Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1822: Messages from Liuli Bingyan and Sword Sovereign Season 4

Huang Fugui's eyes turned, he grinned, showed his big yellow teeth, and said in a flattering tone: "Senior Wang, Senior Wang, I found an ancient monk's cave, which may be the seat of the monk's seated cave."

As the saying goes, if you don't die, you will have good luck. Huang Fugui teleported to Feng Xueyuan and accidentally discovered an ancient monk's cave.

If there were no restrictions, Huang Fugui would naturally run faster than the fourth-rank demon bird, but there were many restrictions here, and Huang Fugui didn't dare to let go of his hands and feet to escape at all.

If it wasn't for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, Huang Fugui would have shed a layer of skin even if he didn't die.

"Ancient monk's cave? Is it very far from here?"

Wang Changsheng was interested and asked.

"About 100,000 miles, there are several strong restrictions on the road. I almost died under the restrictions, but with the supernatural powers of Senior Wang and Senior Wang, it should not be a problem."

Huang Fugui's face was full of flattery.

"Let's go! Lead the way ahead."

Wang Changsheng instructed that he couldn't figure out their location, so he didn't dare to run around. The area that Huang Fugui had already explored should not be too dangerous. Maybe there was a detailed map of Feng Xueyuan in the ancient monk's cave.

Huang Fugui readily accepted the order, and according to his understanding of Wang Changsheng, if Wang Changsheng got the benefits, how could he be able to share a little with him.

Qinglian Xianlu eats meat, and Huang Fugui can also drink a sip of hot soup.

The three of Wang Yingjie flew out of the Xuanshui Palace, Wang Changsheng's magic trick was pinched, and the Xuanshui Palace turned into a square token, which disappeared into his sleeve.

Under the leadership of Huang Fugui, the group disappeared into the snow field.


In the depths of Fengxueyuan, a steep snow-capped mountain suddenly shook violently, and a large amount of snow rolled down.

With a loud bang, a golden axe blade flew out, the snow mountain was divided into two, countless gravel splashed out, and a somewhat embarrassed figure suddenly flew out, it was Shangguan Tianhong.

His face was pale, his left arm was missing, and the golden lock on his chest disappeared.

He was caught in a gray space, and he managed to escape from the trap. The golden lock of the heavenly treasure was also destroyed, and he lost a hand, and his vitality was greatly damaged.

Shangguan Tianhong's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he secretly vowed that if he could leave here, he would destroy the entire Liu Tong family.

"I don't know what happened to Daoyou Wang and the others. If I knew this earlier, the old man would not come." Shangguan Tianhong said to himself.

He is now above an endless white mountain range, and everything he sees is snow-white, and he doesn't see any monsters, nor any exotic fruits.

He took out the Jinwuzhu, injected mana, and the Jinwuzhu lit up with a dazzling golden light.

After a while, Jin Wuzhu returned to normal, Shangguan Tianhong flew toward the northeast, and he tried to fly as close to the ground as possible.


In a long and narrow white valley, Wang Changsheng and others stood outside the valley. Wang Yingjie was covered with a red light curtain, shivering, his face pale, and his mana was passing quickly.

It took them three days to reach the ancient monk's cave that Huang Fugui said. Along the way, they encountered many prohibitions and fourth-order monsters. Fortunately, the power of the prohibitions was not strong, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan easily resolved them.

"Senior Wang, Senior Wang, the ancient monk's cave is here."

Huang Fugui pointed to the valley and said, looking excited.

There are thick ice walls on both sides of the valley, and there are many icicles several meters high in the valley.

Wang Ruyan's eyebrows lit up with a red light, and Wufeng's Famu appeared and looked towards the valley.

There was a faint blue light at the end of the valley, if it wasn't for Wufeng's magic eyes, she would not have been able to find it.

Lu Tianxue turned into a gust of wind and drifted into the valley.

After a while, a huge roar came from the valley, Wang Changsheng and others looked as usual, and Huang Fugui looked expectant.

Lu Tianxue flew out of the valley and replied: "There is indeed a restriction, I can't recognize it, one thing is certain, it should be the fifth-order restriction, otherwise I would have broken it long ago."

Even with her late Nascent Soul strength, she couldn't break that restriction.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Wang Changsheng waved his sleeves, Wang Xin walked in front, they followed behind, and Wang Yingjie followed closely beside Wang Ruyan.

The valley is winding, and there are many icicles in the valley.

Before long, they reached the end of the valley, where a steep iceberg blocked their way.

The ice wall was torn apart, and a faint blue light could be seen, looming.

The golden light on Wang Xin's body erupted, and there was a deafening dragon roar. A miniature flood dragon flew out of his body, instantly grew to a length of more than one hundred feet, and went straight to the blue water curtain.


