Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1812: dead friends don't die

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the ground shook, the ground was torn apart, and long and thick cracks appeared. A large number of gravel rolled down, and large black trees fell into the cracks.

Gongsun Yang lightly tapped his finger, the golden giant bricks flew up, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground. Being hit by a heavy magic weapon, the black giant should have died.

A shriveled black giant came out of the huge pit, and after a dazzling black light lit up at the joints, it quickly returned to normal, no different from before.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng and the others frowned. It was the first time they had seen such a situation. The black stone man's supernatural powers were not great, but his resilience was too strong! Like an immortal body.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and a white light flew out, suddenly appearing above the black giant's head.

A white light flashed, and a ring the size of a palm appeared, which was the Bingyue Ring.

As soon as the ice moon ring appeared, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and countless white snowflakes appeared out of thin air, falling from the sky, and a cold current enveloped the black giant.

The black giant froze at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into an ice sculpture. The ground was covered with white snow, and the snow was several feet thick.

A golden light lit up above the black giant's head, and a small golden cauldron appeared out of thin air. There was a turtle pattern on the cauldron.

The golden cauldron fell down, and a large piece of water of the dark moon flew out and landed on the frozen black giant. The black giant turned into a black ice sculpture, and the white snow also froze when it touched the water of the dark moon, and the ice layer was black. of.

A golden axe blade fell from the sky, and the black ice sculpture was cut in half by the golden axe blade like paper paste.

This time, the black giant did not recover again, but the formation was still there, and they were still trapped in the gray space.

"This should be a trapped formation. I don't know what secret magic the demons are using. Let's use brute force to break the formation!"

Wang Ruyan suggested, with a worried look in his eyes.

Song Xiruo pinched the magic trick, and the fire clouds in the sky rolled violently, and huge red fireballs flew out one by one, hitting the ground.

In a burst of huge explosions, this piece of heaven and earth was shrouded in billowing flames, the gray space turned into an endless sea of ​​red fire, and the temperature rose sharply.

Wang Changsheng and Shangguan Tianhong attacked almost at the same time. They waved the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword and the Golden Flood Dragon Axe respectively towards the sea of ​​​​fire. Wang Ruyan and others also started to attack.

There was a loud roar, and this gray space shook violently, as if it was about to collapse.

Half an hour later, in a deafening explosion, the gray space collapsed, and they saw the light again.

Wang Changsheng and others were pale, their mana consumption was serious, and the consumption of spiritual consciousness was not that big.

The faces of Zhao Qianfeng and the others were slightly pale, and their current state was stronger than Wang Changsheng and others.

Hundreds of azure lights broke out of the ground, flew high into the sky, gathered together, and turned into a huge curtain of azure light, like a giant azure bowl, clasping Wang Changsheng's ten people upside down.

The gust of wind blew up countless flying sands and rocks, and the azure winds emerged out of thin air, making a harsh whistling sound, and went straight to Wang Changsheng and others.

Shangguan Tianhong's face became ugly. He could naturally see that the demons were going to use up their mana. At that time, they would be fish on the chopping block. I have to say that the demons' approach is really good. Pick.

The six cultivators used the formation to trap the ten cultivators in the cultivator period. This was still possible.

Shangguan Tianhong frowned and thought for a while. He took out nine identical porcelain vases and distributed them to Wang Changsheng and others, and said, "There are some thousand-year-old spiritual milk in it, which can speed up the recovery of your mana."

The Wannian Spiritual Milk can instantly restore the mana of the Nascent Soul cultivator. For the Spirit Transformation cultivator, the Wannian Spiritual Milk is less effective.

Wang Changsheng took the porcelain bottle, opened the cork, and an extremely pure spiritual energy wafted out. He did not take it immediately, but looked at other people.

