Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1806: Exterminator

There was a deafening roar in the distance, and a blue escaping light flew quickly from a distance, with a particularly fast speed.

"Young Daoyou Wang, Madam Wang, save me."

Liu Ruyi's urgent voice suddenly sounded, sounding very frightened.

A green light followed, very fast.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the nine blue flood dragons uttered a deafening dragon roar, turning into nine blue escaping lights, hitting the green light.

The sea surging violently, and the dense blue water arrows flew out, the target pointing directly at the green light.

As soon as the dense blue water arrows approached the green light thirty feet, they suddenly collapsed.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng saw Liu Ruyi.

Liu Ruyi's left arm was missing, and there was a terrifying blood hole on her left chest. The blood stained her clothes. Her face was pale and panicked.

If Wang Changsheng remembered correctly, Liu Ruyi and Liu Ye went to deal with a demon who was in the middle stage of God Transformation. They were both sword cultivators.

The green light stopped abruptly, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan saw the true face of the green light clearly, and the two took a deep breath. What kind of monster is this.

The green light is impressively a monster with a human head, bird wings, snake tail and dragon claws.

The monster's body is covered in blood, and there are several blood holes on its body. Obviously, the injury is not light.

On the way here, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had already heard Zhenjun Qianglu introduce the magical powers of the demons. After the demons have transformed, they have different shapes. This is a local demon. Using the energy of the real devil to infuse the body into a demon, it is impossible to It has become an alien body, but the physical body is very powerful, and it is difficult to kill the Tongtian Lingbao.

A fierce light flashed in Chen Datong's eyes, and he let out an extremely strange roar. Liu Ruyi's whole body became weak, her face was pale, and her pupils were dilated. She seemed to have seen something terrifying.

Soul hooking magic sound!

I don't know how many cultivators were confused by this magical power and were killed by Chen Datong.

Chen Datong turned into a green gas and disappeared. The next moment, a green light lit up above Liu Ruyi's head, and Chen Datong appeared.

At this moment, a small tower with red light lit up above Chen Datong's head, which was the Lieyang God Tower.

The tower body lit up with countless red runes, and its size skyrocketed.

Chen Datong frowned, and before he had time to avoid it, the giant red tower spurted out a red glow, covering Chen Datong and taking it in.

The giant red tower fell to the ground and shook violently.

Wang Changsheng's magic formula reminded, a red flame emerged from the tower of the Lieyang God Tower, and then it stopped.

"Fairy Liu, what the **** is going on? Where's fellow Daoist Liu!"

Wang Changsheng asked with concern, Liu Ye was not bad to the Wang family, and Wang Changsheng was still very concerned about his safety.

"Fellow Daoist Liu was killed by him, Yuan Ying was also eaten by him, and the treasure of our Wanjian Sect was also destroyed in his hands. This devil mastered a kind of magic flame, which can connect with the heavenly spirit treasure. Dirty, he is already injured, but the body of the Demon Race is too strong, the Lingbao can't hold him for long, let's run!"

Liu Ruyi's tone was hurried. If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan hadn't been here, she would have run away immediately.

She used the treasure of Zhenzong to attack Chen Datong, not only could not kill Chen Datong, but also destroyed the treasure of Zhenzong by Chen Datong.

"Can even the Heavenly Spirit Treasure be filthy?"

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, he had never heard True Monarch Qianglu introduce which demons possessed this magical power.

This is not to blame for the Thousand Gourd True Monarch. So far, no cultivator has been able to escape from Chen Datong's hands.

As soon as the words fell, the Lieyang Divine Pagoda shook violently, the aura dimmed, and a large green flame gushed out.


With a loud bang, the Lieyang Divine Pagoda was torn apart, and countless fragments flew around, and Chen Datong escaped.

With a flick of his wrist, a black light shot out, with a piercing sound of breaking through the air, hitting Wang Changsheng.

"Wang Daoyou be careful, this is the magic treasure of the sky, and Liu Daoyou was killed by this treasure."

Liu Ruyi's beauty changed greatly, and she hurriedly reminded.

The black light was blurred and suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Wang Changsheng's head lit up with a black light, and a long cone of black light appeared on the top of his head, emitting a terrifying energy wave.

A huge thunder sounded, and a large number of black arcs rushed out, drowning Wang Changsheng's figure.

The radius was submerged by the black arc, forming a miniature black sea of ​​thunder.

A cloud of green air suddenly lit up over the black sea of ​​thunder, and after a blur, it turned into the appearance of Chen Datong.

