Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1805: defeat

"Kang Keng!"

The Seven-Star Demon Slayer Knife collided with the black axe, sparks splashing everywhere, Wang Changsheng felt a huge force hit, and his body could not help but fly out.

You must know that even in the face of the blood-eyed demon ape, Wang Changsheng did not fly backwards, which shows how terrifying Zhao Shengkai's strength is.

His face became solemn. According to True Monarch Qianglu, after demonization, the demons could display some incredible magical powers. Male demons generally increased their strength and physical defense.

With a loud rumbling sound, the black axe smashed the blue sound waves into pieces, and a groove more than a hundred feet deep was cut into the ground.

Zhao Shengkai's expression was as usual, and his demonized power was stronger than that of the blood-eyed demon ape.

The sea tumbled violently, and countless blue water arrows flew out, hitting Zhao Shengkai one after another. The dense water arrows seemed to hit the copper wall and the iron wall. There was a muffled sound of "ding ding", and Zhao Shengkai was safe and sound.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the wings on his back were gently flapped, and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Wind escape!

A cloudy wind suddenly blew behind Wang Ruyan, and a black shadow suddenly appeared, it was Zhao Shengkai, who swung his axe and slashed at Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan was like a piece of paper, turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

There was a deafening dragon roar from high in the sky, and three blue flood dragons descended from the sky and rushed towards Zhao Shengkai.

Before Zhao Shengkai had time to avoid it, an unbearable pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness, and his facial features twisted.

A thick and long dragon tail slapped on Zhao Shengkai's body, he flew out like a cannonball fired, and before it landed, a huge blue dragon claw slapped his head, and smashed it with the power of a fifth-order high-grade Jiaolong. His head is no different from smashing a watermelon.

Countless demonic energy emerged from Zhao Shengkai's body, turning into a thick black light curtain. At the same time, he crossed his arms and blocked his head.

The black light curtain was like paper paste, smashed by the blue dragon claws, and the blue dragon claws caught Zhao Shengkai's arm, leaving several terrifying bloodstains.

A blue glow descended from the sky, accurately covering Zhao Shengkai.

A sharp and harsh pipa sounded, and a blue sound wave flew out of the sea. Wherever the blue sound wave passed, the void oscillated and twisted. Zhao Shengkai let out a painful roar, covering his heart with both hands, his pupils dilated.

The sea suddenly burst open, and a blue sword qi swept over, and hit Zhao Shengkai accurately. There was a muffled sound of "keng", sparks splashed everywhere, and there was a faint bloodstain on Zhao Shengkai's body. Look, you can't find it at all.

Another blue sound wave flew out and quickly swept over Zhao Shengkai's body. Zhao Shengkai let out an extremely painful roar, his skin was torn apart, and bloodstains appeared, the blood flowed non-stop, and his face was pale.

If you change to other monks in the middle stage of the transformation of gods, they would have been shattered by the sound waves. This is Wang Ruyan's attack to increase the mana to the middle stage of the transformation of gods. .

The blue Jiaolong's tail swept across and hit Zhao Shengkai accurately, and Zhao Shengkai flew out instantly.

Before he landed, a azure light lit up on the top of his head, and the Qinglian Good Fortune Ding came out at one point, and a large amount of water of the dark moon poured out from the Qinglian good fortune cauldron and fell on Zhao Shengkai. Zhao Shengkai was drenched by the water of the dark moon. The chicken in the soup turned into a black ice sculpture.

A bluish sound wave swept over, and the black ice sculpture was torn apart and turned into countless black ice chips.

The next moment, the black icicles turned into a talisman with black light flowing indefinitely, with a black grimace pattern on the surface of the talisman.

With a muffled sound of "puchi", the black talisman spontaneously ignited and turned into fly ash. A breeze blew, and the fly ash disappeared.

The sea rolled violently, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, and a black shadow flew out. It was Zhao Shengkai, and his eyes were gloomy.

That black talisman is a fifth-order talisman, the Black Demon Profound Spirit Talisman, which can transform into a demon with the same cultivation base as the main body, with exactly the same magical powers. This is his family heirloom. Fu has helped him kill powerful enemies many times, but he did not expect it to be destroyed by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Zhao Shengkai realized that it was not good. If it was just two early stage cultivators of God Transformation, he would naturally not be afraid. His physical body was strong, but he was not at all an opponent of nine fifth-order high-grade Jiaolong.

The wings on his back flapped fiercely, turning into a gray tornado that swept away into the distance.

He ran away, he didn't feel ashamed, and if he continued to fight to the death, he would probably die.

Before the black hurricane flew far, six blue dragons flew out from the bottom of the sea and crashed into the black hurricane.

With a scream, there were two terrifying blood holes in Zhao Shengkai's abdomen, and the blood flowed non-stop.


With a deafening loud noise, the sea suddenly burst open, and hundreds of blue saber qi flew out, and at the same time thousands of blue water arrows flew out, heading straight for Zhao Shengkai.

At the same time, eighteen thick blue lights rose into the sky and turned into a huge blue water curtain, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

Hundreds of blue blade qi arrived in front of Zhao Shengkai, and suddenly merged into one, turning into a giant blade that lifted the sky and exuded the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Zhao Shengkai was about to avoid it, but an unbearable pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness, as if the sea of ​​consciousness was about to be divided into two, and the five senses became distorted again.

The dense blue water arrows hit Zhao Shengkai, and there was a muffled sound of "ding ding", and a moon bead flew out from a blue water arrow.

With a muffled sound, the Mingyue Pearl burst open, and a large piece of Mingyue water splashed out and fell on Zhao Shengkai. Zhao Shengkai's body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a black ice sculpture.

A giant blade descended from the sky, smashing the black ice sculpture into pieces.

A black light lit up a few hundred meters showed Zhao Shengkai's figure, one of his four arms was missing, and his eyes were full of resentment.

If he hadn't used the magic method to block the fatal blow with one arm, he would have died.

The black wings on his back flapped lightly and suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a black light lit up near the blue water curtain. Zhao Shengkai appeared, and he swung his black axe towards the blue water curtain. With a roar, the blue water curtain suddenly sank.

The sea rolled violently, and a column of blue water more than a hundred meters high rose. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the blue water column, their faces pale.

The power of the Jiujiao Drum is indeed great, but it consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness and mana, so Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan can't last for long.

They were planning to use other magical powers to kill Zhao Shengkai. The black axe in Zhao Shengkai's hand suddenly burst into a dazzling black light, the blue water curtain shattered like a crack, and Zhao Shengkai's figure was blurred and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't dare to be careless, Wang Changsheng's consciousness was fully opened, Wang Ruyan used Wufeng Famu to observe the surrounding environment, but they found no sign of Zhao Shengkai, they breathed a sigh of relief.

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