Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1815: heavy casualties

Zhao Shengkai couldn't even escape Nascent Soul, and was directly killed by the nine drums.

Wang Changqi was panting and his face was pale. It was extremely difficult to want the nine flood dragons to sing in unison. His spiritual sense and mana were consumed a lot.

An earth-shattering dragon roar sounded, and Long Yanji suddenly turned into a red dragon covered in flaming flames, heading straight for Gongsun Yang and Song Xiruo.

"Fairy Song. Fellow Daoist Gongsun, be careful."

Wang Changsheng subconsciously screamed badly, and quickly reminded loudly.

Gongsun Yang was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, the red Flood Dragon descended from the sky, and the thick and long tail hit his protective aura.

With a "puff", Gongsun Yang spat out a mouthful of blood and his face turned pale. He never thought that Long Yanji would attack him.


An angry dragon roar sounded, and the red flood dragon spewed out billowing flames, drowning Gongsun Yang's figure.

"You are about to kill me, I can't control myself."

The red Jiaolong spit out human words, showing pain on his face.

There was a look of pride on Zhao Qianfeng's face. What Zhao Shengkai sacrificed was a puppet talisman, which could control other monks or monsters. This was the sixth-order talisman, and it was also the most precious talisman on his body, but unfortunately there was only one.

He originally wanted to control Shangguan Tianhong, but Shangguan Tianhong has too many heavenly treasures, Song Xiruo and Gongsun Yang are not very strong, Shaolin is proficient in escaping, Qinglian Xianlu's methods are strange, Qianglu Zhenjun's The power is not as strong as before, he can only target Long Yanji and Long Xiaoyao.

A red fire suddenly lit up above Song Xiruo's head, and a huge red dragon claw appeared out of thin air, grabbing at Song Xiruo's head, Song Xiruo's appearance changed greatly, and before she could avoid it, the bell rang. When it sounded, her soul was torn into countless pieces, and her facial features were twisted.

With a muffled sound, Song Xiruo's head was smashed by the red dragon claw, and a mini Nascent Soul escaped from it.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves flicked, and a blue glow swept out, covering the mini Nascent Soul, and his sleeves disappeared.

The bodies of the two cultivators were destroyed, the two were seriously injured, and one cultivator was controlled, and the demons currently have the upper hand.

The ground shook violently suddenly, countless thick blue vines burst out of the ground, green grasses burst out of the ground, and a large number of trees grew in a radius of thousands of miles. There was no end in sight, and hundreds of towering trees would be around Thousands of miles around.


Zhao Qianfeng's brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and he was about to control Long Yanji to attack others.

A golden light suddenly lit up on the top of the red dragon's head, and a small tower with golden light appeared. After the tower was lit with countless golden runes, its body soared to a height of more than 100 feet, and a lifelike golden dragon hovered above the tower.

Lingbao Golden Flood Pagoda, Shangguan Tianhong, as a fifth-order craftsman and the first person in the Tianlan world, has many spiritual treasures.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the golden flood dragon on the surface of the Golden Flood Dragon Pagoda seemed to come to life, emitting a dragon roar that resounded through the sky, and a golden glow descended from the sky, covering the red flood dragon and taking it in.

The Golden Flood Pagoda shook violently, and the roar continued.

Taking this opportunity, Gongsun Yang flew back to Wang Changsheng's side, his face was pale, and there was a burning aura from his body.

Long Xiaoyao turned into a green tornado again, heading straight for Zhao Qianfeng and Ouyang Yu.

A little blue light emerged from the sky, turning into a huge and incomparable white cloud. The white cloud rolled violently, and blue water arrows flew out one after another, hitting Zhao Qianfeng and Ouyang Yu.

With a flick of Ouyang Yu's wrist, the Ten Thousand Ghost Whip turned into countless ghost images, facing the cyan tornado.

Zhao Qianfeng's eyes were gloomy. Overall, they were at a disadvantage now, but he was not afraid.

Wang Changsheng began to beat the Jiujiao Drum, and every time he struck it, a deafening dragon roar came from the Jiujiao Drum, and a blue sound wave swept out.

Countless ghost shadows hit the green hurricane, the blue hurricane suddenly burst, and countless blue wind blades flew out, spreading in all directions.


