Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1932: Temper Dinghaizhu, promote the magic weapon of life

The other high-level cultivators sent sound transmissions to Lu Tianhong. Lu Tianhong took out a cyan magic plate and punched in a magic formula. He gestured for a while, obviously communicating with the owner.

After a cup of tea, Lu Tianhong's eyes brightened, he took a deep breath, and gestured to the blue Dharma plate.

"This Heavenly Thunder Royal Spirit Formation belongs to this fellow Taoist."

Lu Tianhong pointed to a corner and said, all the monks looked towards the corner one after another, because of the relationship between the hidden spirit beads, they could not see the true face of the other party, nor could they judge the other party's cultivation.

"Wait, the old man can't exchange for the Heavenly Thunder Royal Spirit Formation even if he takes out the flying top-grade Tongtian Lingbao? What did he take out?"

"That's right, I took out a set of Tongtian Lingbao, and the defense is no worse than the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao."

"You Seven Star Business Alliance must give us an explanation, otherwise we will not participate in the auctions held by you in the future."


Many high-level monks expressed dissatisfaction. Could the other party be able to come up with something more precious than the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao? A panacea? Still a rare treasure.

Wang Changsheng is also full of curiosity. What is more precious than the transcending tribulation formation technique and the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, is it a seventh-order medicinal pill?

"If you can come up with something more precious than the Jewels for Tribulation, which is made of 80,000-year-old Xuelin wood, this Heavenly Thunder Royal Spirit Formation will belong to you."

A hoarse female voice came from the corner.

"What? For Jiezhu!"

There was a commotion among the monks present, and Grandma Tianxue, Zen Master Dazhi and Qihu Sanren were all shocked.

"For Jiezhu!"

Wang Changsheng suddenly realized that Huang Yuner gave him a piece of 8,000-year-old Xue Lin wood, which can be used to refine robbing beads. For the robbery beads made by Nianxue Linmu, the cultivator will also be jealous.

The Jewel for Jie is a one-time use item, which can save one's life at a critical moment.

Lu Tianhong flew towards the corner and landed in front of a certain monk.

He took out the array flag array and gave it to the other party, who took out a golden jade box and handed it to Lu Tianhong.

After Lu Tianhong checked it carefully and confirmed it was correct, he flew back to the auction venue.

The cultivator who took away the Tianlei Yuling Great Array immediately left the auction venue and did not want to stay for a moment. Many cultivators wanted to chase out, but were stopped by Lu Tianhong.

"According to the rules, after he leaves, you can leave in batches."

Lu Tianhong said solemnly, it is precisely because of the good protection mechanism that many monks participated in the auction held by the Seven Star Business Alliance.

After a while, after confirming that the person had left, Lu Tianhong flew back to the high circular platform and continued to preside over the auction.

Lu Tianhong flipped the palm of his hand, and a small boat with cyan light appeared in his hand. The body of the boat was engraved with a lifelike cyan bird pattern, and there were a pair of cyan bird wings on the left and right sides.

"Flying mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao Green Wing Flying Spirit Boat, change the material of the condensed method, and the fire attribute is the priority."

Lu Tianhong said loudly, took out a blue Dharma plate, and made a gesture.

In a certain private room, Song Yuchan held a silver-glowing Dharma plate and gestured for a while.

"Tianyan Jade Liquid? The deal, just change the material."

Song Yuchan's face was filled with joy and excitement.

"The last finale auction item, Jin Tong Famu."

Lu Tianhong said loudly, holding a light golden eyeball in his hand, the golden eyeball flashed with aura, and the aura was amazing. It was obviously a low-grade heavenly treasure.

"Famu? Is this a treasure made from the eyeballs of the multi-eye clan? Is there any special magical power?"

Qihu Sanren asked curiously.

"This treasure can see through illusions, eye formations, and concealment techniques. Of course, how much power it can exert depends on the driver's cultivation base and mana. It falls in the hands of the cultivator of the gods, that is, the one who sees through the fifth-order formation. It is not a problem to see through the eyes of some sixth-order formations or general concealment techniques, this treasure can be exchanged for the treasure of the great catastrophe."

Wang Changsheng squinted his eyes, and Wang Ruyan refined a black phoenix magic eye, which provided her with a lot of help.

It's a pity that the main thing is to exchange for the treasure of the great catastrophe, and he can't take it out.

"Hmph, it's just a low-grade Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure. It seems that the multi-eyed clan's cultivation is only in the spirit-transforming stage. If the eyes of the multi-eyed clan in the refining stage are refined, they can be exchanged for the treasure of the great catastrophe. ."

Grandma Tianxue snorted softly and said disapprovingly.

Lu Tianhong smiled slightly and said nothing.

He took out a gleaming blue Dharma plate, entered a Dharma formula, and communicated with the owner.

It's a pity that this logistics was shot.

"The auction is over. We will definitely prepare better products next time. You are welcome to come and participate."

Lu Tianhong said politely and announced the end of the auction.

The cultivators present left in an orderly manner. Wang Changsheng sat in his place. It was easy to get in, but it took a long time to get out, mainly to protect the bidders.

The Seven Gourd Sanren took off a blue gourd from his waist and poured wine into his mouth.

After more than half a day, Wang Changsheng appeared on the street. He turned around the street five times, but did not find any monks following him, and returned to Xuanyue Peak.

In this auction, Wang Changsheng's eyes widened and he gained a lot of knowledge. The most important point was that he knew the true value of the water of the Styx, and the price Lu Tianhong gave was still low.

This is not surprising, Wang Changsheng will do the same after changing Wang Changsheng.

Knowing that the water of the underworld is the water of the river, Wang Changsheng went to many bookstores and bought a lot of classics. There are only a few records about the underworld, and there is no mention of the water of the river at all. Perhaps the bookstore in Zhenhai Palace There are more detailed records, but he is now sent abroad and cannot return to the main altar without authorization. When he returns to the main altar, he will go to the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion of Zhenhai Palace to check.

If it wasn't for the detailed records of the water from the Styx Wang Changsheng would not take the risk of taking out the water from the Styx River. Promote eighteen Dinghaizhu to Tongtian Lingbao.

Wang Changsheng intends to stay on Xuanyue Island for a while and promote Dinghaizhu to Tongtian Lingbao.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, and eighteen Dinghaizhu flew out from it, floating beside Wang Changsheng, misty, and a large amount of water aura suddenly appeared in the room.

He took out the refining materials and started refining.

He threw a dark blue spar into the air. This is the sixth-order smelting material, Tianli Haijing. It is a bit extravagant to use it to refine the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao. The power of the Tongtian Lingbao, even the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, is not comparable to the ordinary low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, and the mysterious jade ice flame flew out, wrapping the sky glass sea crystal.

Tianli Haijing slowly showed signs of melting, and eighteen Dinghaizhu floated beside Wang Changsheng, spinning non-stop.

If all the eighteen Dinghaizhu were promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, Wang Changsheng's strength could be greatly improved.

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