Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1834: Qinghuanjie, the interface directly under the spirit realm

A young girl in a red dress in a peach and plum years took out a pale cyan jade, made a gesture of sticking it between her eyebrows, and threw it to Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin was dubious, and his divine sense swept over the cyan jade. After confirming that there was no abnormality, he took the cyan jade and stuck it between his eyebrows.

After a while, Wang Mengbin said a little jerky: "Is this the Qinghuan world?"

"Exactly, senior is from another interface!"

The girl in the red dress asked cautiously, the other party was the Yuan Ying cultivator. If you wanted to kill them, it would be easy.

"What? There are many monks from other interfaces coming to the Qinghuan world?"

A curious expression appeared on Wang Mengbin's face. The blue jade recorded the words and languages ​​of the Qinghuan world.

"For more than ten thousand years, there are indeed many monks from other interfaces who have come to our Qinghuan Realm. Who made our Qinghuan Realm the interface directly under the Spirit Realm!"

The girl in the red dress explained, her face full of pride.

"The direct interface of the spiritual world?"

Wang Mengbin was stunned. Could it be that the senior monks in the Qinghuan world can contact the spiritual world?

"That's right, junior Han Yunyan, brother Han Yunfeng, we are the children of the Han family in Qinggugu Valley. This place is not far from Qinggull Valley. If the seniors don't dislike it, you can visit our Han family."

The girl in the red dress said enthusiastically.

Wang Mengbin's face was brooding. He had just arrived in the Qinghuan world, and he was unfamiliar with the place of life.

The first time they met, the Han family cultivators dared to invite the late Nascent Soul cultivators into their old nest. It seemed that the Han family's strength was not weak.

"Thank you for your kindness. You tell me the location of the nearest square market. If you are free someday, I will definitely come to visit."

Wang Mengbin's tone was sincere.

Han Yunyan and Han Yunfeng showed disappointment on their faces. She took out a red jade slip and handed it to Wang Mengbin.

"This is a map of a small half of the Qinghuan world. The locations of major cities and forces are marked. I hope I can help seniors."

Wang Mengbin took out two cyan porcelain vases and threw them to Han Yunyan, saying, "These two cyanobacterial pills can improve your mana and speed up your cultivation, so I gave them to you."

Qingzhi Dan was a pill taken by the cultivators of the pill, and it was useless for Wang Mengbin to keep it, so he gave it to them.

"Goodbye, goodbye."

After Wang Mengbin said this, he turned into a silver long rainbow and walked away, and disappeared into the sky with a few flashes.


The Golden Bamboo Valley is located in the northwest of the Qinghuan Realm. Its geographical location is remote, the spiritual energy is weak, and the resources for cultivating immortals are not rich. It is rare for high-level monks to appear here.

The Golden Bamboo Valley is a square market jointly established by the three small families of Liu, Chen, and Li.

Zizhutang is a bookstore opened by the Liu family. It mainly sells the Five Elements exercises and simple knowledge of cultivating immortals, including written language.

Liu Yunchen is the shopkeeper, a cultivator of the Five Spiritual Roots, and the second floor of Qi Refining. This is where he retired.

On this day, Liu Yunchen sat behind the counter just like in the past, holding a thick book in his left hand and reading with great interest, and in his right hand a delicate purple sand teapot.

Suddenly, a man and a woman walked in.

The man was wearing a yellow long gown, with a burly stature, sword brows, and a beautiful yellow sword case. The woman was dressed in a blue palace attire and did not wear pink. The two of them did not have the slightest fluctuation of mana.

Liu Yunchen was stunned, looked uneasy, and asked cautiously, "Two seniors, I wonder if this junior can help you?"

The two did not talk to each other, picked up the books and jade slips on the shelf, and carefully checked them.

Liu Yunchen was full of confusion, and said again: "Two seniors, what classics do you want to find, just tell the juniors."

The two still didn't talk to each other, Liu Yunchen didn't dare to ask more, for fear of angering the two of them.

He took out the communication disk and contacted the foundation-building monks in the clan.

After a while, a medium-sized red-robed old man came over. The red-robed old man was Liu Yunchen's third uncle, Liu Yufeng, a foundation-building cultivator.

"Two seniors, junior Liu Guangyu, I don't know if there is anything that can help seniors?"

Liu Yufeng asked cautiously.

The man in yellow shirt suddenly said, "Is this the Qinghuan world?"

The two were none other than Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan, who found themselves in a different world where they were unfamiliar.

"Exactly, what are the orders of the two seniors?"

Liu Yufeng's expression was tense, and the breath of the two was stronger than that of the ancestors of the Liu family.

"We want to know where Dafang City is, the bigger the better."

Cheng Zhenyu said in a deep voice, Zheng Nan took out a mid-grade spirit stone and threw it to Liu Yufeng.

Liu Yufeng didn't dare to neglect, he quickly took out a blue jade slip, and handed it over with both hands.

Cheng Zhenyu swept away his consciousness, nodded with satisfaction, and walked out.

After leaving the Golden Bamboo Valley, the two of them turned into two rays of light and disappeared into the sky.


Qinglong Valley is located in the east of Qinghuanjie. It has an advantageous geographical location, rich minerals, and a lot of monster resources. It is the largest market in Qinghuanjie, no one.

A silver light flew from a distance and landed at the entrance of Qinglong Valley. It was Wang Mengbin.

He has been in the Qinghuan world for more than half a year, and has a general understanding of the Qinghuan world. The Qinghuan world is the interface directly under the spiritual world, and the spiritual monks can communicate with the ancestors of the spiritual world. Both the Gourd Realm and the Tianlan Realm are currently unable to do so.

He wanted to find a way to go back to the Thousand Gourd Realm, and let Wang Changsheng and others come over. As the Qinghuan Realm was the interface directly under the Spirit Realm, it should be easier to ascend to the Spirit Realm.

Walking into Qinglong Valley, you will be greeted by a huge valley extending in all directions, with many pavilions and palaces, and the streets are crowded with people and traffic, making it very lively.

Wang Mengbin looked around and seemed to be looking for someone.

Soon, a young boy in green shirt came over. He bowed and said respectfully, "Li Xiao, the junior, grew up in Qinglong Valley. If the senior needs a guide, the junior is willing to serve."

"Which is the largest store in Qinglong Valley? I want to buy books or secret biographies, where can I buy them?"

Wang Mengbin asked casually.

"Qingyun Building, there are many kinds of goods there. Qingyun Building is a store opened by Qingyun Palace."

Li Xiao said truthfully, Qingyun Palace is one of the top factions in the Qinghuan There are spiritual monks sitting in the gate.

Wang Mengbin took out a middle-grade spirit stone, threw it to Li Xiao, and ordered, "Let's lead the way!"

Li Xiao's expression was excited, it was because he had met a big customer.

Half an hour later, Wang Mengbin and Li Xiao appeared at the door of a resplendent pavilion. Above the door was a lacquered gold plaque with the three characters "Qingyun Tower" written on it, which was very conspicuous.

"Senior, this is Qingyun Building. The fifth floor sells the goods you want."

Li Xiao said respectfully.

"You wait here for me for a while."

Wang Mengbin said hello and strode in.

After a cup of tea, Wang Mengbin came out with a calm expression.

He bought a batch of books that introduced Qinghuanjie, and believed that he would have a deeper understanding of Qinghuanjie.

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