Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1803: 9 The real power of Jiaogu

Tongtian Demon Treasure Hundred Birds Diagram, which has been refined into the souls of hundreds of double-headed demon doves. The highest level is a fifth-order high-grade double-headed demon dove, which can exert 70% of the supernatural powers before birth. Unfortunately, they Encountered a strong enemy in the demon world, he fought desperately to break out of the siege. This Hundred Birds Map was severely damaged. There was only one lower-rank five-headed demon dove, but that was enough.

To deal with two cultivators in the early stage of God Transformation, three fifth-order low-grade monsters are enough.

Zhao Shengkai broke into a spell, and the double-headed demon dove on the surface of the Hundred Birds seemed to come to life, making a series of strange bird sounds, and flying out of the Hundred Birds, there were dozens of them, one of which was double-headed. The first demon doves were more than a hundred feet in size, and they made a shrill scream, spread their wings and flew high into the sky.

Zhao Shengkai waved the black Jiaodao, and the sound of a knife piercing the eardrum sounded. Hundreds of black sword energy swept out and slashed at the blue sound waves.


After an earth-shattering loud noise, the blue sound waves were smashed into pieces, the ground was dismantled into eight pieces, and smoke billowed.

Dozens of double-headed demon doves flew into the sky, and a large number of black flames appeared out of thin air, turning into a black fire cloud, floating in the sky. roar.

The blood-eyed Demon Ape's eyes each shot a **** light, and at the same time, his arms moved, and a burst of wind sounded, and a dense black boxing shadow swept out, hitting Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The two heads of the blue-winged leopard spewed gray sound waves and black flames respectively, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The rumbling sound came from high in the sky, the black fire clouds rolled violently, and black fireballs with the size of heads fell from the sky, smashing into the positions of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The fifth deafening dragon roar sounded, and a blue sound wave larger than before swept out, and the dense black fist shadow, blood light, gray sound wave, and black flame collapsed like snow melting in the spring.

The dense black fireballs smashed down from the sky, and as soon as they approached them, they were immediately shattered by powerful sound waves, unable to touch them.

Zhao Shengkai took a deep breath, clenched the black Jiaodao in both hands, and slashed towards the front.

A black sky-high blade appeared out of thin air in the sky, slashing at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan head-on. Before the sky-high blade fell, the strong airflow tore the ground apart, and a long crack appeared.

The blue sound wave was smashed by the Sky-Raising Giant Blade, which went straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The seventh deafening dragon roar sounded, and a larger blue sound wave swept out.

Zhao Shengkai's face turned into a pig's liver color, and the sound of the dragon's roar sounded, and his heart felt uneasy, more and more uneasy.

The blue sound wave collided with the Giant Blade, and they both perished together. The ground in a radius of 100 miles exploded.

The eighth dragon roar sounded, spreading across a radius of 100,000 miles, the void vibrated and distorted, and a blue sound wave stronger than before swept out.

The blood-eyed demon ape and the blue-winged demon leopard flapped their wings fiercely, and they flew into the air, rushing towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's position from a high altitude.

Zhao Shengkai covered his heart with his right hand, frowning tightly, he felt like his heart was about to be crushed.

He didn't dare to be careless. With a flick of his wrist, the black Jiaodao shot out. After a blur, it turned into a black Jiaolong with a length of more than 100 meters. The whole body of the black Jiaolong reflected a metallic luster, as if cast in copper and iron, exuding terror. of coercion.

The black Flood Dragon went straight to the blue sound wave, the two collided, the black Flood Dragon let out a painful roar, its face twisted, and it suddenly turned into a dazzling dagger and flew out backwards.

Small cracks appeared on the blade of the black short knife, which were torn apart at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into countless fragments.

This magic treasure did not have the proper materials to repair it, so it couldn't stop the eighth sound wave of Jiujiao Drum, and it was destroyed directly.

Zhao Shengkai's face sank, his eyes full of murderous intent.

At this time, the blood-eyed demon ape and the blue-winged demon leopard had already reached the top of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. With their huge size, once they hit Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would definitely die.

Even with a full blow from Tongtian Lingbao, it is impossible to kill these two fifth-order monsters. This has been verified many times, and Zhao Shengkai is full of confidence in them.

At this moment, a small cauldron with a bright blue light flew out and rammed towards the blood-eyed demon ape and the blue-winged demon leopard.

The size of the two fifth-order demon beasts was too large, and a Mingyue Pearl might not be able to deal with it. Wang Changsheng directly sacrificed the Qinglian Fortune Ding, ready to sprinkle the water of the Mingyue.

The two demon beasts disagreed and were planning to use their bodies to resist the attack of this treasure.

Zhao Shengkai frowned. The cauldron-type magic weapon has many functions. It can release flames or other attacks, and it can also take away the enemy. This small blue cauldron is simple and unpretentious. It looks very ordinary. The more ordinary it is, the more surprised he is.

God-turning cultivator's fighting method, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to sacrifice an ordinary magic weapon.

Some powerful killers often disguise as ordinary magic weapons to let the enemy relax their vigilance.

Zhao Shengkai didn't dare to be careless, and was about to let the two monsters avoid them. After all, they didn't understand so much.

Suddenly, an unbearable pain came from his sea of ​​consciousness, and the whole person seemed to be torn apart.

The two monsters didn't know what was in the Qinglian Fortune Ding, but out of instinct, they wanted to attack the Qinglian Fortune Ding. At a critical moment, a loud piano sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out and quickly passed by. their bodies.

Zhen Xianyin can be breathtaking, and monsters cannot be avoided.

The two demon beasts seemed to be immobilized, motionless,

A large piece of black liquid flew out from the Qinglian Fortune Ding and fell on the two monsters. The two monsters froze at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into two black ice sculptures.

The ninth dragon roar sounded, and a dazzling blue sound wave swept out.

The two black ice sculptures exploded suddenly, torn apart, and turned into countless black ice fragments, and they could not even escape their spirits.

Zhao Shengkai's facial features were distorted, his face was full of pain, and the blood in his body was surging. He couldn't help spitting out a large mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

You know, he is in the middle stage of God Transformation, and he can't bear it, let alone the demons in the early stage of God Transformation.

If he is knocked on by the other party, he will not die or be What kind of heavenly treasure is the other party driving? How could it be so powerful? Could it be the lower realm of the spiritual world? its not right! Generally speaking, the spiritual world can't bring anything in the lower realm, only the things in the lower realm can be brought up.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and nine blue flood dragons hundreds of feet long flew out from the blue glow that covered Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. A fifth-order top grade.

Nine Flood Drums, beating nine times, can summon nine high-grade fifth-grade water-attribute dragons to fight against the enemy. After summoning nine high-grade fifth-grade Jiaolongs, manipulating them against the enemy will consume a lot of consciousness. Nine Jiaogu exerts its greatest power, and the driver must be a strong body cultivator, as well as a strong enough spiritual sense, both of which are indispensable, and Wang Changsheng satisfies both of these conditions.

The Jiujiao Drum is a heavenly treasure that was tailored for him, and it is also the one that Qiling is most satisfied with.

Zhao Shengkai drove the monsters to fight against the enemy. He didn't expect that two fifth-order monsters were killed by Wang Changsheng, but Wang Changsheng instead summoned nine high-grade fifth-order dragons, and used their own way to treat them?

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he finally understood why the two monks in the early stage of God Transformation dared to join forces to deal with him.

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