Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1801: Battle of the Gods

At the same time, thousands of cultivators came from all directions, all of them were demon cultivators cultivated by the demon race.

These demon cultivators cultivated magic arts, but there was still a certain gap between their strength and the demon race, but they were better than the crowd.

In their eyes, Shangguan Tianhong and others are evil and want to destroy their homes.

Skull soldiers emerged from the ground one after another, holding various bone weapons in their hands.

"I want to see what magical powers you have, and you dare to oppose us."

A skinny old man in green robe said with a cold face, his square face and small eyes gave off a bitter and mean impression.

Chen Datong, in the middle stage of Spirit Transformation, is proficient in the art of refining.

"Soldiers to soldiers, generals to generals, you are responsible for solving them, none of them will be left."

Shangguan Tianhong said coldly.

"You don't want to fight, be careful to ambush, and the farther away you are from us, the better. Your first task is to ensure your own safety, and the second is to search for immortal cultivation resources."

Wang Changsheng transmitted voice transmission to Wang Qingshan and other clansmen with a heavy tone.

Cheng Zhenyu, Zheng Nan, and others also received a call. Even if Wang Changsheng didn't tell them, they would run as far as they could. If they were involved in the aftermath of the battle of the cultivators, they would be disabled.

He was going to use the Nine Dragon Drums against the enemy, which was an indiscriminate attack.

Wang Qingshan and others flew out of the blue dragon boat one after another, killing the attacking demon cultivator.

Wang Qingshan and others had a tacit understanding with Mo Xiu, and they all flew into the distance, avoiding it.

The outcome of this battle depends on the cultivator, and the cultivator below the cultivator cannot change the result.

There are fourteen transforming gods in the demon race, twenty spirit transforming gods in spiritual cultivation, and five middle-level monks including Shangguan Tianhong dealt with Zhao Ganfeng, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan dealt with Liu Shengkai, Liu Ye and Liu Ruyi dealt with Chen Datong, Gongsun Yang dealt with Situ Charm, the other god-turning cultivators each find an opponent.

Thirty-four cultivators spread out, fighting in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Liu Shengkai not only has the cultivation level of the middle stage of God Transformation, but also has a low-rank fifth-rank blue-winged leopard. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have some difficulty in dealing with Liu Shengkai.

Liu Shengkai took out a full-body black flute and blew it gently. A sharp flute sounded, and more than 100,000 black ants flew out from the ground. They had four wings on their backs, a black thorn on their tail, and a pair of black fangs. Barely exposed, they vary in size, the big one is as big as a hill, the small one is as big as a palm, and the ant queen is a fourth-tier middle grade.

"Magic bug!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, these demonic insects were much bigger than the gold-swallowing ants, so he didn't know what their supernatural powers were.

He thought for a moment, and tens of thousands of gold-devouring ants turned into a cloud of golden auspiciousness and greeted them.

"Insect repair!"

Liu Shengkai's eyes lit up and his expression became excited.

As a spiritual master, the thing he is most proud of is that the spirit beasts he raises defeat the enemy's spirit beasts and spirit beasts.

The golden swallowing ants are obviously not the opponents of the devil ants. If ten cannot breathe, the golden swallowing ants will be defeated. Thousands of golden swallowing ants have been killed, and the golden swallowing ants have also killed dozens of devil ants. The results are too different.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and with a pinch of the magic trick, tens of thousands of gold-devouring ants flew back towards him.

With Liu Shengkai's tactic, tens of thousands of demon ants gathered in one place and turned into a giant black fist more than ten feet in size, smashing at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air.

He blew a whistle, and the Blue Winged Demon Leopard flapped its wings and flew up, rushing towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

With the huge body of the Blue Winged Demon Leopard, if it hit Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, it would not die or be seriously injured.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and eighteen Dinghaizhu flew out, each hitting a magic formula, and the eighteen Dinghaizhu whirled in mid-air, bursting with dazzling blue light, and a large amount of sea water gushing out, covering a radius of hundreds of miles. into a blue sea.

With a pinch of his magic trick, the sea tumbled violently, and five blue giants more than a hundred feet tall emerged from the bottom of the sea.

They waved their right fists and smashed them towards the giant black fist.


With a loud bang, the black giant fist was smashed by five Kui Shui Lishi and turned into countless black devil ants.

The blue-winged demon leopard opened its **** mouth, let out a loud beast roar, spurted out a gray sound wave, and went straight to Kui Shui Lishi.

The gray sound wave collided with Kui Shui Lishi, and the five Kui Shui Li Shi suddenly burst open, and the gray sound wave arrived in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Ruyan stirred the pipa strings of the phantom pipa, and a blue sound wave swept out and greeted him.

The blue and gray sound waves collided and perished together, creating a powerful air wave, and the sea surface tumbled violently.

Tens of thousands of demon ants turned into thousands of black arrows, which shot out overwhelmingly.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the sea tumbled violently, and a huge vortex appeared on the sea surface.

The black arrows approached Wang Changsheng a hundred feet, and were immediately swept into the vortex by the powerful airflow, but these black demon ants were too resistant to beatings and did not die.

With a loud bang, the sea surface burst open, and a blue water polo more than a hundred feet in size flew out, and tens of thousands of demon ants were inside the blue water polo.

Wang Changsheng stretched out his hand and tapped the blue water polo, and a white light flew out, submerging into the blue water polo. The blue water polo froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a huge white ice puck that floated high in the air.

Wang Ruyan played attentively, a rapid pipa sound rang out, and a blue sound wave flew out, heading straight for the white ice hockey puck.

With a loud bang, the white ice ball burst open, tens of thousands of demon ants flew out, blue sound waves passed over them, most of the demon ants fell from the sky, and some of the demon ants fell for a certain distance and flew again. The vitality is very tenacious. .

In the first fight, neither side took advantage of it, and neither of them had a clear understanding of each other's details and magical powers.

The blue-winged leopard's left head spewed out billowing black flames, hitting the sea, the sea quickly boiled, and bursts of blue smoke rose.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the sea water in a radius of 100 miles violently swelled, forming an incomparably huge vortex, and the vortex spun rapidly, crushing dozens of hills.

"go with."

Wang Changsheng stretched out his hand to give Zhao Shengkai a little light, and the huge vortex flew up, turning into an incomparably huge blue tornado, with a weight of tens of millions of kilograms, smashing at Zhao Shengkai.

After all, this is the old lair of the Demon Race, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not dare to be careless.

Zhao Shengkai frowned flipping his palm, a dazzling short knife appeared in his hand, a lifelike black dragon hovering over the handle of the knife, and there were two gaps in the knife body the size of fingernails.

Magic Treasure Black Flood Dragon Saber, this black Flood Dragon Saber he brought down from the Demon Realm, it has not been repaired because of the lack of suitable refining materials.

The magic treasure's refining materials are completely different from the Lingbao's refining materials. There are some materials that can be used to refine magic treasures and spirit treasures, but these materials are relatively few.

The treasures of the Demon Race are limited, and one piece is less than one piece. Even if they have transformed the environment of the Thousand Gourd World, the refining materials and panacea are all in short supply, and the materials used in the spiritual cultivation of the Thousand Gourd World are of little use to them.

He can turn the spirit treasure into a magic weapon, but the power needs to be discounted. In terms of power, the treasure he brought down from the devil world is more powerful.

"Break it for me."

He waved the black Jiaodao and slashed towards the blue tornado. The void oscillated, and a black long rainbow flew out, slashing towards the blue tornado.

With a loud bang, the blue tornado was cut in half and turned into countless blue water blades, which shot straight towards Zhao Shengkai.

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