Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1833: stray into another world

A month later, the black flying boat appeared above a deserted island with a radius of more than 100 miles. The terrain was high in the east and low in the west. To the east was a green mountain range with lush vegetation, and to the west was an open field.

Wang Mengbin, Cheng Zhenyu, Zheng Nan and Master Feilong stood in the black flying boat with different expressions.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this is the place."

Master Feilong pointed to the deserted island below and said.

With a pinch of his trick, the black flying boat slowly fell towards the bottom.

Wang Mengbin's three people's consciousness was wide open, and they carefully scanned the entire island, but did not find any restrictions, nor did they find the breath of other immortal cultivators.

The black flying boat landed in a long and narrow valley. The uneven stone wall was covered with cyan moss, and hundreds of fist-thick cyan vines were climbing on the stone wall.

Master Feilong's sleeve flicked, and a gleaming yellow flag flew out, disappearing into a stone wall like lightning.

The stone wall suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and a hole several feet large appeared.

"That place is on the bottom of the sea and is guarded by a fourth-order high-grade monster. It's easier to go down from here."

Master Feilong explained that he strode in, Wang Mengbin followed, and Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan followed.

After walking more than a hundred steps, the front suddenly became clear. A cave with a size of 1 mu appeared in front of them. There was a pool of more than ten feet in the upper left corner. Water droplets fall into the pool from time to time, and in the upper right corner is a deep cave with a size of 10 feet. The cave extends along the ground, and the end cannot be seen at a glance.

Wang Mengbin's consciousness carefully scanned the cave and found nothing unusual.

Master Feilong turned into a ray of light and flew into the cave, followed by Wang Mengbin and the others.

They felt their bodies descend rapidly, and the caves were meandering, with obvious traces of artificial excavation.

After a quarter of an hour, they landed on the ground. The place was extremely wet. There were more than a dozen puddles of different sizes on the ground. Some blue runes could be vaguely seen on the stone walls. There is a cyan stone table and a few cyan stone benches. It seems that someone has lived here.

This is an underground cave with a size of more than ten acres, and no monsters have been seen.

At this moment, Wang Mengbin's face sank, and countless silver arcs appeared on his body, lasing away in all directions.

With a loud bang, the entire underground cave shook violently, and the silver arc struck the left hand, as if it was blocked by something, and suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

A huge monster suddenly appeared. It was a monster that looked like a lizard. The whole body was colorful, with a row of sharp spines on its back, and two blue tentacles several feet long on its head. The ends of the tentacles It is a blue eyeball the size of an egg. In total, this demon has four eyeballs.

"Young Daoyou Wang, be careful, this goblin is good at concealment and often rushes out of corners, making it hard to guard against."

Master Feilong reminded him, looking nervous.

Wang Mengbin rubbed his hands together, and the palm of his hand lit up with dazzling lightning. A ball of silver lightning **** the size of a watermelon appeared in his hands. With a flick of his wrist, the silver lightning **** flew out and smashed into the colorful lizards.

The eyeballs on the tentacles of the multicolored lizards each spurted a blue light and greeted them.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the silver thunderball was shattered by two blue lights.

Seven flying swords with sparkling yellow light shot towards them and slashed at the place where the colorful lizards were, but they were empty. The colorful lizards didn't know where they went.

Wang Mengbin snorted lightly and pinched the magic trick, a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared above their heads, and there was a deafening sound of thunder, lightning and thunder, and silver thunder snakes could be seen walking among the thunderclouds. nonstop.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, thousands of silver thunder snakes flew out and rushed in all directions. This was an indiscriminate attack.

After a huge explosion sounded, the colorful lizard appeared at the top of the grotto, and a burst of blue smoke rose from its body.

Taking this opportunity, Zheng Nan sacrificed the Dinghai Mirror and entered a magic trick, and a blue glow of water vapor flew out, covering the colorful lizards.

The colorful lizard seemed to be immobilized, unable to move.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a gleaming yellow-glowing giant sword shot towards the sky, slashing on the body of the colorful lizard, and there was a sound of "keng" clashing with gold, and sparks splashed everywhere.

The thundercloud rolled violently, and hundreds of silver thunderballs flew out and smashed into the colorful lizards.

After a huge explosion sounded, the colorful lizard fell to the ground, and its body was charred black.

Dinghaijing played a key role, otherwise it would take a lot of effort for them to destroy this monster.

Master Feilong was secretly surprised that surrender was indeed a wise move.

Cheng Zhenyu stepped forward to check the corpse of the multicolored lizard, and found that the demon pills were destroyed, and the destructive power of the thunder system was powerful.

They carefully inspected the cave and found something unusual on the stone wall on the right.

There are no remains in the stone chamber, no storage bags or magic weapons. For things like elixir, it is a little strange that there are nine whole-body blue slates on the ground. The surface of the slate is engraved with a large number of mysterious patterns. If you look closely, the patterns on the surface of the nine slates form an alien pattern. The array plate has one hundred and eight grooves of the same size, which looks like an array.

"Is this a formation? Or a ban?"

Wang Mengbin was confused. He looked at the three Master Feilong, who were all confused.

"Whether it's a formation, just put the spirit stone in and you'll know."

Zheng Nan suggested that with a flick of his sleeve, one hundred and eight middle-grade spirit stones flew out of the groove.

Time passed a little bit, and there was no abnormality, and the spiritual energy of the spirit stone was not lost at all, and it didn't look like a formation.

"Go and see what's going on."

Wang Mengbin rushed to Master Feilong and said, Master Feilong did not dare to say no, and walked over cautiously.

Just as he walked to a floor, the floor suddenly sank, the beast seemed to come alive, and the body burst out with a dazzling aura, suddenly producing a powerful airflow.

Wang Mengbin and the three secretly cried out in their hearts. They wanted to escape from this place, but it was too late. An irresistible suction force came from behind, and the three of them flew towards Master Feilong uncontrollably.

The next moment, Wang Mengbin felt a dazzling blue light shining in front of his eyes, and a strong sense of dizziness struck.

After a Wang Mengbin returned to normal. He was surprised to find that he appeared above a lush jungle, and his body quickly fell towards the ground.

He quickly stabilized his body and stopped.

Two rays of escape light flew from a distance, Wang Mengbin's consciousness swept away, and found that it was two alchemy cultivators, so he didn't care.

It didn't take long for the two escape lights to stop. It was two blue seagulls. One man and one woman stood on the backs of the seagulls. A blue seagull pattern was embroidered on their sleeves, which obviously represented a certain power.

A young man in green shirt with a fat waist and thick neck, with a round face and big eyes, he was murmuring incessantly, and Wang Mengbin couldn't understand what he said.

Wang Mengbin was stunned. He couldn't understand the other party's words. Did he break into another world? Could it be that the array is an interface teleportation array?

Judging from the demeanor of the two, they were not malicious, Wang Mengbin couldn't communicate with them, and rushed into an unknown interface like an ant on a hot pot, and didn't understand each other's language. This was a very dangerous thing.

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