Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1793: 60 years of flicking the finger, dispatching troops

Time flies, sixty years passed quickly.

South China Sea, Qinglian Island.

Bailing Peak, Wang Qingling sat on the stone bench, Wang Yingjie stood aside, his eyes were full of anticipation.

The ice wind Jiao was lying on the surface of the ice lake, and its size became much larger.

During the trip to the Meteorite Icefield, they got a lot of fourth-order demon pills. Wang Yingjie refined them into pills and fed them to Bingfeng Jiao. Bingfeng Jiao successfully advanced to the fourth-order middle-grade, from the fourth-grade low-grade to the fourth-grade middle-grade. It took Feng Jiao more than 200 years, which is quite fast. After all, the lifespan of the demon clan is much longer than that of the immortal cultivator.

"Are you really going to follow your ancestors to the Thousand Gourd World? I can provide you with a baby-born spirit."

Wang Qingling said sternly, Wang Yingjie is the most ambitious among her descendants, and she is also the most diligent in cultivation.

"My grandson has thanked the ancestors. With my aptitude, I am afraid that a baby-born spirit is not enough. Expedition to the Thousand Gourd World is a great opportunity to make achievements. I hope that the ancestors will be successful."

Wang Yingjie bowed with a look of anticipation.

He is one of the nine heroes. According to the rules of the clan, after he cultivates to the ninth level of the formation of pills, the family will provide a baby-bonding spiritual item, plus a baby-bonding spiritual item provided by Wang Qingling, there will be two copies. With his aptitude, he felt that the two Infant Souls were too few to allow him to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Since you have made up your mind, I will speak to you in front of Uncle Ninth, you should go back first!"

Wang Qingling instructed.

Wang Yingjie breathed a sigh of relief, bowed and stepped back.

Wang Qingling suddenly took out a flashing message board and entered a magic formula. Wang Changsheng's voice suddenly sounded: "Qingling, come to Qinglian Peak, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, Uncle Ninth, I'll go right now."

Wang Qingling put away the communication tray and jumped on the back of Bingfeng Jiao.

"Let's go, Xiaobai, go to Qinglian Peak, Ninth Uncle has something to do with me."

As soon as the voice fell, the Ice Wind Jiao flew high into the sky.

Qinglian Peak, a secluded courtyard.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting in the stone pavilion, Wang Qingshan, Wang Mengbin, Ye Haitang, Wang Tianwen, Wang Youwei, Ouyang Mingyue, Wang Qingqing and others stood in front of them.

Wang Qingqing is already in the middle Yuanying period, Wang Mengbin is already in the late Yuanying period, and Ye Haitang is still in the middle Yuanying period.

If they want to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm, they naturally have to bring some clansmen to plunder the resources of immortal cultivation. Going to the Thousand Gourd Realm must be risky, and staying in the Dongli Realm is not necessarily safe. Risks and opportunities coexist.

Wang Changsheng also did not intend to force them to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm, it depends on their personal wishes.

Wang Qingling walked in, and she stood up honestly.

"We are about to leave for the Thousand Gourd Realm. This time, going to the Thousand Gourd Realm is an opportunity, or it may be a crisis. If you want to go, stand up."

Wang Changsheng said kindly.

"Ninth uncle, nephew is willing to go out with the ninth uncle and nine aunts."

Wang Qingshan took a step forward and said in a serious tone.

"I'm also willing to go."

"The grandson is willing to follow the ancestors to go out to the Thousand Gourd World."

"Uncle, auntie, I'm also willing to go."


Wang Mengbin and others expressed their willingness to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm, none of them were timid.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan went to the Tianlan Realm, and when they came back, they made great progress in their cultivation. This was the chance.

"Qingshan, you have already cultivated to the Great Consummation of Nascent Soul, so don't take risks and stay at Qinglian Island."

Wang Changsheng persuaded that Wang Qingshan was the family's future hope, and Wang Changsheng didn't want him to have an accident.