A large amount of blue cold air suddenly surged out of the black thunder sea, and the black thunder sea quickly disintegrated, and Wang Changsheng was wrapped in a large blue cold air.

The Mingyue Pearl needs the Taiyin Divine Crystal and Wannian Profound Jade. Wang Changsheng simply cannot make batches of it. He has already used up the Mingyue Pearl, and the Qinglian Fortune Ding is too conspicuous to make a sneak attack.

Wang Changsheng swung the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword and slashed directly at Chen Datong, who crossed his arms forward to block.

With a muffled sound of "keng", the Seven-Star Demon Slayer slashed on Chen Datong's arm, sparks scattered, and some green fluff fell off.

Chen Datong spewed out a green flame and hit the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword. The aura of the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword quickly dimmed, showing a great loss of spirituality.

He grabbed the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword with both hands and pulled it hard, Wang Changsheng quickly moved towards him.

Wang Changsheng quickly let go, but it was still too late, his head was slightly sideways, his left shoulder was caught by Chen Datong, and several terrifying bloodstains were drawn, and the blood turned black.

His body blurred, turned into ten, and dispersed in different directions.

"Physical training, this is rare!"

A look of surprise flashed in Chen Datong's eyes, and he changed to a normal cultivator. He had already removed his entire arm. A piercing sword sound came from above his head, and a steamy sword light descended from the sky. A muffled sound came from him.

There was an expression of indifference on his face, Tongtian Lingbao could not kill him with all his strength, let alone a sword light.

At this moment, a black light lit up on the top of his head, and a black mountain peak appeared out of thin air, with a powerful aura. It was the Lingbao Ten Thousand Layers Mountain, which Wang Changsheng had refined from various materials such as Primordial Magnetic Crystal.

Wanzhong Mountain lit up with a dazzling black light, and its body soared, suddenly rising to a height of more than a hundred feet, and spewed out a gray glow, covering Chen Datong.

Chen Datong felt that he was carrying a mountain weighing tens of millions of kilograms on his shoulders, and his body sank.

Wanzhongshan fell quickly, and Chen Datong propped his arms above his head, supporting Wanzhongshan abruptly.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a green flame, hitting the top of Wanzhong Mountain. The fire spread quickly, and the spiritual light of Wanzhong Mountain quickly dimmed, and his pressure was greatly reduced.

He opened his mouth, and five flying knives flew out, slashing at Wanzhong Mountain.

The Wanzhong Mountain was like tofu, smashed by five black flying knives.

At this moment, the Qinglian Fortune Ding suddenly appeared on top of Chen Datong's head, fell down, and a large amount of water of the moon poured down.

Chen Datong secretly screamed in his heart and wanted to avoid it, but an unbearable pain came from the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

When he returned to normal, the water of the dark moon fell on his head, and his head quickly froze, and the ice layer was black.

A piece of green flame gushed out from the body surface, but it was useless, and the green flame was submerged by a large amount of water of the dark moon.

Chen Datong's body turned into an ice sculpture at an astonishing speed. Seeing that it was about to reach his hands, the black ice sculpture suddenly burst open, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out. After a blur, it was thousands of meters away.

A full-body blue lotus flower fell from the sky and suddenly burst, and a large piece of blue cold air surged out, covering the Mini Nascent Soul. The Mini Nascent Soul quickly froze and was frozen into a blue ice ball.

Wang Changsheng made one move with one hand, UU reading www. The blue ice ball flew towards him and landed on his hand. With a flip of the palm, the blue ice ball disappeared.

Wang Ruyan grabbed towards the ground, and a shiny black storage ring flew towards her. This was Chen Datong's storage ring. Because Chen Datong revealed in time, the storage ring was preserved.

If it wasn't for Chen Datong's heavy damage, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would not be able to destroy his body. In this way, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Liu Ruyi, and Liu Ye joined forces to destroy Chen Datong's body. In this battle, they won in Chen Datong. Datong didn't know how powerful the Moon Water was.

Zhao Shengkai escaped, presumably it will not be easy to pour the water of the moon into the demons in the future.

Killing a demon in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, even if the demon has been severely injured, Wang Chang and Wang Ruyan have the capital to ask for more resources for cultivation, Wang Changsheng can refine the dark moon beads and hurt the enemy, and the strong in the cultivation world will be respected , even if they picked it up cheaply, that was their ability.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and nine blue dragons flew back to the nine dragons.

To drive nine fifth-order high-grade Jiaolongs to fight against the enemy, his mana and consciousness were too much. If he hadn't mastered the secret technique of stacking mana and consciousness, he really couldn't hold on for so long.

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