Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1931: Heavenly Thunder Imperial Spirit Great Array

"Xuanyang Ding! Xuanling Tianzun!"

Wang Changsheng squinted his eyes. In many classics introducing Xuanling Continent, Xuanling Tianzun was mentioned and praised.

In more than ten thousand years, Xuanling Tianzun entered the Mahayana period from the Divine Transformation stage, and is the fastest Mahayana cultivator in the Xuanling Continent for more than 500,000 years.

After Xuanling Tianzun was promoted to the Mahayana period, he suddenly disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown. Some people say that he flew to the immortal world, and some people say that he died under the great catastrophe. There are different opinions. There is a dojo suspected to be left by Xuanling Tianzun. It will appear in the world for a period of time. It is said that there are many treasures in the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun. Many high-level monks enter the dojo to get the treasures left by Xuanling Tianzun.

Whenever Xuanling Tianzun's dojo appears in the world, it will attract a large number of monks to enter the treasure hunt. However, Xuanling Tianzun's dojo is a small moving world, and it may appear anywhere in the Xuanyang world. The last time Xuanling Tianzun's dojo appeared in the world was In the Qingli Sea Area, there was a **** storm.

The Jinyang Sect ruins in Dongli Realm only appeared in Donghuang, while Xuanling Tianzun's dojo moved throughout Xuanyang Realm, and the two were not comparable.

After hearing this, the voice of doubt was reduced.

"Treasures refined from Xuanyang Divine Crystal? I'm afraid it's difficult to repair! I'm afraid it can't be repaired with ordinary materials."

A cold female voice came from a private room on the second floor.

"It's really difficult to repair, otherwise we won't take it out for auction. It's really hard to see Xuanyang Divine Crystal now, but as long as you spend more time, you can still find some Xuanyang Divine Crystal. If you repair this treasure, it will be used for sleeplessness. It is not a problem to live in a cultivator, even if it is not repaired, it can be used, and it is also a rare treasure for the cultivator, at least it is difficult for the cultivator to escape from being trapped."

Lu Tianhong explained that if it weren't for these defects, Xuanyang Ding would not have been put up for auction at all.

"One Xuanyang Ding has a base price of 5 million spirit stones, and each increase cannot be less than 500,000."

Xuanling Tianzun was a Mahayana monk who was famous in the Xuanling Continent. With the signboard of the Seven Star Business Alliance, most monks believed that this treasure was a treasure refined by Xuanling Tianzun. The competition for this Xuanyang Ding was fierce.

This Xuanyang Ding was eventually taken away by a VIP in a private room on the second floor at a high price of 20 million.

In a private room on the second floor, an old man in green robe looked at the Xuanyang Ding in front of him with an excited expression.

"The treasure refined by Xuanling Tianzun did not come in vain this time."

The old man in green robe said excitedly.

"If this treasure can be repaired, our Li family will have another treasure."

The girl in the yellow skirt smiled sweetly and agreed.

At this time, Chen Feng stepped down and Lu Tianhong personally presided over the auction.

Lu Tianhong flipped his palm, a flash of inspiration, and a beautiful white jade box appeared in his hand.

He opened the lid of the box and took out a pair of snow-white rings. The aura flashed continuously, the temperature nearby dropped sharply, and a thin layer of ice appeared on the ground, spreading rapidly.

"The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Tianyue Ring is made from a whole piece of Tianyue Cold Crystal as the main material. Some Taoist friends must have heard of Wuxingzi! I heard that Wuxingzi got a lot of treasures from Xuanling Tianzun's dojo. , the cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the refining level has improved rapidly, this Tianyue ring is a treasure that he personally refined, and it is said that it is an imitation of Xuanling Tianzun's five-element ring."

Lu Tianhong said in a deep voice, punching in a magic formula, two snow-white rings suddenly came out, each punched a magic formula, the two rings suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, the body increased greatly, and a large number of white snowflakes Falling from the sky, the temperature plummeted.

Wang Changsheng couldn't help shivering, let alone a low-level cultivator.

Lu Tianhong's tactic changed, and the two rings returned to their original size and landed in his hands.

"For the sake of the bidders, I won't show it much below. The power of this treasure is definitely not small. The base price is five million spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than 500,000."

This pair of Tianyue Rings are both mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, their power is not small, and the competition is extremely fierce.

Grandma Tianxue took the pair of Tianyue Rings at a high price of 27 million, and she has a lot of money.

Lu Tianhong flipped his hand and took out a beautiful cyan brocade box, opened the brocade box, a dazzling golden light swept out, the golden light dissipated, revealing nine golden flying knives, each golden flying knives resembled a crescent moon, Aura is amazing.

"A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao!"

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, every golden flying knife was a mid-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, and Tianyuehuan had already sold for a high price of 27 million. Could this flying knife cost more than 100 million spiritual stones?

"This set of golden moon knives is made of Gengjin Divine Crystal as the main material. Each piece is a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao. This set of treasures was sent by a certain senior to exchange for soil attributes such as Earth God Crystal. Material."

Lu Tianhong's voice was not loud and spread throughout the venue.

Lu Tianhong took out a gleaming azure dharma plate, entered several tricks, and gestured for a while.

After a cup of tea, Lu Tianhong sighed lightly and put away the set of flying knives, apparently it was aborted. This is not uncommon.

Lu Tianhong's sleeves flicked, and hundreds of silver-light flickering array flags flew out and fell in front of him. Each array flag flickered with aura.

"The Heavenly Thunder Royal Spirit Formation is made of 30,000-year-old five-pole real thunder wood as the main material. This formation is a sixth-order formation, which can weaken the power of the thunder system."

Grandma Tianxue, Zen Master Dazhi, and Sanren Qihu stared at the flag in front of Lu Tianhong with solemn expressions on their faces.

For the cultivator, if he obtained this formation, his chances of surviving the great catastrophe would be greatly improved.

"This set of formations was sent by a senior, and you can change it to the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao of the defense or flight type, or something of the same value."

Lu Tianhong said in a deep voice, with a bit of fiery color in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the master of the formation being a he would want to keep this formation for himself.

"Tianlei Yuling Great Array!"

Wang Changsheng's face showed a thoughtful expression, the materials for condensing the dharma and the things that help to cross the great catastrophe are rare things, and are highly respected by the major forces.

In a private room on the second floor, the cultivator of the Li family on Jinye Island looked excited.

"Tianlei Yuling Great Array!"

The old man in green robe muttered to himself, his expression excited.

"I replaced this formation with the Seven-Star Umbrella. The Seven-Star Umbrella is a top-grade Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure in the defense category."

The old man in green robe said through voice transmission that if he can't get through the great catastrophe, no matter how good the treasure is, he will not be able to use it.

For the Void Refining cultivator who wants to cross the great catastrophe, this Heavenly Thunder Royal Spirit Formation is much worse than the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao in defense, but for the integrated cultivator, the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao is more precious, and the integrated cultivator leads the way. The great calamity that comes is more powerful, and the Tianlei Yuling Great Array can't play a big role, after all, it is a sixth-order array.

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