Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1901: Wang Mengbin's back

Deng Yunbo's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his face was extremely solemn.

They originally wanted to find the Jinhuan Divine Crystal, but they didn't expect the Zhong family to get there first. They wanted to ambush each other, but Wang Mengbin discovered their hiding place.

Deng Yunbo flicked his wrist, and more than 100,000 silver lights flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. The silver lights were like silver beetles, with a silver sharp horn on their head. A pair of sickle-like fangs were exposed and slightly arched. Against the silver glittering hard shell, there are thin ant wings under the hard shell, and a row of scythe-like claws under the belly.

The insect king is three feet long and has a golden pattern on his abdomen.

This is a silver-horned rhinoceros of the fourth-rank top grade. The silver-horned rhinoceros likes to eat metal ores, and is invulnerable to swords and guns.

The insect king made a strange hissing sound, and hundreds of thousands of silver-horned rhinoceros condensed together, turning into a giant silver fork over a hundred feet long, heading straight for Wang Mengbin.


Surprise flashed in Wang Mengbin's eyes, but he was not afraid at all. With a pinch of the magic trick, the black thunderclouds in the sky rolled violently, and countless silver arcs gushed out. After a blur, it suddenly turned into a silver thunder net with a diameter of ten thousand feet. , from under the canopy.

Zhong Yunxiu's wrist flicked, and the long red ribbon flew out, spinning quickly, countless red firelights emerged out of thin air, turned into red fireballs, and smashed into the silver giant fork.

The silver giant fork was hit by dense red fireballs, and the billowing flames drowned the silver giant fork.

Soon, after the dazzling silver light lit up in the flames, the flames collapsed, and the silver giant fork was intact.

The red giant fork was entangled in three circles and three circles in the red long silk. The handle of the fork suddenly collapsed and turned into tens of thousands of silver-horned rhinoceros. They opened their mouths to bite the red long silk, and forcibly bit the red long silk into pieces. Fragments were swallowed into the stomach.

Deng Yunbo's mouth showed a smug look. Three generations of his ancestors spent a lot of cultivation resources to cultivate silver-horned rhinoceros. In his generation, there are hundreds of thousands of silver-horned rhinoceros, and his consciousness cannot control hundreds of thousands of them. , took half, and gave the other half to his brother, but unfortunately his brother died in the Meteorite Valley.

Hundreds of thousands of silver-horned rhinoceros, a dozen of fourth-order silver-horned rhinoceros, and thousands of third-order silver-horned rhinoceros. With the help of deworming techniques, they are transformed into weapon-shaped attacks. In terms of defense ability, they are not much worse than defense spirit treasures. , the attack power is not weak.

Soon, the red long silk was swallowed by tens of thousands of silver-horned rhinoceros.

With a flash of blue light, a glittering gourd appeared above the silver giant fork. After a swirl, the body of the blue gourd soared, spewing out a blue glow, covering the silver giant fork, which was visible to the naked eye. The visible speed shrank and was swept in by the cyan glow.

The cyan gourd shrank rapidly and flew towards Zhong Yunxiu.

After the blue gourd flew more than a hundred feet, it suddenly shook violently, and there was a faint sound of "bang bang" clashing between gold and iron.

As soon as Zhong Yunxiu's tactic was pinched, the blue gourd suddenly burst into a bright light, and then it stopped shaking and flew towards her.

With a sound of "click", a small crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the blue gourd. The crack became larger and larger, and dense silver threads flew out. The blue gourd was torn apart, and hundreds of thousands of silver-horned rhinoceros flew out. After a blur, Once again, it turned into a giant silver fork that was more than a hundred feet long and headed straight for Wang Mengbin.

A silver lightning net fell from the sky, covering the silver giant fork, and the dense silver electric arc hit the silver giant fork with a muffled sound of "crackling".

Deng Yunbo's tactic was pinched, and the giant silver fork suddenly collapsed, turning into thousands of silver arrows, piercing the sky like shooting stars, and hitting Wang Mengbin.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and dense silver lightning fell from the sky, smashing on the silver arrows, the silver arrows suddenly fell from the sky, and the silver arrows fell from the sky.

At this time, thousands of silver arrows were less than fifty feet away from Wang Mengbin.

With a flash of silver light, the silver arrows spewed slender silver threads, entwined together, and turned into an incomparably gigantic giant net, covering Wang Mengbin.

