Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1800: The moon bead breaks through the formation, the tower of magic treasures and ghosts

Hearing a scream, the base-building cultivators fell one after another, and the seven orifices bled to death, their pupils dilated.

They brought a group of foundation-building cultivators mainly to collect immortal cultivation resources, such as spirit medicine gardens, spirit stone mines, metal veins, spirit veins, sect ruins, etc., as well as patrol formations, all of which required low-level cultivators to do it.

Wang Yingjie and others gave themselves defenses, but it seemed to be useless.

Jiao Lin frowned, raised his hand, and a blue ball with water vapor flew out. After flying high in the sky, the blue ball lit up countless mysterious runes, and it turned into a thick stream. A blue light curtain covers them all.

Wang Yingjie let out a long sigh of relief, his legs went weak, and he slumped on the ground.

If Jiaolin hadn't sacrificed an exotic treasure, he would have suffered too.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flickered with surprise. He didn't think that Jiao Lin also had a special treasure that restrained sonic attacks. There were too few such treasures.

Hu Yunxiao's eyes turned golden, and after a while, his eyes returned to normal.

They dispatched 20 god-turning monks, including alchemists, artifact-makers, talismans, and magicians. The door supernatural power has golden eyes and eyes, and can see through most illusions and formations.

"The Ten Thousand Bone Demon is the eye of the formation, and if you kill the Ten Thousand Bone Demon, you can break the formation."

Hu Yunxiao said through voice transmission, his eyes gloomy.

Using the Myriad Bone Demons of the God Transformation Stage as the eyes, I have to say that the Demon Race is very skilled.

The body of the Ten Thousand Bones Demon is indestructible. I don't know that it has been tempered by demonic energy for many years, and the heavenly treasure is hard to hurt.

Lei Yunbin's tactic was pinched, and the high-altitude thundercloud rolled violently, and a silver thunder dragon with a waist more than a hundred meters thick flew out, heading straight for the Ten Thousand Bones Demon.

The Ten Thousand Bones Demon waved the bone sword in his hand and slashed at the silver thunder dragon.

The silver Lei Jiao was slashed into two by the bone sword, turning into countless silver arcs, drowning the figure of the Ten Thousand Bones Demon.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the cultivators of God Transformation took action one after another, attacking the Ten Thousand Bone Demons. As soon as Li Shuo raised his hand, a red light flew out and suddenly disappeared.

The intensive attack sank into the silver sea of ​​thunder, and a huge explosion sounded, and the air waves were billowing.

A red light suddenly lit up over the silver sea of ​​thunder, and a red brick appeared.


With Li Shuo's low drink, the red bricks lit up with countless red runes, and their body size soared, becoming the size of a hill, and smashed into the silver sea of ​​​​thunder with a mighty thunderbolt.

With the size of the red giant brick, if it hits the Ten Thousand Bone Demon, the Ten Thousand Bone Demon will definitely fall apart.

At this moment, a white bone hand entangled in black air flew out from the silver sea of ​​thunder and held up the red giant brick.

The gloomy wind was blowing, the sound of ghosts and wolf howls resounded, and the silver thunder sea suddenly collapsed, as if it had never appeared before.

The skulls and heads on the surface of the Myriad Bone Man's demon body let out a "woo woo" devil cry, and dense black silk threads flew out, entangling the red giant bricks.

A large red flame suddenly appeared on the surface of the red giant brick. Looking from a distance, the Myriad Bones Demon seemed to be holding a mass of flames.

The flames touched the black thread, which was intact.

It didn't take long for the red flames to dissipate, the aura of the red giant brick dimmed, and it looked like a great loss of spirituality.

This Ten Thousand Bones Demon was buried in the corpse raising ground for more than a thousand years.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, do you know the flaws of the Ten Thousand Bones Demon?"

Shangguan Tianhong frowned and said that the Thousand Gourd True Monarch never told him about the Ten Thousand Bone Demons.

"I don't know, it's the first time I've seen it. When the demons first arrived in the Thousand Gourd Realm, they killed the digital cultivators with powerful means. It is estimated that the demons used this demon, which may have been severely injured. When the clan fought against each other, the demon clan did not use the Ten Thousand Bones Demon."

The Thousand Gourd True Monarch was completely confused. He really didn't know it, which was not surprising. The Thousand Gourd Realm had been occupied for more than a thousand years, and it might have been newly cultivated by the Demon Race.

Shangguan Tianhong frowned, he thought for a moment, a red light lit up on his back, the wind and fire wings appeared, and the wind and fire wings were lightly fanned, and Shangguan Tianhong suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a gust of wind blew behind the Ten Thousand Bones Demon, and Shangguan Tianhong appeared.

As soon as he appeared, the skulls and heads of the Myriad Bones Demon body spurted out slender black silk threads, hitting Shangguan Tianhong.

There was a huge thunderous sound from high in the sky. Hundreds of silver lightning bolts pierced the sky and accurately struck the black silk thread. The aura of the black silk thread dimmed.

Shangguan Tianhong sacrificed a blue jade bottle the size of a palm, and punched a magic formula.

Countless black energy emerged from the Myriad Bone Man's body, and after a blur, it turned into a black armor to protect the whole body.

The white cold air hit the Demon of Ten Thousand Bones and instantly froze, but soon, a large black flame emerged from the Demon of Ten Thousand Bones, and the ice layer melted.

An inconspicuous white bead flew out, and when it touched the black flame, the ice layer on the surface of the white bead melted away, revealing a dark moon bead.

There was a muffled sound of "pop", and the Moon Pearl burst, and a large piece of water from the Moon splashed out, most of which hit the body of the Ten Thousand Bones Demon, and the body of the Ten Thousand Bones Demon froze at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ice layer is black, and this time, the black flames can't do anything about the black ice layer.

In less than five breaths, the Ten Thousand Bones Demon turned into a black ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A sky-high sword fell from the sky and slashed on the black ice sculpture.


After a loud bang, the black ice sculptures were torn apart, the environment in front of them changed, and they suddenly appeared above a continuous black mountain range.

Ouyang Yu was stunned. She cultivated this Myriad Bone Demon in the lower realm. Although the conditions of the Thousand Gourd Realm are not as good as those of the Demon Race, it is not so easy to destroy.

A green light lit up on the top of Shangguan Tianhong's head, and a small tower with green light appeared out of thin air. After the surface of the small tower lit up with countless green, his body soared and turned into a green tower with a height of more than 100 meters. The giant pagoda, with a large number of ghost patterns engraved on the pagoda, can vaguely see the three small characters "Ten Thousand Ghosts Pagoda".

Judging from the amazing mana fluctuations emitted by the giant tower, it is obviously a magic treasure that can reach the sky.

Wangui Pagoda spewed out a green glow, covering Shangguan Tianhong.

He frowned and was about to avoid it when a low bell rang, Shangguan Tianhong looked as usual, the golden axe in his hand slashed towards the top of his head, a golden long rainbow flew out, and the wind and fire wings on his back suddenly flew. Fan, it's not enough from the same place.


The golden Changhong smashed the green ray of light and slashed it on the top of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Pagoda, and a muffled sound came out.

A low roar sounded, like the roar of some kind of beast.

A black leopard the size of a hill suddenly appeared on the top of a certain hill. The black leopard had a pair of blue fleshy wings more than ten feet long on its back, and three identical heads.

This is a fifth-order low-grade monster, the Blue Winged Leopard, with three heads that can cast spells with three different attributes.

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