There was a loud noise, and the blue light was deformed, but it quickly returned to normal, rebounding the golden dragon.

"This is the Four Seas Inverse Spirit Formation, a fifth-order formation. This formation can bounce back and attack. Fire-type magical powers restrain this restriction, and it can be broken with brute force, but the movement is relatively large."

Ye Haitang explained.

"The fifth-order formation? So, this is the arrangement of the cultivator of the gods."

Wang Changsheng's eyes flickered, he turned his hand and took out the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, and slashed towards the blue light.

The blue light was bumpy and deformed, the iceberg shook violently, and thick and long cracks appeared, the ice wall was broken, and a large number of ice cubes rolled down from the ice wall.

After a loud bang, the blue light suddenly shattered like a bubble, and a strange cold air surged out.

An ice cave as large as zhangxu appeared in front of them, and the wall had obvious traces of artificial excavation.

Lu Tianxue turned into a breeze and floated into the ice cave.

It didn't take long for Lu Tianxue to fly out and said excitedly, "There is a group of different fire glazed ice flames inside, it seems that the cultivator of God Transformation arranged to restrain and imprison this fire."

"Glass Ice Flame!"

Wang Changsheng had a shocked expression on his face. Glazed Ice Flame was one of the fire spirits of heaven and earth. It was born in a glacier that was more than 10,000 years old. It was very rare.

He swayed and flew into the ice cave.

After passing through a long passage, an ice cave with a size of several acres appeared in front of him. In the center of the ice cave was a ground fire pool several feet in size. A light blue light curtain covered the ground fire pool. Translucent flames floated above the ground fire pool.

The translucent flame touched the blue light curtain, and there was a sudden muffled sound. The blue light curtain quickly froze, and the ice layer was white, but soon, after countless blue runes appeared on the surface of the blue light curtain, the ice layer became melted.

Wang Ruyan and others came in, and they carefully checked the ice cave to see if there were any other discoveries.

Wang Changsheng already had Xuanyou Cold Flame, and if it was refined into Glazed Ice Flame, the power of Xuanyou Cold Flame would be even greater.

Different fires have to evolve over thousands of years, and can only be formed under various circumstances, and ordinary flames simply cannot exist for tens of thousands of years.

He made a conjecture that a god-turning cultivator discovered this ground fire pool. At that time, the strange fire had not yet been born. He used the formation method to trap the fire and cultivate the strange fire.

The Wanhuo Palace in Dongli Realm has mastered many ground fire pools, and uses this method to cultivate different fires, but this method is very slow.

Wang Changsheng can take away the glazed ice flames and move this ground fire pool back to Qinglian Island. After tens of thousands of years, maybe this ground fire pool will be able to give birth to another group of glazed ice flames.

"There are no other restrictions here. Most of the ancient monks deliberately set up the formation, hoping to cultivate a group of strange fire, but I didn't expect it to be cheap for us."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, in order to cut off the inheritance of the Thousand Gourd World, the Demon Race destroyed a large number of books, and there may be books that recorded this place.

Immortal cultivators discover rare treasures, such as spirit fruit trees. If the fruit trees are not yet bearing fruit, the transplanted fruit trees are easy to die. Naturally, they set up an array to protect them, and record the location of the spirit fruit trees. When the spirit fruit matures, future generations will pick it up.

Wang Changsheng swung the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword and slashed on the blue light curtain. There was not much power left in the blue light curtain, and it shattered in one encounter.

A biting chill swept out, the temperature of the entire ice cave dropped sharply, Wang Yingjie shivered, and his body seemed to freeze.

As soon as he pinched the magic trick, the red jade pendant on his chest suddenly burst into a dazzling red light, which made him feel a little better.

Losing the confinement of the formation, the glazed ice flame seemed to come alive and flew out.

It hadn't flown very far, and as soon as the nearby void tightened, it stopped abruptly.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, and a blue flame flew out, turning into a three-inch-long mini-dragon, heading straight for the glazed ice flame.

The mini Jiaolong bit the glazed ice flame, tore off a large piece of transparent flame, and swallowed it.

Glazed Ice Flame was not an opponent at all, and was slowly swallowed by the mini-dragon.

Wang Changsheng rolled up his sleeves, and the mini-dragon flew back to his hand, turning into a blue crystal ball the size of a fist, emitting a chill.

Of course, a group of different fires is not so easy to refine. After Wang Changsheng returns, he will find time to refine this fire. At that time, the power of Xuanyou Hanyan will be even greater.

He cast a spell to take away the Earth Fire Pond and planned to move it back to Qinglian Island, hoping that future generations could use it.