The surface of the giant web is covered with colorful spiritual patterns, looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a spider web.

The giant net is not a mana transformation, but a special material produced in the body after the silver-horned rhinoceros devours a large amount of metal ores. This material is metal, which can be used for refining. Important things are also the most powerful things.

The filaments spewed out by the Insect King are all over the five spiritual patterns of gold, red, blue, blue and yellow, and their power is comparable to that of a spirit treasure. Even if the defensive spirit treasure is covered by a net pocket, it cannot bear it.

Naturally, Wang Mengbin would not be caught without his hands, and was about to use the Thunder Escape Technique to avoid it. At this moment, a loud dragon roar sounded, Wang Mengbin's head buzzed, and he was horrified to find that he could not mobilize the slightest mana.

Deng Yunbo held a small golden bell the size of a palm in his hand, and a miniature dragon was entrenched on the bell god, with a powerful aura.

Lingbao Jinjiaozhong, one of the three treasures of the Deng family, this time, in order to obtain the Jinhuan Divine Crystal, the Deng family made a lot of money.

Zhong Yunxiu's appearance changed greatly, and she wanted to stop her. Hundreds of cyan flying swords shot at her, blocking all her escape routes.

She bit her red lips lightly, opened her apricot mouth, and three red lights flew out. It was the three flags of red lights that were erratically flowing, exuding a terrifying fire aura, which was obviously a spiritual treasure.

As the most promising cultivator of the Zhong family to enter the God Transformation stage, Zhong Yangming spent a lot of money and asked the elders of Tianbingmen to refine a set of spiritual treasures. There is a backer in the spiritual world.

The red light flashed, and the three red flags spun around her, and billowing flames swept out, hitting the flying sword.

There was a rumbling sound, and the fire wave was like a tidal wave, and a large number of flames were scattered on the ground.

At this time, the huge net pocket came to Wang Mengbin, less than ten feet away from him, and it was about to cut Wang Mengbin into countless pieces.

Just at this critical moment, a blue aura flew out from the bottom of the sea and hit the huge net pocket accurately.

The huge net bag suddenly stopped, as if it was fixed.

"Whoever spoils the old man's good deeds."

Deng Yunbo was furious, as long as he was one step later, he could kill the opponent and obtain a flying spirit treasure.

They wanted to ambush Zhong Yangming and others, but they had been in ambush for a while, but they didn't expect a third group to hide in the dark.

The sea suddenly burst, and countless yellow flying swords flew out, slashing at Deng Yunbo.

At the same time, a hurried piano sounded, and a steamy sound wave flew out from the bottom of the sea and instantly arrived in front of Deng Yunbo.

Deng Yunbo was taken aback, his wrist flicked slightly, and after a deafening dragon roar sounded, Jin Jiaozhong suddenly spewed out a golden sound wave and greeted him.

With a loud bang, the two sound waves perished together.

The dense yellow flying swords arrived in front of him, Deng Yunbo hurriedly sacrificed two blue-colored round beads, swirls around him, turning into a thick blue light curtain, covering the whole body, and at the same time tens of thousands of silver-horned rhinos. The insect flew out of the spirit beast bracelet and instantly turned into a silver armor to protect the whole body.

The muffled sound of "keng keng", the dense flying swords were blocked by the cyan light curtain.

Zheng Nan and Cheng Zhenyu flew out from the bottom of the Their expressions were indifferent.

As Wang Mengbin's few trusted Yuanying monks in the Qinghuan world, Wang Mengbin went to the Meteorite Valley to hunt for treasure, and they naturally accompanied him.

Cheng Zhenyu's tactic was pinched, and all the flying swords instantly merged into one, turning into a yellow and bright giant sword, which slashed on the blue light curtain with an unstoppable momentum.

There was a muffled sound, the cyan light curtain was torn apart, and the sky-high sword slashed on the silver armor, leaving only a shallow slash.

"If it wasn't for two friends who came to help, you would have almost succeeded."

A man's voice without the slightest emotion suddenly came from behind him.

Deng Yunbo was startled, he suddenly thought of something, and looked towards the opposite side, Wang Mengbin had disappeared, and suddenly appeared behind him, Lei Peng's wings on his back were particularly conspicuous.

Countless silver arcs appeared on Wang Mengbin's body, the dazzling silver lightning drowned Deng Yunbo's figure, and Deng Yunbo's screams were vaguely heard.

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