Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1823: Search for immortal resources

"It seems that there are indeed space nodes leading to other interfaces here, but I don't know where they are."

Wang Ruyan looked at the topographic map with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Since there is a topographic map, let's follow the topographic map and leave here first! We have gained a lot, and there is no need to stay here."

Wang Changsheng's tone was heavy.

They checked carefully and found nothing else and left the ice cave.

There is a map left by Sword Master of the Four Seasons. They did not touch any restrictions, but they encountered some monsters, monsters and birds with great potential. Wang Changsheng captured all the monsters with mixed bloodlines and killed them directly. Huang Fugui, Ye Haitang and Wang Yingjie were separated from the body of the beast.

After half a month, they left the wind and snow ice field.

"Finally get out of here."

Huang Fugui breathed a long sigh of relief, with a lingering expression on his face.

Wang Changsheng looked towards the sky, with a solemn expression: "Someone came out, it seems to be a friend of Shangguan."

As soon as the words fell, a red escaping light flew out from the depths of the wind and snow ice field. It didn't take long for the red escaping light to stop. It was Shangguan Tianhong.

His face was pale, and many brown bloodstains could be seen on the Taoist robe on his body.

He didn't have a map, so he could only run around. With the many treasures on his body and his own magical powers, he finally left the snow and ice field alive.

Shangguan Tianhong broke his arm, and his strength is still not lost to the monks in the early stage of God Transformation, but it is hard to say for Shang Qinglian Immortal Companion.

"Friend Shangguan, are you alright!"

Wang Changsheng said politely, he could naturally see that Shangguan Tianhong was very embarrassed and should have suffered a lot.

He couldn't help thinking that if there were no maps left by Xuanshui Palace and Four Seasons Sword Master, they would have suffered heavy casualties.

"I'm fine, Daoyou Wang, Madam Wang, do you have a map of Feng Xueyuan?"

Shangguan Tianhong asked with a frown, his face full of confusion.

He knew that Wang Changsheng had a powerful defensive treasure in his hand, but it was destroyed too. In order to leave Feng Xueyuan, he destroyed five spiritual treasures. Wang Changsheng and others actually left Fengxue Icefield unscathed. Without a map, Shangguan Tianhong would not believe it.

"We came across the map left by the Four Seasons Sword Master and left Feng Xueyuan according to the map."

Wang Changsheng explained.

"Jianzun Four Seasons? He really came here?"

Shangguan Tianhong was surprised and said that he thought it was a legend, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Four Seasons Sword Sovereign has been to Tianlan Realm, defeating many cultivators in Tianlan Realm, and has a good reputation.

Wang Ruyan took out a small blue mirror the size of a palm and handed it to Shangguan Tianhong. Shangguan Tianhong punched in a magic formula, the mirror surface was blurred, and a huge icicle appeared, and the text and map on the icicle could be seen.

"Forget it, wait for the big troops to arrive, and then send someone to slowly explore the forbidden area of ​​the Thousand Gourd World! The old man will go back to heal first, you can do it yourself."

After Shangguan Tianhong said these words, he flapped his wings lightly, and he turned into a red light and flew away, and disappeared after a few flashes.

"Senior Wang, Senior Wang, this junior has something to do, so I won't bother you."

Huang Fugui said goodbye and left, and it was safe to follow Qinglian Immortal Companion. If he got good things, they would all be taken away by Qinglian Immortal Companion, and he could only get a small portion.

"Wait, this defensive magic weapon is for you. This is a reward for you. If you find the ancient monk's cave or other treasures, don't forget us."

Wang Changsheng took out three pale yellow flags and handed them to Huang Fugui.

They found a lot of treasures from the Demon Clan's old lair, but the number of spirit treasures was not large. Wang Changsheng was not so rich as to give Huang Fugui a spirit treasure, and a spirit treasure could be passed down as a treasure of the town.

Huang Fugui was full of joy, thanked him, put away the three yellow flags, stomped the ground with his right foot, turned into a yellow light and disappeared into the sky.

"Let's go! Let's go too!"

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the flying dragon in the sky map and left the place with his clan.

He wants to rush to a certain sea area, where there are abundant mineral resources. Before the big army arrives, he can search for more treasures, so he will search for more treasures to enhance the family's heritage.

A dragon roar resounded in the sky and the earth suddenly sounded, and the flying dragon turned into a cyan rainbow in the sky map and disappeared into the sky.


Qianling Island is located in the northeast of the Thousand Gourd Realm. It is more than 1,300 miles long from east to west and more than 750 miles wide from north to south. This was originally the main altar of Qianling Palace. It became a separate helm, and the demons sent five Nascent Soul monks to sit in charge.

