Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1796: First time to the 0 gourd world

If he can obtain the method of refining the water of the dark moon, he can refine the pearls of the dark moon in large quantities. The knowledge is priceless. In the past sixty years, he has tried many methods to extract the water of the dark moon, but he has not succeeded.

Adding other refining materials, quenching with the formation method, adding special spiritual water and spiritual liquid, etc., all ended in failure.

After thinking about it, Shangguan Tianhong still intends to make a deal with Wang Changsheng, which is a good deal.

A Tiantong Lingbao sneaking a sneak attack on a God Transformation cultivator may not be able to kill it in one hit, but Mingyuezhu can do it.

"A heavenly treasure!"

Wang Changsheng seemed to be smiling, not to mention one Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, even if it was ten Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures, he would not exchange it. If he did this, the secret of Qinglian's Fortune Ding would be exposed, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

Refining the Moon Pearl requires rare materials such as Wannian Xuanyu and Taiyin Crystal, when these materials are used up.

"Two pieces? Or the secret book of the practice technique? Rare and exotic beasts?

Shangguan Tianhong's tone was heavy.

"What's the difference between selling the water of the moon and killing the chicken to get the eggs? If you want the water of the moon, I can sell you some."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, in the entire Dongli world, he is the only one who has the Water of the Nether Moon to sell, and it is not up to him to make a price.

Shangguan Tianhong frowned, pondered for a while, and said, "I want a thousand pounds! You ask for a price!"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said: "Do you think the water of the dark moon is very easy to refine? It needs to be tempered slowly with the formation method. It only has five hundred kilograms. I want ten fifth-order talismans. The escape spell or defensive talisman is the best, and the attacking one is the best. also."

Wang Ruyan has not been able to refine the fifth-order talisman, mainly because the materials are rare, and Fu Wen is a family.

"Ten! Do you think the fifth-order talisman is Chinese cabbage?"

Shangguan Tianhong's expression was indifferent, and he could naturally see that Wang Changsheng was a lion, but if he wanted the water of the dark moon, he could only buy it from Wang Changsheng.

The two negotiated and finally reached a consensus. Wang Changsheng exchanged five hundred catties of water from the Underworld Moon in exchange for seven fifth-order talismans.

Wang Changsheng distributed seven fifth-order talismans to seven Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingshan received two fifth-order talismans, Wang Youwei, Ouyang Mingyue, Ye Haitang and Wang Mengbin each got one, and Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan only got one fifth-order talisman. Attack talisman.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan were overjoyed. Even if Wang Changsheng didn't give it to them, they wouldn't dare to say anything, but for the sake of the great elder of Zhenhaizong, Wang Changsheng gave them a fifth-order talisman to protect them.

After more than an hour, there was a ripple in the void, a white light lit up, and Li Shuo fell from the void.

"Senior Brother Shangguan, Fellow Daoist Hu, there's nothing wrong, this is the space node leading to the Thousand Gourd Realm."

Li Shuo said excitedly,

"Okay, set off immediately, go to the Thousand Gourd Realm, slay the demons and eliminate the demons."

Shangguan Tianhong said solemnly.

Li Shuo and Shangguan Tianhong used the colorful glass beads and the Xuanguang Sky-breaking Sword to open the space channel again. Li Shuo and others took the disciples and flew into the space channel one after another.

After everyone flew into the space passage, the entrance also healed.

After Wang Changsheng felt a strong sense of dizziness, he suddenly appeared in the sky over a desert island more than a hundred miles long. There was no grass on the island.

They quickly fell towards the ground, but soon, they stopped and slowly landed on the ground.

There was a gust of sea breeze, a gust of salty sea breeze blowing.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, the spiritual energy here is too weak!"

Hu Yunxiao frowned and said, it seems that the Demon Race has been very successful in transforming the Thousand Gourd Realm over the years.

"It has been more than a thousand years since the Demon Race transformed the Thousand Gourd Realm, and the aura will only become weaker and weaker, but in the ruins or secret realms, the aura is still very abundant."

True Monarch Qianhu explained.

"As long as this is the Thousand Gourd Realm, that's enough, we must kill all the demons."

Shangguan Tianhong said with a cold face, with a flick of his sleeves, the celestial treasure azure dragon boat flew out and entered a magic trick. After a deafening dragon roar sounded, the size of the azure dragon boat soared and turned into a ship more than 500 feet long. 's cyan boat.

The monks boarded the ship one after another, each with a different look.


Shangguan Tianhong hit the blue dragon boat with a tactic, and the blue dragon boat lit up with a dazzling blue light, turning into a blue long rainbow and walking away.


In a valley extending in all directions, a large number of demon trees are planted in the valley. The oldest demon tree has been more than 2,000 years old. There are dozens of people hugging each other thickly and with lush foliage.

Zhao Qianfeng sat cross-legged under the tree to practice, his body was covered with a layer of black rays of light.

After a while, the black glow on his body dissipated, and he suddenly opened his eyes, looking excited.

"Haha, in the late stage of God Transformation, I have finally entered the late stage of God Transformation."

Zhao Qianfeng laughed and was ecstatic.

After cultivating to the late stage of God Transformation, he can use the secret method to try to communicate with the demon world.

If he does not advance to the late stage of God Transformation, he will die.

He took out a black magic plate the size of a palm, punched in a magic formula, and said solemnly: "Fairy Ouyang, you should immediately inform the other daoists to have a meeting at the Jusheng Palace. I have entered the late stage of God Transformation, and I can try to use the secret technique. Communicate with the demon world, but this needs your help."

"Great, I'll let them know right away."

A delighted female voice came from the black magic plate.


After the Demon Race took control of the Thousand Gourd Realm, it destroyed the texts and practice books of the Thousand Gourd Realm, and spread the words and culture of the Demon Race.

After more than a thousand years of development, ninety-nine percent of the monks in the Thousand Gourd Realm agree with the culture of the Demon Race.

Hu Guangwen is a native monk from the Thousand Gourd Realm. When he was born, the Thousand Gourd Realm was already dominated by the Demon Race. He learned the characters and languages ​​of the Demon Race since he was a child, learned from the Demon Race, and practiced the magic in him In his eyes, the Thousand Gourd Realm was originally the world of the Demon Race, and spiritual practice was rebellious.

Hu Guangwen has practiced Taoism for more than 400 years. He has cultivated to the late Nascent Soul. He is responsible for guarding a sub-rudder. This sub-rudder controls a large vein of water glass jade. Water glass jade is a water attribute refining material, which can be used to refine magic weapons. , large water glass jade ore veins will appear glass crystal, a top refining material, which can be used to refine spiritual treasures.

It is a bit ironic to say that Hu Guangyi does not recognize his identity as a spiritual practitioner, and uses magic weapons instead of magic weapons.

On this day, Hu Guangwen was cultivating in his residence, and a large number of magic patterns were engraved on the stone wall.

Suddenly, the stone room shook violently.

Hu Guangwen was startled and quickly closed the effort.


After a deafening loud noise, the stone room was torn apart, and Hu Guangyi flew out. He was surprised to find that a huge cyan dragon boat was floating high in the air. Thousands of monks were standing on the deck of the blue dragon boat. as many as twenty.

The split-rudder formation could not stop them at all, the fire was soaring into the sky, and a large number of corpses lay on the ground.

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