Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1900: big fight

He is afraid of Wang Mengbin's strength. A Lei Xiu with a great Nascent Soul, he really doesn't want to be an enemy of the opponent, especially because the opponent is very likely to have Jinhuan Divine Crystal. If he can persuade this person to surrender, he can get a gold medal. The Universal God Crystal can also get a big boost.

"That's right, it's better to join our Deng family. What kind of treatment does the Zhong family give you? Our Deng family pays twice as much. We use Jinhuan Divine Crystal to arrange a large formation to contact the ancestors of the spiritual world. If it is successful, maybe we can bring Taoist friends. Ascension to the spirit world."

The girl in the green skirt persuaded, her tone full of temptation.

"Hmph, our Zhong family also has backers in the spiritual world. Our Zhong family can also arrange a large formation to contact our ancestors in the spiritual world. If conditions permit, we will also bring fellow Daoist Wang."

Zhong Yangming sneered and retorted unceremoniously.

"I'm afraid you still don't know! Your Zhong family's old nest in the spiritual world was taken over by the aliens. Even if the family is not exterminated, it is just a lingering life. How can it compare to our ancestors of the Deng family in the spiritual world."

The old man in green robe sneered, he looked at Wang Mengbin, and said solemnly, "Friend Wang Dao, if you are willing to join our Deng family, the old man Deng Yunbo is willing to marry Yujiao to you as a Taoist companion, and you marry Yujiao, and you will belong to our Deng family. Son-in-law, we will not treat our own people badly."

Deng Yunbo and the others watched the process of killing the fourth-order Jiaolong just now by Wang Mengbin and the others. They were very afraid of Wang Mengbin's strength. If they could persuade Wang Mengbin to surrender, that would be the best thing.

The girl in the green skirt was stunned for a moment, and her eyebrows were wrinkled. It was the first time she met Wang Mengbin, but for the sake of the overall situation, she didn't say anything.

"Wang Daoyou, the little sister knows that you are difficult to do, and we don't need you to deal with the Zhong family. As long as you hand over the Jinhuan Divine Crystal to our Deng family, the little sister is willing to become a double cultivator with the Daoist friend, and we will have the opportunity to soar in the future. Spirit world."

Song Yujiao's expression was sincere, and Wang Mengbin's strength was so powerful that she could only lure her, not coerce.

"Joke, have you been to the spiritual world? What do you say? Daoyou Wang, don't believe him, the original promise will be doubled. You should know how our Zhong family has treated you all these years. As for the Deng family, maybe They will kill the donkey, and when you lose the value of use, it will be hard to say."

Zhong Yangming sneered and said meaningfully.

None of them have been to the spiritual world, and no one knows the specific situation of the spiritual world. Wang Mengbin has no way of distinguishing the authenticity.

To be honest, he didn't want to betray the local monks in the Qinghuan world. The Zhong family lost a Nascent Soul. If Wang Mengbin didn't help the Zhong family, if the Zhong family contacted the ancestors of the spiritual world, they would not be able to kick him away. , and even kill him, who knows what the great powers of the spiritual world have, if you help the Zhong family and let the Deng family cultivator leave safely, if the Deng family cultivator ascends to the spiritual world or contacts the ancestors of the spiritual world, maybe they will Get revenge on Wang Mengbin.

The Zhong family has already died a Yuanying cultivator, and he is absolutely unwilling to be kind. If Wang Mengbin does not help to destroy the Deng family cultivator, it is difficult to guarantee that the Zhong family will not turn his face in the future.

The best way is to kill all the Deng family cultivators. The dead can't speak, but in this way, Wang Mengbin is completely tied to the Zhong family's warship.

It's impossible to have both bear's paw and fish, and if you want to get the most benefits, and you don't want to be evil with the two immortal clans, it's impossible.

"I am the enshrined of the Zhong family, Fairy Zhong, what I promised you, I will definitely do it."

