Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1810: Alien

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were standing on the Qinglian throne, and the scene under them quickly became blurred.

"No, stop now, there may be an ambush ahead."

Wang Ruyan suddenly reminded her that Soul Eater Jinchan gave her a warning. When she met the Human Demon, Soul Eater also gave her a warning. It seemed that there was something similar to the Human Demon in front of her.

Before they could react, the environment in front of them changed. Shangguan Tianhong and others suddenly appeared in a gray space. The gloomy wind was blowing, the ground shook violently, and large black trees broke out, with tens of thousands of them. as many trees.


Shangguan Tianhong frowned. This is the old lair of the demon race. It is not surprising that there is a formation. The power of this formation should not be great.

The demons might have some way of pressing the bottom of the box, but it takes a certain amount of time to cast the spell.

"Let's break through the formation and make a quick decision. The longer we delay, the more dangerous we are."

Shangguan Tianhong said with a cold face, True Monarch Qianglu had fought against the Demon Race, but True Lord Qianglu did not dare to say that he knew all of the Demon Race's methods of fighting the enemy.

Tens of thousands of black trees were uprooted, flew high into the sky, and condensed into a black giant with rough facial features. The black giant was made up of tens of thousands of black trees. A terrifying coercion.

Compared with Wang Changsheng and others, the black giant is the difference between an elephant and an ant. The power gap is too great.

An astonishing sword intent shot up from Liu Ruyi's body, and a blue sword light with a length of more than 100 meters appeared above Liu Ruyi's head out of thin air, exuding an aura of annihilation. This side of the world is lit up, as if a sunbeam emerges from the darkness.

The blue sword light turned into a long rainbow and flew away, like an azure sea, hitting the black giant.

Before the sword light approached, the void vibrated and distorted, the wind was blowing, and the ground was torn apart. This piece of heaven and earth seemed to be shattered by the blue sword light.

The black giant waved the black long sword in his hand and slashed towards the blue sword light.


The blue sword light slashed on the black long sword, leaving only a shallow slash.

There was a deafening explosion in the sky, and a huge red fire cloud appeared in the sky without warning. The red fire cloud turned the space into red, like a huge fireball suspended high in the sky, emitting terrifying. High civilization.

After a huge explosion sounded, the red fireballs the size of water tanks fell out, hitting the ground and immediately exploding a huge pit hundreds of feet in size, the fire soaring into the sky.

The radius of hundreds of miles turned into a sea of ​​red fire, and the billowing flames drowned the black giant.

Shangguan Tianhong and others took action one after another, and the dazzling aura lit up one after another. Various attacks went straight to the black giant. The explosions continued, and colorful auras illuminated the world.

After resisting the intensive attack, the black giant was unscathed, Shangguan Tianhong and others were stunned, even if it was a fifth-order monster, it was impossible not to be injured by an attack of this intensity.

With the help of Wufeng Famu, Wang Ruyan discovered the truth of the matter.

There is Henry Zhang's talisman at the joints of the black giant, and she could not recognize the origin of these talismans.

Whenever an attack falls on the black giant, the talisman at the joints of the black giant will brighten.

Shangguan Tianhong also discovered the abnormality of the black giant with the help of Jinwuzhu, and said solemnly: "Attack its joints, this is its flaw."

Zhenjun Qianglu's sleeve flicked, and a branch with a bright blue light flew out and landed on the ground.

The branches took root and quickly grew into a huge tree. Countless thick roots broke out of the ground and entangled the black giant.

The black giant struggled violently, but it was of no use. It swung its two swords and stabbed into the Big Sky Tree, and pulled it with both hands. The Big Sky Tree was torn in half, turned into a broken branch, and scattered on the ground. .

Countless blue waters emerged in the void, turning into a blue sea, covering the black giant. The black giant was trapped in the sea. It had a huge force in the air, and it couldn't play a role. Naturally, it couldn't get out of trouble.

The blue light flashed, and the sky above his head suddenly lit up with a blue light, and a small and exquisite blue clock appeared, emitting a terrifying aura fluctuation.

The Dinghai Bell, a treasure of the heavens, is the treasure of the sea clan.

Clang clang clang!

A heavy bell rang, and Ding Haizhong's body suddenly increased, and he hooded his head.

With a loud rumbling sound, the Dinghai Bell covered the black giant, and heavy bells continued to be heard. The ground shook violently, and cracks appeared, and the entire space seemed to collapse.

Jiao Lin's face turned cold, and the magic trick was reminded, countless blue runes lit up on the surface of the Dinghai Clock, the water vapor was foggy, the void oscillated and distorted, and a large amount of sea water emerged, and this piece of heaven and earth seemed to become a vast ocean.

Outside the formation, Situ Mei and the other six people held a black formation plate and entered one after another.

Don't look at their small number, this is their old nest, and they are not afraid of Shangguan Tianhong and others at all. Considering the strength of Qinglian Immortal Companion, they plan to use the formation method to consume the mana of Shangguan Tianhong 1 and others.

"Fairy Situ, this is the Blood Burning Talisman for you. If you don't have enough mana, you can use this talisman to quickly restore your mana. This formation is a trapping enemy formation, which can consume the enemy's mana. Let's slowly exhaust their mana first. , by then, they will be the fish on the chopping board."

Ouyang Yu said, and handed Situ Mei a talisman, Situ Mei thanked him and accepted it.

Of the six demons in the God Transformation stage, only Zhao Qianfeng, Zhao Shengkai, and Ouyang Yu were pure demons. The other three used the energy of true demons to infuse their bodies to become demons, and they all got a blood-colored talisman. .

Situ Mei didn't say anything, and felt a little uneasy in her heart. She always felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

In the formation, Jiao Lin's tactic was pinched, the Dinghai Bell flew up, and the black giant's body was covered in scars, and it seemed to be turned into countless sawdust.

At this moment, a dazzling black light lit up at its joints, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had never appeared before.

The black giant punched the Dinghai bell, and there was a muffled sound Dinghai bell flew out.

"This is impossible! Even if it is a fifth-order monster, its internal organs have been shattered. Even if it is transformed by a formation, it is impossible to restore it all at once!"

Jiao Lin frowned, his face full of inconceivable expressions.

"It has some talismans at its joints, and it should be those talismans. Only by destroying those talismans can this guy be destroyed."

Shangguan Tianhong explained, his eyes gloomy.

Even connecting the Heavenly Spirit Treasures cannot destroy the black giant. The talisman at the joints of the black giant is obviously not an ordinary talisman, so I don't know if it can be used on immortal cultivators.

A golden light suddenly lit up on the top of the black giant's head, turning into a golden brick, exuding a terrifying aura fluctuation, obviously a spiritual treasure.

The size of the golden brick suddenly skyrocketed, covering the sky and blocking the sun, falling from the sky and smashing at the black giant.

The black giant's hands waved, and countless black tree roots flew out, woven into a black giant hand hundreds of feet in size, supporting the falling golden giant brick.

A piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a dazzling golden axe blade came out of the sky, like a golden moon, illuminating a large area, and wherever it passed, a piercing sound of breaking through the sky came from the sky.

With a muffled sound, the **** hand was cut off by the golden axe blade, and the giant golden brick smashed on the body of Hei Jun.


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