairs of silver wings on its back, the fifth-order spirit beast Leiyi Yanhu, Sun Tianhu's Destiny beast.

With a flick of his sleeve, a small tower with aura of light flew out, breaking into a magic formula, and a deafening beast roar sounded. Bao Wan Yao Tower.

In the face of the number one expert in the Tianlan world, Sun Tianhu did not dare to be careless.

Shangguan Tianhong's body was covered with a golden light curtain, and his expression was indifferent.

His wide sleeve robe flicked, and nine red streaks flew out, which were nine small and exquisite red mirrors, floating in the void.

I saw him enter a magic formula, and countless red runes emerged from the mirrors of the nine small red mirrors. The dense red light flew out and turned into red fireballs, the number of which was tens of thousands. Cover the sky.

Tens of thousands of red fireballs smashed into Sun Tianhu, but before they came over, a monstrous heat wave hit his face, and a large amount of seawater evaporated.

Sun Tianhu didn't dare to be careless, a magic trick hit the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda, and the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda suddenly heard a piercing chirping sound, and a peacock with a blue body appeared on the tower of the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda.

It flapped its wings fiercely, suddenly came to life, and flew out from the tower. The cyan peacock flapped its wings, blowing a gust of wind, and the calm sea rolled violently, forming huge waves.

Strong winds, huge waves collided with the red fireball, and powerful air waves erupted.

The sky above Sun Tianhu's head fluctuated together, and a large golden hand more than a hundred feet long appeared out of thin air. The golden hand was composed of countless golden flames, emitting an amazing heat wave.

His reaction was very He flipped his palm, and a short ruler with blue light appeared in his hand. With a slight shake, countless blue seawater emerged out of thin air, turning into a thick blue water column, and greeted him. Big golden hands.

The big golden hand collided with the blue water column, a powerful air wave erupted, and a large amount of white mist emerged at the same time.

Before the white fog dissipated, a hot wind suddenly blew from behind Sun Tianhu, a group of red flames emerged out of thin air, and after a blur, it turned into the appearance of Shangguan Tianhong.

Shangguan Tianhong has a pair of red wings on his back, exuding astonishing aura fluctuations.

He used the wind and fire wings to teleport behind Sun Tianhu, naturally wanting to make a quick decision.

He held a golden axe in his hand and slashed towards Sun Tianhu.

At this moment, Sun Tianhu's natural beast, Lei Yiyan Huhu, let out a roar, and countless red arcs appeared on his body, hitting Shangguan Tianhong.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and the dazzling thunder drowned out Shangguan Tianhong.

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