"Ninth uncle, the flowers in the greenhouse don't grow much, and the eagle will always spread its wings one day. I want to take this opportunity to temper it, and also ask ninth uncle to complete it."

Wang Qingshan said sternly, in the past, Wang Qingshan would have stayed at Qinglian Island, but now it is different.

The sword intent he understood was to protect, which did not mean that he had to stay with the family all the time. He had been practicing Taoism for many years, and the family had given him a lot of help, but he was not only able to stay in the family, but could also follow Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan on the expedition.

Wang Changsheng's face showed contemplation. His original intention was to protect Wang Qingshan. This kind of protection may be a bit excessive. Wang Qingshan is different from other clansmen. He has made a lot of sacrifices to get to where he is today.

During the last trip to the Tianlan Realm, the major forces in the Dongli Realm basically did not send any elites to the Tianlan Realm. To a certain extent, the protection was excessive.

"Qingshan, we don't know the situation of the Thousand Gourd Realm very well. After all, we haven't been there in person. You have to think about it. Going to the Thousand Gourd Realm is very risky."

Wang Ruyan solemnly reminded.

"Ninth Aunt, my nephew thinks that cultivating the Dao is not just blind cultivation. You should also go out for a walk, get to know the customs of different places, and exchange ideas with other monks. My nephew knows that Ninth Uncle and Ninth Aunt are worried about my safety. Just act against the sky, there is nothing to be afraid of, there is no danger in the Nine Gourd Realm with the Nine Uncles and Aunts? My nephew is willing to follow the Nine Uncles and Aunts on the expedition."

Wang Qingshan's expression is serious, it is not necessarily safe to stay behind on Qinglian Island.

With a relieved expression on his face, Wang Changsheng ordered: "If that's the case, you can come with us! Qingshan, Meng Bin, Haitang, Youwei, Mingyue, the five of you, come with us! In addition, the Cong clan Twenty cultivators of Pill Formation and 100 cultivators of Foundation Establishment, Qingling, Mengfen, Tianwen, and Qingqing, will be selected from within. You stay on Qinglian Island. From now on, strangers are strictly prohibited from entering Qinglian Island. When the cultivators of the gods came to kill them, you immediately activated the great formation to protect the clan, and escaped Qinglian Island to the bottom of the sea."

With Wang Qingling and the Ice Wind Jiaojiao, and the fourth-rank top-rank puppet beast, the defense is not weak.

"Yes," Ninth Uncle (old ancestor). "

Wang Qingshan and others agreed in unison.

"Qingshan and Qingqing stay, the rest of you should go back and prepare!"

Wang Ruyan instructed Wang Qingling and the others responded and bowed down.

With a flick of Wang Changsheng's sleeves, nine green flying swords flew out and floated in front of Wang Qingshan. It was the Qingli sword, which had been promoted to Lingbao.

"Qingshan, Qinglijian has been promoted to a spiritual treasure. As long as you don't encounter a god-turning cultivator who is escaping too fast, you can retreat."

Wang Changsheng said reassuringly that he promised to let Wang Qingshan accompany him, which had a lot to do with Wang Qingshan's strength, and he was reluctant to let Wang Qingqing go to the Thousand Gourd Realm.

Wang Qingqing's eyes are full of envy, a complete set of Lingbao, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not have a complete set of Lingbao in the Yuan Ying period! Wang Qingshan followed Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan on their expedition to the Thousand Gourd Realm, which can be understood even if there is a complete set of Lingbao.

"Uncle Xie Jiu."

Wang Qingshan's expression was excited, and he accepted the blue glass sword.

"Qingshan, this is a five-element talisman that I made by myself. It has the strength of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you can use it for self-defense!"

Wang Ruyan took out a shining talisman and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

She has been in the Divine Transformation Stage for more than 100 years, and at most she can refine the Five Elements Talisman in the middle Nascent Soul.

Wang Qingshan Company claimed thanks and accepted the Five Elements Talisman.

Wang Changsheng warned Wang Qingshan to leave.


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