Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1794: Recruit elites and go to the 0 gourd world

"Qingqing, do you want to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm with us? The Thousand Gourd Realm is dangerous, but also has a chance."

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Qingqing and asked in a pleasant manner.

They fought in the front because they hoped that Han Benfu and other descendants could have a stable living environment. As the only daughter of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, they neither wanted Wang Qingqing to take risks, nor could they bear to force Wang Qingqing to let her decide.

Wang Qingqing's face was brooding, and his heart was a little tangled.

She wants to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm, but she has self-knowledge. She has very few life and death fighting skills, and her strength is not much stronger than that of Fairy Ziyue. If she goes to the Thousand Gourd Realm, I am afraid that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan will be distracted to take care of her. This is a big deal. avoid.

"Father, mother, let your daughter stay on Qinglian Island! I will try my best to refine the fourth-order puppet beast, you must come back safely."

Wang Qingqing took a deep breath and said solemnly.

She doesn't want to be a drag-and-drop bottle, so it's better not to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm. She can already refine a fourth-order puppet beast.

"Qingqing, my mother still has a talisman from the Nascent Soul period. If you want to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm to experience it, it's fine."

Wang Ruyan said genially, she knew Wang Qingqing didn't want to drag them down.

"Mother, my daughter is self-aware. My strength lies in refining weapons. The battle of life and death is not suitable for me. I should stay at Qinglian Island!"

Wang Qingqing said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng nodded gratified and said, "Okay! Since that's the case, you can make puppet beasts on Qinglian Island with peace of mind, and the family will ask you."

Wang Qingqing responded and chatted for a while before she left.

As soon as she left, Fairy Ziyue brought Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan over.

With the strong support of the Wang family, the strength of Zhenhaizong has been continuously enhanced and the development trend is good.

"Senior Brother Wang, Junior Brother Cheng and Junior Sister Zheng will go to the Thousand Gourd Realm with you first."

Fairy Ziyue said straight to the point.

"Senior Wang, please make it happen."

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan said in unison, their faces full of anticipation.

If they wanted to go further, it would be a good choice to follow Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to the Thousand Gourd World.

"This is not a joke! Even the cultivators of the gods may fall."

Wang Changsheng's expression was solemn. Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan were high-level officials of Zhenhaizong. He didn't want them to have an accident. If they wanted to contribute, Wang Changsheng would not stop them.

"We have made up our minds, and we are willing to follow Senior Wang and Senior Wang into the Thousand Gourd Realm, slaying demons and eradicating demons."

Cheng Zhenyu said in a serious tone.

"Senior Brother Wang, they want to do their part for you, so please fulfill them! In addition to them, I will send twenty other cultivators of Pill Formation to go out with you."

Fairy Ziyue said sincerely, the Wang family has given Zhenhaizong a lot of help, and it is time to pay back.

"Zhenhaizong is too weak. It's enough to assign ten alchemy cultivators. I have already ordered to transfer fifty alchemy cultivators from the affiliated forces."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, this time he went to the Thousand Gourd Realm, he recruited a group of high-level cultivators, and it was impossible to bring all the Wang family members there.

Fairy Ziyue wanted to say something, Wang Ruyan persuaded: "Junior Sister Tian, ​​we appreciate your kindness, and we don't know if it's good or bad, two Nascent Souls and ten cultivators of Pill Formation are enough, if If you need more troops, we will send people to recruit people again. It will not be too late for you to send people again. We are not in Dongli Realm. If you are free, please help us take care of the Wang family. This is better than sending a hundred cultivators. important."

"Okay! You can rest assured to go out to the Thousand Gourd World. I will take good care of your family. You can bring Zhenhai Ape with you! It's better to let your clansmen take self-defense."

Fairy Ziyue thought again and again and agreed.

After chatting for a while, Fairy Ziyue and the three of them left and went back to make preparations.

Three days later, hundreds of monks gathered in an extremely large bluestone square.

This time on the expedition to the Thousand Gourd World, the Wang family dispatched two transforming gods, eight Yuanying monks, eighty forming pill monks, and five hundred foundation-building monks. Treasure hunt in the forbidden and secret areas of the Thousand Gourd World!

"This time on the expedition to the Thousand Gourd World, I hope you will all obey the order. Violators will be severely punished, and those who have made great achievements will be rewarded."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the old ancestor (Senior Wang)."

All the monks said in unison, and their voices reverberated throughout the bluestone square.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and the flying dragon flew out from the sky map and floated high in the sky. He and Wang Ruyan jumped up first, followed by the others.

After a deafening dragon roar sounded, the flying dragon turned into a blue light in the sky and disappeared into the sky.


Donghuang, demon clan.

The Tianhu family, the council hall.

Bai Linger was talking to a white-haired old man in a white robe, and their faces were solemn.

"Seventh Uncle, the clan will be handed over to you. Be careful with Cheng Zhanxian. He has always wanted to unify the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan, and he is very ambitious. Our Tianhu clan is in the way of his eyes."

Bai Linger sighed, Cheng Zhanxian named Bai Linger to go out to the Thousand Gourd Realm.

Except for the Tianhu clan, the elites of other demon clans were all sent out by Cheng Zhanxian.

If they all died in battle, Cheng Zhanxian would be more likely to unify the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan in the future.

The white-robed old man nodded and said, "I will. Be more careful yourself."

Bai Linger responded and turned into a white rainbow and flew out.


Taiyi Immortal Gate, the council hall.

Liu Ye, Meng Tianzheng, Han Tianxuan, and Zhang Zhanfeng were saying something, and their faces were solemn.

"It shouldn't be too dangerous to play one interface with two interfaces, Martial Nephew Han, do you really want to go out with the army?"

Liu Ye frowned and said, Han Tianxuan is the future of Taiyi Xianmen. He doesn't want Han Tianxuan to go to the Thousand Gourd Realm, but it's not good to spoil too much.

"The disciple's mind has been I also hope that Master Liu will be fulfilled."

Han Tianxuan said solemnly.

Liu Ye nodded: "Okay! You can follow this old man to the expedition!"

"Uncle Liu, Huang Fugui also wants to go out with the army, what do you think?"

Zhang Zhanfeng asked cautiously.

"If he wants to go, he can go. He also has friendship with Qinglian Immortal Companion, so let him go!"

Liu Ye disagreed, he didn't care about Huang Fugui's life or death!

"Nephew Meng, the sect will be handed over to you, the old man is off."

Liu Ye waved his sleeves and walked out. Hundreds of cultivators were standing outside. They were lined up neatly. There were as many as ten cultivators in Nascent Soul, and more than 40 cultivators in the formation of elixir.

Taiyi Immortal Sect's territory is spread across the East Wasteland, South China Sea and Northern Border, and it has not been able to recruit too many people.

He sacrificed a flying boat with a sparkling blue light and entered a magic trick. The size of the blue flying boat soared and floated high in the sky.

"Set off!"

Liu Ye jumped up first, followed by the other monks.

The blue flying boat turned into a azure light and flew away, disappearing into the sky.

The same scene was staged all over the place, and the major forces dispatched their personnel to go out to the Thousand Gourd World.


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