Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1804: Demonize

The opponent did not underestimate the enemy, but came prepared.

The blue glow dissipated, revealing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Wang Changsheng's face was slightly pale, and there was some wet blood on the corner of Wang Ruyan's mouth.

This was the first time Wang Changsheng had sounded the ninth sound. He didn't know that he could summon nine high-grade fifth-order Jiaolongs. Generally speaking, drum magic weapons were sonic attacks. Wang Ruyan made some defenses in advance and was still injured. Big.

The nine blue Flood Dragons headed straight for the twin-headed demon doves high in the sky. Zhao Shengkai wanted to control them to avoid them, but there was a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, and his reaction was stagnant.

Taking this opportunity, nine blue flood dragons rushed into the flock of demon birds, or sprayed dense blue water arrows, or tore them with their claws, or swept them with their tails, or bit them with their mouths.

One by one, the fourth-order double-headed demon dove turned into a little black light and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The fifth-order double-headed demon dove wanted to avoid it, but a blue sound wave swept in. It seemed to be immobilized, and nine blue dragons swarmed up and tore it to pieces.

All the demon birds were killed, and the hundred birds spontaneously ignited, leaving no **** left.

The magic weapon of his life was destroyed, Zhao Shengkai's face turned into a pig's liver color, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. If the Hundred Birds Map hadn't been damaged, it wouldn't have been destroyed so easily.

Nine blue Flood Dragons hovered uncertainly in the sky, making a deafening dragon roar.

A blue cloud appeared high in the sky, and nine blue dragons wandered in the blue cloud. The blue cloud rolled violently, and the body grew rapidly. It is thousands of miles in size, covers the sky and the sun, and has a huge momentum.

The blue clouds rolled violently like boiling water, and there were tens of thousands of blue water arrows flying out one after another two feet long.

Looking from a distance, it seems like a meteor shower has started, and the momentum is huge.

Zhao Shengkai's face sank, the magic trick was pinched, countless magical energy emerged from his body, and black runes appeared, his body soared, his legs became slender, and his back suddenly burst into two blood holes. A **** hand drilled out, the back arched, and it was torn apart suddenly, and a long bloodstain appeared. A pair of black fleshy wings emerged from the bloodstain, several feet in size, and a black sharp horn grew on his head. A golden scale grows on his arms and chest.

This is not the end, his eyes are sunken, his nose becomes longer, a row of sharp teeth grows in his mouth, a sharp-nosed monkey's cheeks, and his fingernails are slender and black.

This is his body. Generally speaking, the demons show people in human form, but the demons can transform, strengthen the body and restore ability. This is somewhat similar to the demons. The difference is that the demons do not change. , the power of the physical body is the same, after the transformation of the demons, the power of the physical body is greatly improved.

The dense blue arrows hit Zhao Shengkai's body, as if hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, and there was a muffled sound of "ding ding".

A huge tsunami sounded, and a wave of blue water rushed over. Wherever it passed, the mountains were smashed by the blue water.

It didn't take long for the blue sea water to reach Zhao Shengkai and turned into a blue giant more than three hundred feet tall. The blue giant moved his arms and smashed at Zhao Shengkai.

Zhao Shengkai couldn't dodge, was hit by the blue giant, and disappeared as an afterimage.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness widened, looking for the trace of Zhao Shengkai, a large amount of sea water emerged around him, turning into blue water curtains, protecting them.

Wang Ruyan's eyebrows lit up with a red light, and Wufeng's Famous eyes appeared, looking around.

Three hundred miles to the northwest, she saw a looming shadow.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had the same mind, and immediately looked three hundred miles away.

Nine blue dragons swooped down from the sky, and the target was the looming black shadow.

The shadow blurred and disappeared suddenly.

Nine blue Flood Dragons flew into the air, knocking the ground out of a huge pothole.

Wang Changsheng frowned, his consciousness widened, and he did not dare to be careless.

He seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly looked behind him, Zhao Shengkai appeared, holding a shiny black axe in each of his hands. The two black axe were magic treasures, not heaven-penetrating magic treasures.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and was about to use other means. Zhao Shengkai's figure was blurred, one turned into five, and five identical Zhao Shengkai surrounded Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, their breaths were exactly the same, and it was impossible to distinguish them.

The five Zhao Shengkai swung two axes at the same time, slashing at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and a large blue chill appeared on his body, and the temperature in the vicinity suddenly dropped, it was the dry blue chill.

The blue chill spreads in all directions. The four Zhao Shengkai came into contact with the dry blue chill, and their bodies quickly froze. One Zhao Shengkai responded very quickly, and the wings on his back suddenly disappeared.

The demonized Zhao Shengkai reacted too quickly, if it wasn't for Wang Ruyan's Wufeng's magic eyes, Zhao Shengkai would really not be found.

Their mana and consciousness were severely depleted, and they had to kill Zhao Shengkai as much as possible.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and nine blue flood dragons flew high in the sky and hovered uncertainly, which soon began to rain heavily.

Not long after, the radius of hundreds of miles turned into a vast ocean. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the sea out of thin air, their expressions indifferent.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the sea water violently swelled, forming a huge vortex and generating a powerful airflow.

The void fluctuated together, and Zhao Shengkai appeared, his brows furrowed.

The other party was not only a body cultivator at the God Transformation stage, but also refined some kind of ice-type spirit, and he did not dare to approach it without authorization, so as not to suffer a big loss.

As soon as he appeared, a sharp pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness, and he couldn't move.

Nine blue Flood Dragons descended from the sky and collided with Zhao Shengkai. Zhao Shengkai's huge body fell into a huge vortex.

Wang Changsheng suddenly noticed something, a black light suddenly appeared behind him, and Zhao Shengkai appeared.

An incredible expression appeared on Wang Ruyan's face, she could see clearly that Zhao Shengkai was at the bottom of the sea! What happened to Zhao Shengkai behind them? There are two Zhao Shengkai?

As soon as this Zhao Shengkai appeared, the two axes immediately slashed at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The double axe slashed on the Shuiyue Xuanguang, and the Shuiyue Xuanguang sank immediately. Zhao Shengkai opened his mouth and spewed out a black magic flame.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, it seemed that the power of the magic flame was not small, and Shuiyue Xuanguang couldn't resist it.


With a loud bang, Shuiyue Xuanguang shattered, and Zhao Shengkai slashed at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with a double axe.

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, and he swung the seven-star demon slashing sword toward a black axe.

Wang Ruyan's figure retreated, his fingers swept across the strings of the pipa, and a blue sound wave flew out towards the black axe.

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