Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1799: Thousands of Ghosts

Wang Changsheng and the other twenty cultivators did not show the slightest smile on their faces, instead they frowned.

A massive black cloud appeared in the sky without warning. The black cloud rolled violently like a tide, and you could see silver snakes with thick waists.

"Thousands of thunders roar in unison!"

Lei Yunbin's tactic was pinched, and there was a deafening sound of thunder in the sky. The dark clouds rolled violently like boiling water, and silver thunderballs the size of their heads fell down, smashing downwards.

At the same time, Shangguan Tianhong's magic art was pinched, and a deafening dragon roar suddenly came from the blue dragon boat.

One after another, the silver thunderballs hit the ground and burst open.

Amidst the loud thunder, the ground turned into a sea of ​​silver thunder.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, is this how your demons behave? Do you dare not fight in an upright manner?"

Shangguan Tianhong sneered, looking towards a certain hill.

"Fair and fair? You secretly kill them, this is called fair and above?"

A disdainful man's voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and Zhao Qianfeng appeared.

At the same time, Situ Mei and other thirteen gods appeared on the hilltops, their expressions were indifferent and murderous.

"The late stage of God Transformation!"

Shangguan Tianhong raised his brows and his face became serious.

According to the information, Zhao Ganfeng, the head of the Demon Race, was only in the middle stage of God Transformation, but that was hundreds of years ago. Now that Zhao Ganfeng has entered the late stage of God Transformation, this is troublesome.

The Demon Race has fourteen cultivators, one in the late stage, two in the middle stage, and eleven in the early stage. On the spiritual side, there are four in the middle stage and sixteen in the early stage.

"True Monarch Qianglu, Qin Yunfeng, hum, last time you were lucky and escaped, but this time, you were not so lucky."

Zhao Qianfeng sneered, his face full of murderous intent.

As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Jade's tactic was pinched, and the ground suddenly burst open. A white skeleton soldier with a height of more than 100 meters emerged from the ground, with a white skeleton ape head and bird wings. The white bone sword of its body has mini skulls on each joint, and it makes a "woooo" devil cry. From a distance, it seems to be made up of tens of thousands of skulls.

"Bone Demon!"

Ye Haitang was surprised, her face full of envy.

A Myriad-Bone Human Demon in the Divine Transformation Stage must have a lot of supernatural powers.

A shrill devil's cry sounded, the yin wind was blowing, and a large amount of yin qi suddenly gushed out on the ground, and one could see one after another, there were millions of ferocious ghosts.

One hundred and eight thick black beams of light soared into the sky. After flying high in the sky, these black beams gathered together and turned into a huge black light curtain, covering a radius of 100,000 miles.

The silhouettes of Zhao Qianfeng and others were blurred and suddenly disappeared.

The Ten Thousand Bones Demon wielded the white bone sword and slashed towards the void, the white light flashed, and a white long rainbow flew out, heading straight for the Qinglongzhou.

"Do it, make a quick decision, don't be delayed by the demons, their secret techniques are not so easy to deal with."

Shangguan Tianhong instructed him to take out nine small mirrors with red lights and enter a magic trick. Countless red runes were lit up on the mirror surface, and countless slender red lights flew out and struck in all directions.

Wang Changsheng and others took action one after another, attacking the Ten Thousand Bones Demon.

For a time, the explosions continued, and the dense magic aura drowned the Ten Thousand Bones Demon, and the Ten Thousand Bones Demon made bursts of painful roars.

Shangguan Tianhong turned his hand and took out the Golden Flood Dragon Axe and slashed towards the void. A ripple appeared in the void, as if it was about to be cut in half by the Golden Flood Dragon Axe.

There was a loud bang, and more than a dozen hills were smashed by the golden axe. A large number of white skeletons flew out, and a gust of wind blew through. These white skeletons seemed to come alive, turning into white skeletons one after another. different.

Outside the formation, fourteen cultivators including Zhao Ganfeng held a shiny black formation plate. The surface of the formation plate was engraved with a lifelike white skull. The white skull was composed of countless mini skulls.

The fifth-order high-grade formation, Ten Thousand Ghosts and Spiritual Formation, was brought down by Zhao Ganfeng from the Demon Realm. After they occupied the Thousand Gourd Realm, they killed hundreds of thousands of spiritual practitioners who resisted them, and put their bones and The spirit is refined into the formation to strengthen the formation.

"Work harder, this is the formation we brought from the Demon Realm, and it is far from comparable to the materials from the Lower Realm."

Zhao Qianfeng commanded, his face full of murderous intent.

They entered one after another into the formation plate, and the skulls on the surface of the formation plate seemed to come alive, making bursts of mournful weeping sounds, which made people feel pity.

Within the formation, the Myriad Bones Demon was drowned by the intensive spell aura. These attacks were like scratching a tickling, and did not cause fatal damage to it.

The high-altitude thunderclouds rolled violently, and one after another thick silver lightning fell from the sky, smashing on the Myriad Bones Demon, and there was a huge explosion.

Shangguan Tianhong swung the golden flood axe, and the golden axe blades swept out one after another, smashing on the body of the Ten Thousand Bones Demon one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "ding ding".

Even the Tongtian Lingbao failed to cause too much trauma to the Ten Thousand Bones Demon.

A piercing wind blew through, and countless white skeletons were blown up and turned into four white skeletons more than a hundred meters high, each holding weapons such as swords, guns, sticks, etc. The five white skeletons waved their weapons and attacked Wang Changsheng and others. .

Wang Ruyan's eyebrows suddenly lit up with a red light, and a red eyeball appeared out of nowhere, it was Wufeng Famu.

She looked around, intending to use Wufeng Famu to find out where the eyes were.

After a while, her brows were wrinkled, and she couldn't find where the array eyes were, and Wufeng's magic eyes failed for the first time.

It seems that this formation is not They have to break the formation quickly.

"The Ten Thousand Bones Demon should be the eye of the formation. If you kill it, the formation will be broken."

Shangguan Tianhong said with a voice transmission, his eyes gloomy.

He originally planned to concentrate his superior forces and directly destroy the Demon Race with his powerful strength. Who would have expected that the Demon Race would discover them in advance and have a powerful formation, which Zhenjun Qianglu had already reminded. However, Shangguan Tianhong was extremely confident and believed that there were no magic formations that could trap them with twenty Spirit Transformation cultivators, plus a dozen Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures.

This can't be blamed on Shangguan Tianhong's arrogance. First, the Thousand Gourd Realm has no experience in breaking into the Demon Clan's lair; An example of a trapped array method.

Even at this time, Shangguan Tianhong still believed that the demons couldn't trap them, and it was only a matter of time before they got out of trouble.

At this moment, there was a terrifying cry of Devil May Cry, including the screams of women, the wailing of old people, the crying of young children, and all kinds of miserable voices mixed together.

Wang Yingjie felt the qi and blood in his body surging, his face flushed red, and his heart beat faster, as if he was about to burst out.

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