A deafening roar sounded, and a large number of trees were smashed by the cyan wind blade.

A gust of wind blew from behind Ouyang Yu, and Long Xiaoyao appeared, his eyes were gloomy, and two huge dragon claws grabbed towards Ouyang Yu.

Almost at the same time as he appeared, Zhao Ganfeng hurriedly activated the Soul Destruction Bell, Long Xiaoyao's face showed pain, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

With a flick of Ouyang Yu's wrist, the Ten Thousand Ghost Whip turned into a black long rainbow, entangling Long Xiaoyao's body. Countless ghost figures appeared, rushing towards Long Xiaoyao and sucking his blood essence.

Long Xiaoyao let out a painful roar and struggled violently, but was unable to break free from the shackles of Wan Gui Whip.

As soon as the dense blue water arrows approached Zhao Qianfeng and Ouyang Yubaizhang, they suddenly collapsed.

A blue light suddenly lit up above Ouyang Yu's head, and the Dinghai Bell appeared as soon as it came out.

The Dinghai bell suddenly fell under the cover, and a series of low bells sounded, the ground shook violently, a large number of cracks appeared, and dust was flying.

Shaolin was overjoyed immediately, Ouyang Yu was sure to die.

At this moment, Wang Ruyan suddenly shouted: "Be careful, fellow Daoist Shark."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Qianfeng suddenly appeared behind Shaolin.

Shaolin broke out in a cold sweat, and before he had time to avoid it, a loud bell rang, his soul seemed to be torn apart and screamed in pain.

Zhao Qianfeng flipped his palm, and there was a light red talisman in his hand, and he threw it forward.

The red talisman suddenly disappeared into Jiao Lin's body, and Jiao Lin suddenly let out a painful roar, countless red runes appeared on his body, and a red flame suddenly emerged, which could not be extinguished at all.

The fifth-order high-grade talisman, the burning spirit talisman, is extremely domineering, but it takes a lot of mana to activate this talisman.

Zhao Qianfeng swayed and disappeared suddenly. Obviously, Qinglian Immortal Companion was terrified of him.

The bloodthirsty demon ape spurted a blood-colored flame and landed on the Dinghai Bell.


The Dinghai Bell exploded, Ouyang Yu disappeared, and there was a shattered human-shaped skeleton on the ground.

A flash of aura lit up in the void, and Ouyang Yu appeared, her face pale.

She used the unique secret technique Ten Thousand Bone for Tribulation, and she was lucky enough to escape, but her current situation is very poor.

With a loud bang, Jiao Lin's body exploded, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out. Before it flew far, a **** hand appeared out of nowhere, and accurately shot the mini Nascent Soul.

Jiao Lin was killed at this point, and as a result, the situation became more and more unfavorable.

With a loud bang, the Golden Flood Dragon Pagoda suddenly burst open, and Long Yanji escaped, turning into a huge cloud of fire and hitting Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Because they signed the oath, if Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan killed Long Yanji, they would also be severely injured.

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and Long Xiaoyao escaped from the predicament. With a flash of blue light, Long Xiaoyao suddenly appeared in the sky above Long Yanji.

Long Xiaoyao's breath is skinny, his current state is very poor, if the Demon Race wins, he will surely die.

"Brother Shangguan, my junior asks you."

After Long Xiaoyao finished speaking, it turned into a huge cyan tornado, covering Long Yanji.

After hearing a deafening dragon roar, the blue tornado exploded, and countless flesh and blood flew out, and Long Yanji and Long Xiaoyao perished together.

As a result, Qinglian Xianlu, Gongsun Yang, Shangguan Tianhong, Qianglu Zhenjun, Zhao Qianfeng, Ouyang Yu and Bloodthirsty Demon Ape remained.

"Come back soon, I will urge Jiujiaogu to kill them."

Wang Changsheng's face turned cold, he and Wang Ruyan's body surface glowed blue light, and the breath skyrocketed, Wang Changsheng's breath reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation, and his hands madly hit the drum surface of Jiujiao Drum,

The demons are too difficult to deal with, so they can only use sonic attacks.

The troublesome thing is that Wang Changsheng can't guarantee that Jiujiaogu can kill Zhao Ganfeng. Now there is no other way. Everyone is at the end of the shot, and it depends on who can hold on.

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