Qianling Island is responsible for the jurisdiction of a radius of 30 million miles, and has great power. Because Qianling Island has a superior geographical location, there are many monks in the past, and there is naturally a lot of oil and water.

Venerable Jin Jiao has practiced Taoism for more than 700 years. He is currently in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Ever since he can remember, he has thought that he is a demon race. The books that can be consulted can only be traced back to more than a thousand years. Why do you want to plant the demon tree, but the relatives and friends are staunch believers in the devil, so Master Jin Jiao didn't think much about it.

After Jin entered the Yuan Ying period, Master Jin Jiao was appointed to Qianling Island and held a high position.

Thousands of Spirits Island was lit up by fire, a large number of buildings collapsed, towering trees fell in pieces, corpses lay all over the place, and screams continued.

Venerable Jin Jiao stood in an open space with a pale face. There were hundreds of huge pits with flames on the ground. Wang Mengbin floated above a black cloud out of thin air, his face full of killing intent.

A golden dragon was hovering in the sky, Ouyang Mingyue and Cheng Zhenyu joined forces to attack the golden dragon.

Ouyang Mingyue and Cheng Zhenyu cooperated with each other, only to hear the sound of piercing sword sounds, and the sharp sword qi slashed at the golden dragon one after another.

The sound of explosions continued, accompanied by a series of shrill dragon roars, a large number of scales fell off the golden dragon, and the golden dragon's body was covered with scars, and bones were faintly visible.

Zheng Nan held a blue jade flute in his hand, and the cheerful flute continued to sound. A middle-aged man with a big shoulder and a round waist fought fiercely with a beautiful young woman in a purple skirt. The middle-aged man's expression was frantic, as if he was being controlled. .

The face of the young woman in the purple skirt was pale, and she kept shouting: "Senior Brother Sun, wake up, I'm Junior Sister Chen! How can you attack me instead of attacking the enemy?"

The middle-aged man turned a blind eye and frantically attacked the young woman in the purple skirt.

Wang Youwei stood in an open space, his hands kept clasping together, a yellow giant ape frantically attacked an old man in yellow robe who was over fifty years old.

The giant ape is more than ten feet tall, with mysterious spiritual patterns all over its body. Under the sunlight, it reflects bursts of metallic luster. It is obviously a fourth-order puppet beast.

In addition, hundreds of monks drove the puppet beasts against the enemy, and their sleeves were either embroidered with cyan lotus flowers or embroidered with two small characters "Zhenhai".

The demons in the God Transformation period died, but there are a large number of high-level demons in the Thousand Gourd Realm. These demons don’t think they are spiritual. They have been brainwashed by the demons since they were young, and they firmly believe that they are demons. No one cares. Use, the cultivators of Dongli Realm and Tianlan Realm are the invaders.

In order to completely control the Thousand Gourd World, a group of high-level demon cultivators must be eliminated.

Wang Mengbin, Ouyang Mingyue, Wang Youwei, Cheng Zhenyu, and Zheng Nan acted together and attacked various important strongholds. One was to clear high-level demon cultivators, and the other was to plunder the resources of immortal cultivation. This matter was of great help to their personal paths. .

"Thousands of thunders rang in unison,"

Wang Mengbin's face turned cold, and the magic trick was pinched, and the thundercloud below him suddenly rolled violently, making a deafening thunder, and the dazzling thunder light illuminated the world.


In a deafening sound of thunder, dense silver lightning flew out, the number of which was as many as a thousand, making people's scalp numb.

Seeing thousands of silver lightning strikes, Master Jin Jiao's face turned pale, and he had an illusion that he broke into the sea of ​​thunder.

He hurriedly sacrificed a golden ball the size of a pigeon egg and entered a magic formula. The golden ball rolled around, and suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, turning into a thick golden light curtain, protecting his body.

A huge thunder sounded, and the dense silver lightning struck the golden light. The dazzling silver lightning drowned the Golden Flood Dragon. The sky and the earth seemed to be reflected in silver, and the powerful air waves uprooted a large number of weeds and towering trees. rise.

Where the strong air waves passed, the earth and rocks cracked and the buildings collapsed.

A dazzling golden light suddenly lit up in the silver sea of ​​thunder, and Master Jin Jiao flew out of it and flew towards the golden Jiaolong.

There was a black smoke on the surface of Master Jin Jiao's body.

Wang Mengbin's strength was too strong, and Master Jin Jiao was defeated. He planned to merge with the beast of his life and die together with this group of enemies.

"Hmph, want to merge with the spirit beast? Do you think this is my opponent?"

Wang Mengbin shouted loudly. Countless silver arcs appeared on his body, like a **** of thunder, standing on the top of the clouds, condescending and overlooking all living beings.