They all signed the oath, but they were not afraid of Shangguan Tianhong's tricks, and they took the Wannian Spirit Milk one after another.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan also took the Wannian Spiritual Milk, and just now drove the Jiujiao Drums against the enemy, and their mana consumption was relatively large.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, don't keep your hands. You drive that drum-like Heavenly Spirit Treasure to break through the formation faster."

Shangguan Tianhong's tone was heavy. At this time, if he kept his hand, it would be courting death.

The others looked at Wang Changsheng one after another, a powerful Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure could break through the formation faster.

Wang Changsheng nodded and took out the Jiujiao drum.

Shangguan Tianhong squinted his eyes, a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Jiao, you use that exotic treasure to protect everyone, this treasure of mine attacks indiscriminately."

Wang Changsheng reminded him that he planned to summon nine flood dragons to fight the enemy and destroy the demons.

What puzzled him was that the Demon Race knew that he could summon nine high-grade fifth-order Jiaolongs, so why did they dare to set up a formation against the enemy? Could it be that the Demon Race has a trump card to deal with the fifth-order Flood Dragon? Or is there a treasure against the water of the moon?

According to True Monarch Qianglu, there are some special talismans in the hands of the demons, which are very powerful. I don't know if the demons rely on these secrets.

Jiao Lin responded with a sound, and sacrificed a blue orb with misty water and flew out. After flying high in the sky, the blue orb lit up countless mysterious runes, and it turned into a thick blue light. A curtain that covers them all.

Wang Changsheng flew out and landed on the blue light curtain, and dozens of cyan winds swept in.

He punched the drum face of the Jiujiao Drum, and after a deafening dragon roar sounded, a sound wave of water vapor swept out, like a tsunami, with an unmatched force, hitting the cyan wind. .

There was a loud rumbling sound, and wherever the blue sound wave passed, the cyan wind shattered like an egg hitting a stone.

One after another dragon roars sounded, and one after another blue sound wave filled with water vapor flew out, and one sound wave was stronger than the other.

There was a constant roar in the formation, mixed with a deafening dragon roar.

Outside the formation, Zhao Ganfeng's six people frowned, their faces paled, and the formation plate in their hands flickered non-stop.

As time passed, their mana was quickly consumed, and they were sweating profusely.

"Quickly use the Blood Burning Talisman to stimulate potential and speed up the recovery of mana."

Zhao Qianfeng shouted loudly, took out a **** talisman, and slapped it on his body, Ouyang Yu and the others followed suit.

Situ Mei frowned and observed carefully for a while, but found nothing unusual.

With a muffled sound of "click", a small crack suddenly appeared in the array plate in Situ Mei's hand. She was shocked and quickly took out the blood burning and slapped it on her body.

A strange energy suddenly poured into Situ Mei's body, her mind was filled with a violent killing intent, and her eyes slowly turned red.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, you are playing tricks in the talisman, we are a group, how can you treat me?"

Situ Mei gritted his teeth and said with a look of unwillingness on his face.

"You are a family slave with three surnames, who is your gang? Daoyou Chen is dead, it is too difficult for us to go to other interfaces, we can't go to other interfaces, we can only kill these guys, otherwise we will die. , kill them, we can get a lot of treasures, and it is easier to go to other interfaces."

Zhao Qianfeng's tone was indifferent. It was difficult for a cultivator to go to other interfaces in the middle stage of God Transformation, and he needed specific talismans or treasures to protect himself. Chen Datong, who was proficient in refining tools, died. If he wanted to go to other interfaces, the best way was to wipe them all out. Spiritual practice, using the treasures in their hands to travel through the interface.

Zhao Shengkai and Ouyang Yu looked as usual. They did not regard Situ Mei and the others as their companions. When they were of use value, they would naturally give them a high glance, but if they had no use value, they immediately abandoned them.

Dead Daoists are not poor Daoists. If it weren't for the strength of spiritual cultivation, they would not sacrifice Situ Mei and the three.

Countless blood-colored runes appeared on Situ Mei's body, his face was painful, and his abdomen quickly swelled, like a pregnant woman who was pregnant in October.


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