Wang Mengbin took out a cyan storage ring and threw it to Zhong Yunxiu. Zhong Yunxiu swept away his senses, and a pair of clear phoenix eyes were full of joy.

Hearing this, Deng Yunbo's faces sank. They naturally understood what Wang Mengbin meant. They killed a Yuan Ying cultivator from the Zhong family. There was no way to do this.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to say, Yuanjie, you and I will deal with this person, Yujiao, Yuanbiao, you deal with other people."

Deng Yunbo's voice transmission, flipped the palm of his hand, a flash of light flashed, and a lustrous feather fan appeared in his hand. It seemed to be made from the feathers of some kind of spiritual bird. The majestic mana was injected into the cyan feather fan frantically, and the feather fan suddenly appeared. Da Liang, exuding a terrifying mana fluctuation, is obviously a spiritual treasure.

Just hearing a piercing whistling sound, more than a dozen green tornadoes swept out, and after a blur, it turned into a dozen blue and green wind Jiao, and rushed towards Wang Mengbin and the four.

The two men who looked quite similar each offered nine small mirrors with aura of light. The mirrors were illuminated with countless golden runes and silver runes. A piercing screeching sound rang out, and the eighteen small mirrors sprayed out countless numbers. Slender golden and silver light.

The nine mirrors are all magic weapons, not spiritual treasures, and the Deng family is not as good as before.

Deng Yujiao's shoulders twitched, and three clear and loud sword sounds rang out, and the three green flying swords flew out of their scabbards and floated above her head.

As soon as she pinched the sword, the three blue-colored flying swords swayed, and there was a piercing sound of swords, and hundreds of blue-colored flying swords floated above her head.

"go with."

Following Deng Yujiao's soft drink, hundreds of green flying swords struck Zhong Yangming like a torrent of blue.

The cultivators of the Zhong family also responded quickly, and they didn't want to let each other go, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

Zhong Yunxiu's sleeves flicked, and a long red silk sash came out of her hand, spinning rapidly in mid-air, smashing the golden light and silver light that came, the roaring sound was constant, the air waves were like tides, and huge waves were set off on the sea. .

Zhong Yangming sacrificed the small red mirror in his hand and entered a magic trick. The small mirror suddenly swelled, and countless thunder and fire flew out. After a blur, it turned into a dozen red fire pythons, facing a dozen cyan wind dragons. .


The red fire python is not the opponent of the cyan wind dragon at all. It is torn to pieces by the red fire python in a single encounter. The red fire python is released by a magic weapon, while the cyan wind dragon is released by a spiritual treasure, so the power is naturally very different.

Zhong Yangming was not surprised. When he flipped his right hand, a red light flashed, and a short red blade about two feet long appeared in his hand. A lifelike dragon was carved on the handle of the knife, exuding a powerful wave of fire aura. , apparently Lingbao.

I saw him slashing towards the void, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and hundreds of red saber auras swept out, slashing at a dozen cyan wind dragons.

Deng Yunbo sneered, and with a pinch of the magic trick, more than a dozen cyan wind dragons gathered in one place and suddenly merged into one, turning into a cyan wind dragon hundreds of feet long.

Zhong Yangming's tactic Hundreds of crimson saber qi also merged into one, turning into a giant blade that shone with red light, slashing towards the blue wind dragon.

After the loud bang, the giant blade of the sky collided with the blue wind dragon, and there was a ripple of water ripples in the void, and it would be torn at any time.

It didn't take long for the giant blade to rise like a crack.

There was a deafening sound of thunder in the sky, and a group of black thunderclouds dozens of miles long appeared in the sky without warning, and the sky suddenly darkened.

The black thundercloud was dark, and the lightning flashed and thundered, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the dazzling silver thunder light cut through the sky, and hundreds of thick silver lightnings fell from the sky, hitting the blue wind dragon accurately.

The cyan wind dragon was submerged by the dazzling silver thunder light, and after a painful whimper, the cyan wind dragon turned into a little aura and disappeared.

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