His icy eyes were full of disdain and contempt, his voice was not loud, and it spread throughout Qianling Island, and all the cultivators could hear it clearly.

When Venerable Jin Jiao heard this, his mind was buzzing.

The black thundercloud rolled violently, and a purple Razer suddenly appeared. At first, it was a purple Razer, but the black thundercloud rolled faster and faster. The second and third purple Razers suddenly appeared, and the five breaths could not breathe. Arrived, hundreds of purple Razers wandered in the thundercloud.

Master Jin Jiao felt the imposing manner of the purple thunder snake, and his face was a magic weapon, and he quickly communicated with the golden Jiaolong.

The golden Jiaolong let out a roar, swept its tail abruptly, and patted Cheng Zhenyu and Ouyang Mingyue.

The clanging sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, sparks scattered, Cheng Zhenyu and Ouyang Mingyue flew out, their faces solemn.

Taking this opportunity, the Golden Flood Dragon quickly flew towards the Golden Flood Master.

One person and one beast were instantly integrated, and a dazzling golden light erupted, illuminating the world.

It didn't take long for the golden light to dissipate, the golden Flood Dragon's breath rose to the fourth-order high-grade, and the golden Flood Dragon's head appeared on the golden Flood Dragon's head.

"Hmph, all of you will die for me." The golden Jiaolong's tone had no emotion at all, and his eyes were cold.

"Idiot, it's you who died."

An unquestionable male voice descended from the sky, and these words were loud, like a long nail, which was nailed to the heart of Jin Jiao Shangren ruthlessly.

As soon as the voice fell, a deafening thunder sounded from the sky. Hundreds of silver thunder snakes flew out of the black thunder cloud, and went straight to the golden dragon below.

Hundreds of purple thunder snakes condensed together halfway, and their bodies were entangled together. After a burst of purple thunder light lit up, a purple thunder dragon with a thick waist appeared.

The purple thunder dragon collided with the golden dragon, and an astonishing air wave suddenly erupted. Dozens of hills were shattered by the powerful air wave, and a large number of trees and houses were swept up into the sky.

Wang Mengbin didn't stop his hand, and when the magic trick was pinched, the black thundercloud under him rolled violently, and suddenly turned into a silver thunderstorm hundreds of feet long, rushing down.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the three kinds of auras of silver, purple, and gold were intertwined, illuminating the sky and the earth, and the dust was flying all over the sky.

After three breaths, the dust dissipated, and the radius of a hundred miles was razed to the ground. A scorched Jiaolong fell to the ground. The Golden Jiaotong was lying on the side, with an unbelievable look on his face, and a terrifying blood hole in his chest. The wound has been charred.

After Wang Mengbin entered the late Nascent Soul, his strength was far superior to that of the past, and with the Lingbao Lei Peng Wing refined by Wang Changsheng, even if he encountered a strong enemy, he could retreat completely.

With a flash of inspiration, Master Jin Jiao's Nascent Soul flew out from the corpse and flew towards the sky at a particularly fast speed.

With a flash of silver light, a giant tower of silver light fell from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul.

After dealing with Master Jin Jiao, Wang Mengbin looked to other places, his face turned cold, countless silver arcs appeared on his body, and a deafening thunder sounded from high in the sky, and a huge thundercloud appeared in the sky without warning. Thunder and lightning.

One after another silver thunder snakes wandered in the black thundercloud, and the number was so large that it made people's scalp tingle.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the thick silver lightning pierced the sky, with a momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and went straight to the enemy below.

The low-level monks shivered when they saw the dense silver lightning falling, while the morale of the Wang family's children and the Zhenhaizong monks soared.

Wang Youwei and others have always stabilized the enemy. With Wang Mengbin joining in, UU reading www. Wang Youwei and others successfully eliminated the opponent and took away the opponent's Nascent Soul.

"Finally solved the enemy, friend Wang Dao, thanks to you this time!"

Cheng Zhenyu complimented, his face full of admiration.

Wang Mengbin's strength is extraordinary. In Cheng Zhenyu's opinion, among the many Nascent Soul monks of the Wang family, Wang Mengbin's strength can be ranked second, second only to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingling's strength is not weak, but he relies on Bingfeng Jiao.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng praised it, and Mrs. Cheng is also very powerful, holding down the two Nascent Soul monks."

Wang Mengbin humbly said that Zheng Nan practiced the Zhenhai Zongzhengong method "Tian Yin Fan Hai Gong". She used illusion to restrain the two Nascent Soul cultivators, and she had a lot of credit.

"Friend Wang Daoyou is joking. The concubine is only a restraint, but it can't be compared with Daoyou Wang. Master Jin Jiao is not your opponent."

Zheng Nan praised.

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