Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1832: Dinglong Zhenjun's seated cave mansion?

The Golden Dragon Sea is located in the western part of the Thousand Gourd Realm. It has a vast territory with tens of thousands of islands of different sizes. More than ten thousand years ago, Dinglong Zhenjun was born in the Golden Dragon Sea and entered the God Transformation Stage as a half-demon. There are few people in the tribe who can fight against it, so the Golden Dragon Sea Area was renamed Dinglong Sea Area, which is still in use today.

A black light quickly swept high in the sky, followed by a silver light, and there was a huge thunderous sound from time to time.

"I can run quite well, and I'm almost catching up with Huang Fugui."

An icy man's voice suddenly sounded, and a deafening roar came from the sky, and a silver thunder light lit up in the void. Wang Mengbin appeared, with a pair of silver wings flickering on his back, and thunder light lingered all over his body. Lei Peng wings.

With this treasure in hand, in terms of escaping speed, few Nascent Soul cultivators can compare to Wang Mengbin.

The five Wang Mengbin attacked a sect called Feilongzong. The black-robed old man was the head of the Feilongzong, Master Feilong. This man was proficient in escaping, and his escaping speed was a little worse than Huang Fugui's. .

Her face turned cold, the magic trick was pinched, and a deafening thunder sounded from her body, and countless silver arcs emerged.

A huge thundercloud appeared in the sky without warning, with lightning and thunder, and thunder snakes dancing wildly.

Thunderclouds rolled violently like sea water at high tide, and thousands of dense silver lightnings pierced the sky and slashed into the black light.

The moment the silver lightning appeared, the world changed color.

An extremely painful scream sounded, and a somewhat embarrassed figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed on a deserted island.

Wu Guang is a black-robed old man who is over seventy years old. The black-robed old man is as thin as a bamboo pole and his cheeks are thin. A mid-Nuan Ying monk.

There was a huge thunderous sound from high in the sky, the thundercloud rolled violently, and Wang Mengbin appeared, surrounded by countless silver arcs, looking down at all beings like a master.

"Fellow Daoist, forgive me, I am willing to offer all the treasures of the Flying Dragon Sect."

Master Feilong quickly asked for mercy, and Feilongzong was good at expelling insects and beasts, and was highly valued by the demons.

"Hmph, the main altar of your Flying Dragon Sect has been captured. I want you to offer it? Can't I take it myself?"

Wang Mengbin's tone was cold, giving people a shuddering feeling.

"I know a secret place, it may be Dinglong Zhenjun's seated cave mansion, and I am willing to dedicate it to fellow Daoists."

Master Feilong begged bitterly, he couldn't run, he couldn't beat him, he could only beg for mercy.

"True Monarch Dinglong? Is this person famous?"

Wang Mengbin frowned and asked, he didn't know much about the Thousand Gourd Realm, mainly because the demons destroyed a large number of ancient books in the Thousand Gourd Realm.

They got a lot of treasures, except for the secrets of the exercises, very few.

"True Monarch Dinglong is a god-turning cultivator who was active more than ten thousand years ago. He is a half-demon and has vast supernatural powers. This sea area has also changed its name because of him. There are fourth-order high-grade monsters guarding the place. The infant cultivator teamed up, and it is not an opponent. The supernatural powers of the predecessors should be able to get rid of this demon, and there must be a lot of treasures in the seated cave of Dinglong Zhenjun."

Master Feilong said cautiously, looking nervous.

Wang Mengbin was a little tempted. There must be a lot of treasures in the cave of the gods, and maybe there are spiritual things that impact the gods.

He pondered for a moment, and with a flick of his sleeve, two silver-light flickering rings flew out, heading straight for Master Feilong.

Master Feilong was taken aback and was about to avoid it when Wang Mengbin's icy voice suddenly sounded: "I want to kill you, but you can stop it? Be honest, I can spare your life."

Master Feilong hesitated for a while, but did not resist. Two silver rings were placed on his hands. He was horrified to find that he could not mobilize his mana.

Wang Mengbin descended from the sky and landed in front of Master Feilong.

"Obviously cooperate with me and let me search for your soul. If you dare to lie to me, you will die ugly."

Wang Mengbin's tone was cold, and the silver light around his body rose sharply, and countless silver arcs emerged.

Master Feilong shuddered and nodded honestly.

Wang Mengbin's palm pressed on the head of Master Feilong, and a dazzling silver light emerged from his palm.

After a while, Wang Mengbin retracted his palm with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Master Feilong didn't lie. He did find a secret place. The monster guarded was too powerful. Before he could get the treasure, Wang Mengbin and others came to kill him.

"True Monarch Dinglong? If you are sitting in the cave, you can take a trip. You can take me for a run. If it is the real Monarch Dinglong's sitting in the cave, I will not only spare your life, but also give you some benefits."

As Wang Mengbin spoke, a burst of purple lightning shot out of his mouth, heading straight for Master Feilong.

Master Feilong felt a numbness in his abdomen, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

"This is my solitary ban. If you dare to make a change, you will die without a place to be buried if I have a thought."

Wang Mengbin's tone was cold, and with a single move, two silver rings flew back.

Master Feilong felt that he could mobilize his mana, and was horrified to discover that at his dantian, two iron chains lingered with purple light locked his Nascent Soul.

He smiled bitterly for a while, and didn't dare to say anything. He took out a blue pill and took it. His pale face slowly returned to rosy, and he said, "What do you call fellow Daoist? This old man will lead the way."

"My surname is Wang, I'm not in a hurry to lead the way, wait for my companion."

Wang Mengbin's tone was calm, the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly dissipated, and the sky became clear.

After half an hour, two rays of light flew from a distance and landed on the deserted island. It was Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng, why is it just the two of you? How about Uncle Wei and the others!"

Wang Mengbin asked curiously.

"They went to chase the other Nascent Soul monks, and they won't be back for a while."

Cheng Zhenyu explained that they entered the main altar of the Flying Dragon Sect. The high-level monks of the Flying Dragon Sect swept away the treasures and fled everywhere. Wang Youwei and Ouyang Mingyue chased and killed other demon cultivators.

"Forget it, you are enough. This guy found an ancient monk's Come with me to hunt for treasures! This is our chance."

Wang Mengbin pointed at Master Feilong and said.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan did not object, and they agreed. Wang Mengbin's strength was strong. When encountering an enemy, Wang Mengbin quickly solved the enemy.

Master Flying Dragon flipped his palm, a black light flashed, and a black boat the size of a slap appeared in his hand. After the surface of the black boat lit up with countless black runes, his body soared.

"Senior Wang, please."

Master Feilong made a gesture of invitation and said in a flattering tone.

With a satisfied expression on his face, Wang Mengbin walked up, Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan followed closely, and Master Feilong walked up last.


With the sound of the flying dragon falling, the black flying boat turned into a black light and flew away, disappearing into the sky.

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