Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1795: The elite gathered to open the space channel

Northern Xinjiang, Jinyan Mountains.

There are tens of thousands of cultivators gathered here in a vast and boundless open space, there are as many as a dozen cultivators of God Transformation, hundreds of cultivators of Nascent Soul, and thousands of cultivators of Pill Formation.

A gleaming golden loft is located on a low earth slope, and the golden loft is obviously a magic weapon.

Shangguan Tianhong, Lei Yunbin, True Monarch Qianglu, and Qin Yunfeng were drinking tea and chatting. Tianlanzong dispatched ten cultivators this time, and they would all go to Qianglu Realm. Besides them, they also transferred hundreds of cultivators. Infant cultivator, and thousands of alchemy cultivators, this is the elite power of Tianlan Sect.

Even if the demons attacked Tianlan Realm, Shangguan Tianhong wouldn't care. What are you kidding, there are more important things than his ascension to the spiritual realm? As for the death and injury of his disciples, he doesn't care anymore.

"The physical power of the demons is very strong, and they are very resistant to beatings after being demonized, but this is a native demon, and the demons transformed by using the energy of the real demon are weaker, but the demons have one thing in common. The recovery ability is very strong, and this recovery ability depends on the concentration of the true demonic energy and the demonic energy, and the lightning and fire supernatural powers restrain the demons."

True Monarch Qianglu said slowly, he had already mentioned the weakness of the Demon Race before, but now he did it in more detail.

"I don't believe it. Twenty gods join forces, and they can stop us."

Shangguan Tianhong was full of confidence and learned the lessons of the previous few times. This time, they directly dispatched twenty Spirit Transformation monks and hundreds of Nascent Soul monks.

"The demons have several heaven-penetrating magic treasures in their hands, and their power is still very large. Besides, some of them have some special secrets that can display incredible magical powers. It is better to be careful."

Qianhu Zhenjun's expression is solemn. Don't look at the two interfaces that have mobilized a large number of masters. He is not very optimistic about Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm. They have never played against the Demon Race, and they don't know the horror of the Demon Race. What I have experienced myself is completely different.

The Heaven-reaching Magic Treasure is equivalent to the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure used by the monks of the human race, and its power is enormous.

"If they can't communicate with the demon world, they rely on a few magic treasures that reach the sky. They should not be our opponents. As long as we are careful, there should be no danger."

Lei Yunbin said sternly.

Zhenjun Qianhu and Qin Yunfeng chuckled lightly. They had personally fought against the Demon Race and knew how powerful the Demon Race was.

"Fellow Daoist Tiger they are here, let's go out!"

Shangguan Tianhong said, got up and walked out.

Colorful escaping lights appeared in the distant sky and flew towards here quickly.

It didn't take long for these escaping lights to stop, and it was Wang Changsheng and others.

Dongli Realm dispatched ten cultivators of Spirit Transformation, namely Hu Yunxiao, Song Xiruo, Gongsun Yang, Liu Ye, Zhou Xingguo, Qinglian Xianlu, Liu Ruyi, Jiao Lin, and Feng Li. Sun Tianhu is already in the middle stage of Spirit Transformation. It was only a matter of time before he entered the late stage of God Transformation, and he did not go there.

Tianlan Realm and Thousand Gourd Realm sent a total of ten cultivators, namely Shangguan Tianhong, Lei Yunbin, Long Xiaoyao, Long Yanji, Li Shuo, Situqing, Tianmo Zhenjun, Jinyue Jianzun, Qianhuzhen Jun and Qin Yunfeng, all the best.

At first, they wanted to send a small force to invade the Thousand Gourd Realm first, but they were rejected by Shangguan Tianhong and killed directly.

Huang Fugui stood behind Wang Changsheng with an excited expression.

He put his hope of advancing into the God Transformation Stage on this battle, and Wang Changsheng was a living example.

Huang Fugui is still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he is stuck at the bottleneck, but he has a flying spirit treasure and a number of escape spells. If the situation is not right, he will run away immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Tiger, you are so late!"

Shangguan Tianhong said in an indifferent tone.

The space node leading to the Thousand Gourd Realm was provided by the Dongli Realm. Situ Mei had taken refuge in the Tianlan Sect before, but the secrets she could access were limited.

Hu Yunxiao nodded and said, "It took us a lot of time to gather, and we didn't arrive late."

In addition to the ten gods, more than one hundred Yuanying cultivators were recruited, and thousands of cultivators were formed. If the entire army was wiped out, the vitality of Dongli Realm would be greatly damaged.

"Since everyone is full, then tell us the location of the space node and open the space channel as soon as possible."

Shangguan Tianhong urged that a space may have multiple space nodes, and the places leading to them are not the same. Even if the space node is here, he does not know which space node leads to the Thousand Gourd Realm.

Hu Yunxiao looked at Song Xiruo and said with a smile, "Fairy Song, please point the way!"

Song Xiruo took out a mirror with red light, and punched a magic formula, and a red glow swept out, hitting the void.

After a while, a looming light spot appeared in the void, looming.

She kept pinching her fingers, flew high into the sky, and took out a pale golden Dharma disc. There were dense scales on the Dharma disc, and there was a golden pointer that could be turned. After a while, the pointer stopped.

"It's here, there shouldn't be any mistakes. To be cautious, send some cultivators first to confirm that it is correct and then send a large force."

Song Xiruo suggested.

"Junior Brother Li, let's do it!"

Shangguan Tianhong instructed, his eyes fixed on the void.

Li Shuo responded, took a step forward, sacrificed colorful glass beads, and entered a magic trick.

The colorful glass beads flew high into the sky, and when they reached the place Song Xiruo pointed, a dazzling colorful aura suddenly burst out, and ripples swayed in the void, creating a strong spatial fluctuation.

Shangguan Tianhong took out the Xuanguang Sky-Breaking Sword and slashed towards the void. A piercing sound that pierced his eardrums sounded, and a dazzling sword light swept out and slashed at the place where the colorful spiritual light was.

Ripples swayed in the space, a hollow several feet in size appeared, and a strong astral wind swept out.

"Junior Brother Li, you all go first. If it is really the Thousand Gourd, then use the World Breaker Talisman to come back."

Shangguan Tianhong instructed that the colorful glass beads can stabilize the space channel, and naturally they will not immediately take the colorful glass beads to other interfaces. After all, there is only one colorful glass bead. If it is damaged, it is difficult for them to freely shuttle in other interfaces.

Li Shuo responded and flew towards the void with more than a dozen Yuan Ying cultivators, and they all blessed him with aura of body protection.

After they flew into the void, the void slowly healed and disappeared.

"Let's wait for a while! If Junior Brother Li and the others can come back, there will be no problem."

Shangguan Tianhong's tone was heavy. He looked at Wang Changsheng and said, "Young Daoist Wang, I want to talk to you about something, is it convenient for you?"

"Convenient, Shangguan Daoist friend, please come here."

Wang Changsheng readily agreed, and they came to an open space.

"Friend Wang Dao, how about this old man's method of exchanging a piece of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure with you for the water of the underworld moon?"

Shangguan Tianhong asked through voice transmission.

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