Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1814: The situation took a turn for the worse

Almost at the same time, a deafening explosion sounded, and a huge cloud of red fire suddenly burst open, and countless red flames splashed around, like a goddess scattered flowers.

One after another red flames fell on the ground, and the ground burst open immediately, blasting out giant pits with blazing flames, and a raging fire ignited in a radius of hundreds of miles, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

Long Yanji fell into a huge pit, and there was a terrifying bloodstain on her left arm. You could see the bones, and the blood flowing out was black.

She was full of unwillingness and stared at Ouyang Yu.

Ouyang Yu was holding a shiny black whip in his hand. The whip was made of nine pieces of black spiritual bones of the same length. If you look closely, you can see a terrifying grimace on the surface of each piece of spiritual bone. There were bursts of shrill screams.

The Tongtian Demon Treasure Ten Thousand Ghost Whip uses the bones of fifth-order monsters as the main material, and smelts tens of thousands of ghosts. It is specially designed to deal with powerful demon beasts, and it comes with a suffocating attack.

Shangguan Tianhong frowned. They killed a fifth-order demon bird, and two companions were injured. Strictly speaking, they suffered a loss. Long Yanji and Long Xiaoyao were fifth-order flood dragons.

Ripples like water ripples swayed in the void above the Golden Turtle Cauldron, and a big gray hand emerged out of nowhere, and the surface of the **** hand was covered with black fluff like steel needles.

Shangguan Tianhong snorted lightly, and the golden turtle tripod lit up with a dazzling golden light, then disappeared suddenly, and the **** hand was lost.

With a flick of Ouyang Yu's wrist, Wan Gui's whip suddenly flicked, turning into a black long rainbow and heading straight for Shangguan Tianhong.

There was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, and a large number of ghost figures emerged from the black Changhong. These ghost figures made various miserable situations and made a series of miserable screams.

Shangguan Tianhong felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a gray space. The place where he entered was pitch black, and the shrill devil's cry kept coming from his ears, his head was buzzing, and the wind was blowing, and a large number of ghosts could be seen. , looming.

He seemed to have broken into the ghost realm, and countless ghosts rushed from all directions, looking like they were going to tear him to pieces.

"Illusion! No wonder!"

Shangguan Tianhong's face turned cold, and the golden lock on his chest suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, covering his whole body.

An extremely strange beast roar sounded, the gray space shook violently, and suddenly collapsed.

Shangguan Tianhong escaped from the illusion, and a black long rainbow descended from the sky. At the same time, a big hand wrapped in black energy suddenly appeared in the void above his head, which was photographed head-on.

With no fear on his face, the golden flood axe in his hand slashed towards the void in front of him, the void oscillated, and a golden axe blade flew out, slashing on the black Changhong, and there was a muffled sound and sparks scattered.

The **** hand clapped on the golden light, and there was a muffled "bang", and the golden light was safe and sound.

A **** light lasing came, and suddenly appeared on the top of Shangguan Tianhong's head. It was a talisman with **** light flowing indefinitely. With a muffled sound, the blood-colored talisman burst open, and a large blood-colored flame gushed out, blood-colored. The sea of ​​fire drowned Shangguan Tianhong's figure.

With a loud noise, the **** hand sank into the sea of ​​blood-colored fire, Shangguan Tianhong flew out, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

He landed on the ground, and a blue light shot out, disappearing into the ground.

"Fairy Liu, be careful."

Wang Changsheng suddenly reminded.

Liu Ruyi was startled, and hurriedly brought out three golden flying swords, flying around her uncertainly.

The sound of the sword sounded loudly, and the dense golden sword shadows protected her whole body, forming an airtight golden wind wall.

The ground suddenly burst open, and five giant pythons emerged from the ground.

As soon as it appeared, the dense golden sword qi slashed on its body like a gust of wind and rain, as if it had slashed on the copper wall and the iron wall, sparks splashed everywhere, and there was a large shallow sword mark on the surface of the five-headed giant python.

An astonishing sword intent rose into the sky, and the dense golden sword shadows suddenly merged into one, and a golden-lighted giant sword suddenly appeared, exuding terrifying pressure, and slashed at the five giant pythons.

The secret technique of combining human and sword! Liu Ruyi was desperate.

With a muffled sound, two heads of the five-headed giant python were beheaded, and blood spurted several feet high. One of its heads suddenly spurted a yellow glow, covering the giant sword, which was visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​petrification.


With a loud bang, the giant sword lifted to the sky suddenly burst open, a mini Nascent Soul suddenly flew out, and a seven-colored spiritual light descended from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul, putting it into a seven-color round bowl, Wang Changsheng flipped his palm, The seven-color round bowl disappeared.

The situation took a turn for the worse, ten breaths were not enough, Liu Ruyi's body was destroyed, the two gods were severely injured, and Shangguan Tianhong was also injured.

"Petrochemical supernatural powers!"

Gongsun Yang's face became ugly. Could it be that the five-headed giant python has the bloodline of the nine-headed ferocious python?

Countless cyan vines burst out of the ground and entangled the huge body of the giant python.

The python's body struggled violently, but it was useless.

A golden light suddenly lit up on the top of the python's head, and the golden turtle tripod appeared, fell down, and a large piece of water of the dark moon poured down.

I saw a green hurricane spew out of the python's head, and greeted it. The cyan hurricane touched the water of the dark moon, and it instantly froze. Black ice sculpture.

A golden axe fell from the sky and slashed on top of the black ice sculpture, which was torn apart.

Almost at the same time, a black long rainbow shot out and hit the golden turtle tripod accurately. The golden turtle tripod flew out, and the only little water of the moon in the tripod splashed out and landed on the ground, and a large black ice layer suddenly appeared on the ground. .

Zhao Qianfeng gently shook the Soul Killing Bell in his hand, the heavy bell rang, and the void shook.

Gongsun Yang, Song Xiruo, Long Xiaoyao, Long Yanji, and Jiaolin had expressions of pain on their faces, and their souls felt like they were about to be torn apart.

The Ten Thousand Ghost Whip in Ouyang Yu's hand turned into countless ghost images, and went straight to Gongsun Yang and Song Xiruo. Zhao Shengkai's figure was blurred and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, he appeared near Long Yanji, and when he flipped his right hand, a golden talisman appeared on his hand. There was a human-shaped pattern on the surface of the talisman. With a flick of his wrist, the golden talisman flew out. , turned into a golden light into Long Yanji's body.

Long Yanji let out a painful scream, her facial features distorted, and countless golden runes suddenly appeared on her body.

An unbearable pain suddenly came from Zhao Shengkai's sea of ​​consciousness, he groaned and almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and nine blue-colored sound waves swept over, quickly passing Zhao Shengkai's body, and the void oscillated and twisted.

Zhao Shengkai's legs softened and he knelt on the ground, his face flushed red, his hands covering his chest.

The nine flood dragons roared together, the nine sounded combos, and the nine sound waves merged into one.


After a loud bang, Zhao Shengkai's body exploded and was shattered by a powerful sound wave.

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