Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1787: Qinglian Xianlu arrived

The latest website: The next moment, a dazzling golden light lit up in the thunder, and Shangguan Tianhong appeared.

His whole body was wrapped by a thick golden light curtain. There was a golden jade shuttle on his chest, and the golden jade lock was engraved with a pattern of a mini unicorn, which was aura.

Tongtian Lingbao Jinlin Lock, defensive magic weapon.

Countless golden spiritual patterns appeared around Shangguan Tianhong's body, and a layer of golden flames emerged out of thin air, wrapping the whole body. As soon as the golden flames appeared, the nearby temperature suddenly increased.

When he raised his right hand, a white light flew out and turned into a light blue bead with an aura on the surface, obviously a spiritual treasure.

As a fifth-order weapon refiner and the strongest cultivator in the Tianlan world, Shangguan Tianhong has a lot of treasures on his body.

There was a muffled sound of "click", the blue ball suddenly burst open, a blue misty cold air surged out, the temperature dropped sharply, the temperature in the vicinity dropped suddenly, and the golden flames on Shangguan Tianhong's body flickered non-stop. .

Dry blue beads, a one-time spiritual treasure made of dry blue snow crystals as the main material, if it wasn't for the fact that there was a conflict with him in the attributes of the exercises, Shangguan Tianhong would refine the dry blue snow crystals, which could be used permanently.

Sun Tianhu's body surface was full of aura, and there was a deafening dragon roar. He suddenly turned into a red dragon with a body length of one hundred meters. The red dragon had a human face on its head. It was Sun Tianhu.

Flood Transformation Art, Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique, can only be cultivated with the aid of the Flood Dragon Essence and Blood. In the Divine Transformation Stage, the 5th Rank Flood Dragon Essence and Blood can only be cultivated. The conditions are very harsh and the Myriad Beast Island has a profound background. .

Because it requires the assistance of the dragon's blood essence to cultivate, there are not many monks on the island of Myriad Beasts who practice this practice, and Sun Tianhu is one of them.

The blue chill hit the red Jiaolong, and a thin layer of ice immediately appeared.


The red Jiaolong let out a roar, and its tail slammed into Shangguan Tianhong.

Shangguan Tianhong was about to avoid it when a thunderous sound rang in his sea of ​​consciousness, and his mind buzzed.

Thunder roar!

Lei Yiyanhuhu's unique supernatural power, specializing in divine consciousness.

With a muffled "bang", Shangguan Tianhong flew out upside down, protected by the golden lock of the heavenly treasure, and he was not injured.

Shangguan Tianhong frowned, the wind and fire wings on his back fanned wildly, creating a strong airflow, and countless seawater flew towards him, forming a blue water column more than a thousand feet high, making a deafening roar.

A huge water column with a height of more than a thousand meters and a diameter of five hundred meters came straight to the red dragon. Wherever it passed, more than a dozen small islands were smashed by the blue water column and turned into powder.

The red Flood Dragon let out a roar, and a large red flame emerged from its body. Countless red flames emerged out of thin air, and soon formed a red fire cloud tens of thousands of feet in size, emitting an amazing heat wave, facing the blue water column.

Leiyiyanhuhu made a loud tiger roar, lightning flashed at high altitude, and a huge thundercloud appeared in the sky without warning. To the blue water column.

Thousands of silver lightning struck the blue water column with a huge momentum.

Liu Ruyi's faces tightened, and they were ready to help at any time.

Lei Yunbin's expression was calm, and he was not Shangguan Tianhong's opponent. He didn't know how many trump cards Shangguan Tianhong had.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, the blue water column burst open, turning into countless blue water blades and heading straight for the red Jiaolong and Leiyi Yanhuhu.

There was a muffled sound of "ding ding", and the dense blue water blades hit them, just like scratching, and they were unscathed.

A gust of wind suddenly blew over the red dragon, and Shangguan Tianhong appeared, holding a golden axe in his right hand. The handle of the golden axe resembled a miniature golden dragon. .

Tongtian Lingbao Golden Flood Axe, Shangguan Tianhong is not only a fifth-order forge master, he is also a body repairer in the spiritual stage, this secret is rarely known.

I saw him holding the golden flood axe and slashing towards the red flood dragon below.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", sparks splashed everywhere, and the blade of the golden flood axe cut off the scales of the red flood dragon, submerging into the red flood dragon's body, and some white bones could be vaguely seen.

An extremely painful dragon roar sounded, and a large red flame emerged from the body of the red dragon, which turned into a light and disappeared.

The red light flashed, and the figure of Sun Tianhu appeared in the void of hundreds of meters. There was a terrifying bloodstain on his back, and Lei Yiyanhuhu flew towards him.

"Spirit Transformation Stage Body Cultivation!"

His eyes were gloomy, and he used the Jiao Hua Jue, his body was very powerful, and the spiritual treasure was hard to hurt, but the golden axe driven by Shangguan Tianhong was obviously not an ordinary heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

The faces of Liu Ruyi and the others sank, and Sun Tianhu suffered a big loss. It can be seen from this that Sun Tianhu is not an opponent of Shangguan Tianhong.

They hurriedly flew over to prevent Shangguan Tianhong from hurting the killer.

"It's accepted, Daoyou Sun, it's better to resolve the enemy than to end it, let's shake hands and make peace! How about it?"

Shangguan Tianhong said solemnly.

The four of Sun Tianhu were stunned. They looked at each other and suspected that they had heard it wrong. Shangguan Tianhong clearly had the upper hand, so why did they shake hands and make peace?

Shangguan Tianhong came to Dongli Realm in person, just to negotiate with Dongli Realm? What a joke.

"Hmph, don't do this, really think you've settled for this old man? The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken."

Sun Tianhu sneered, his face determined.

If there is a peace negotiation, he agrees with both hands. After all, he has a relatively high chance of advancing to the late stage of God Transformation. He can't figure out Shangguan Tianhong's purpose.

"Someone is here."

Shangguan Tianhong squinted his eyes and looked towards the distant sky, and several rays of light appeared in the distant sky.

It didn't take long for several escaping lights to stop. It was Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Sharma Mingzhu, and Lu Dao.

The teleportation array in the Dongli Realm can teleport up to tens of millions of miles. The Wulong Sea Area and the Immortal Burying Sea are hundreds of millions of miles apart. They used the teleportation array to travel, and they also flew for a while, and rushed to the Immortal Burying Sea area at the fastest speed.

If there is a teleportation array that can teleport hundreds of millions of miles, they will be teleported directly from the Wulong Sea Area to the Immortal Burying Sea area, and there is no need to be so Qinglian Xianlu, you have all entered the God Transformation Stage. "

Shangguan Tianhong's face sank, his face full of murderous intent.

Using the method given by Wang Changsheng, he could not refine the Moon Pearl at all, and he firmly believed that Wang Changsheng had deceived him.

"Friend Shangguan, long time no see."

Wang Changsheng's expression was calm. He knew the reason for Shangguan Tianhong's anger. Naturally, Shangguan Tianhong was unable to refine the Moon Pearl, thinking that what Wang Changsheng gave was a fake refining method.

"The old man said that if you dare to lie to me, I will go to Dongli Realm to find you to settle accounts."

Shangguan Tianhong said coldly, if he wasn't afraid of the Mingyue Pearl in Wang Changsheng's hands, he would have done it.

"I didn't lie to you, it's just that your refining method is wrong."

Wang Changsheng's tone was indifferent.

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