They double-checked and found nothing else.

"Huang Fugui, you did a good job. I will reward you well when you leave Feng Xueyuan. Did you find other ancient monks' caves?"

Wang Changsheng said amicably, Huang Fugui has many nicknames in the Dongli world, such as Huang Paopao, Ruined Loose Man, Treasure Hunter, etc. This guy is not very lucky.

Huang Fugui thought for a while and said, "There is a place, I'm not sure if there is an ancient monk's cave, where there are fourth-order high-grade monsters guarding, there should be elixir or other things."

"Okay, you show us the way."

Wang Changsheng commanded with a heavy tone.

Huang Fugui responded and hurriedly led the way in front.

Out of the valley, Huang Fugui took them towards a vast white forest, and it didn't take long for them to disappear into the depths of the white forest.

Five days later, they appeared at the foot of a huge iceberg. The iceberg seemed to border the sky, and the top was covered by a thick white cold air, making it impossible to see the specific situation.

Along the way, they encountered many fourth-order monsters, but none of them were their opponents. Huang Fugui, Ye Haitang and Wang Yingjie got the corpses of many fourth-order monsters and made a fortune.

Huang Fugui took out a gleaming yellow flag and flicked it forward. The wind was blowing, and a yellow hurricane swept thick and thick, and a large amount of snow was blown away, revealing a crack of more than one hundred feet long. It was not Huang Fugui who led the way, nor did Wang Changsheng expect that there was a crack at the foot of the huge iceberg.

Ye Haitang released Lu Tianxue, and Lu Tianxue flew in. After a while, a huge explosion came from the crack.

The sound got closer and closer, and Lu Tianxue flew out with a panic-stricken expression. Two giant scorpions with a snow-white body suddenly flew out. The giant scorpions were crystal clear, as if they were made of ice, with a pair of snow-white wings on their backs.

"Hey, this is the Snow Crystal Soul Depriving Scorpion, a rare alien species."

Wang Ruyan snorted lightly. The Snow Crystal Soul Reaver is a rare ice-type spirit worm that lives in the glacier. They have the bloodline of an ice-type dragon. It is said that the high-level Snow Crystal Soul Reaper scorpion feeds on demons.

Lu Tianxue is a ghost, and Xuejing Soul Reaper is her nemesis.

"Catch it back and cultivate it as a spirit worm!"

Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, and patted the void with one hand. The void above their heads swayed for a while, and a big blue hand more than a hundred feet long emerged out of nowhere and quickly took it.

With a muffled sound, the bodies of the two snow crystal scorpions sank deep into the ground. Before they could use their supernatural powers, a golden net bag fell from the sky, covering the two snow crystal scorpions.

They struggled violently, spewing cold air, freezing the golden net pockets.

Wang Ruyan's sleeves flicked, and two green talismans flew out and stuck to them, and they stopped resisting immediately.

Qinglian Island has 10,000-year-old icebergs, coupled with the mysterious jade veins, just to capture some ice-type spirit beasts and insects, and leave them to future generations to enhance the family heritage.

Wang Changsheng's magic trick was pinched, and the golden net pocket flew back to his sleeve and disappeared.

They flew in along the crack. Behind the crack is a huge ice cave with a size of 100 acres. The ice wall is uneven, and there are a lot of white icicles hanging on the top.

Wang Ruyan used Wufeng Famu to carefully observe the ice cave.

"Hey, Sword Master of the Four Seasons has come here before?"

Wang Ruyan let out a sigh and looked at the ice wall on the left.

Wang Changsheng waved the seven-star demon-slaying sword and slashed towards the ice wall on the A blue cloudy blade swept out, accurately slashing on the ice wall, the ice wall was suddenly torn apart, and a large number of ice cubes fell. When I came down, a smooth circular icicle was revealed. The icicle was engraved with a line of big characters—Old Master Four Seasons Sword Master, I started from Dongli Realm, first went to Tianlan Realm, then went to Ice Sea Realm, and finally arrived Thousand Gourd World, hoping to find a way to soar.

In addition to a line of large characters, there is a topographic map next to it, which is obviously Feng Xueyuan's map.

"The Four Seasons Sword Master actually came here? Isn't he the patriarch of Taiyi Xianmen?"

Huang Fugui was surprised.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were not surprised, they had long known that the Four Seasons Sword Master had been here.

From this text, Sword Sovereign Four Seasons went to other interfaces to find a way to ascend to the spiritual world.

Wang Changsheng remembered that Earth Fire Pond, wouldn't it be the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign who discovered it!

He didn't know which interface the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign went to, let alone whether the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign ascended to the spiritual world.

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