Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1935: 4. The sea monster array, Dinghaizhu shows its power

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the billowing flames were smashed by hundreds of black tentacles, and the flames splashed everywhere.

Chen Xin flipped his right hand, and a golden mini stick appeared in his hand, and the majestic mana was injected into the mini stick. .

His face turned cold, and the golden giant stick was like a white dragon in the waves, sweeping towards the hundreds of black tentacles with the momentum of destroying the dead.

With a muffled sound of "bang bang", hundreds of thick black tentacles wrapped around the golden giant stick.

A black liquid emerged from the black tentacles, hit the golden giant stick, and bursts of blue smoke rose, and the aura of the golden giant stick flickered non-stop.

"No, this is the one-eyed chapter, the venom of this monster can defile the heavenly treasure!"

Sun Wu exclaimed, looking nervous.

Wang Changsheng held the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, a horizontal slash, the void twisted and deformed, and there was a piercing sound of breaking the air, and hundreds of blue and misty swords swept out, like hundreds of blue horses training, toward hundreds of black Tentacle split.

Hundreds of blue saber slashes slashed on the hundreds of black tentacles, and there was a muffled sound, and the surface of the black tentacles had shallow bloodstains.

Lu Guanghong's face sank, and when he raised his hand, a red gourd with a continuous flow of red light flew out and entered a magic trick. Black tentacles.

The red light flashed, and the red gourd spewed out a red-golden flame, with an amazing heat wave, hitting the hundreds of black tentacles, making a muffled sound of "Zizi", as if the hundreds of black tentacles had met their nemesis. Generally, he quickly released the golden giant stick.


A deafening roar came from a distance, and hundreds of thick silver lightnings pierced the sky. Then, hundreds of thick black water columns swept from the distant sky. The void oscillated and twisted, and the waves were huge, and the cyan flying boat swayed up and down. .

"No, the wind is coming."

Chen Xin's expression changed, and was delayed by Dumu Zhang, they missed the best time to escape.

Hundreds of black water columns are scattered in an area of ​​100,000 miles, and their speed is extremely fast, and their volume continues to grow.

This is not the most troublesome, four fifth-order one-eyed chapters are still harassing them.

There was a sound of breaking air, and hundreds of black tentacles attacked again, blocking their retreat.

If it is normal, Chen Xin is naturally not afraid, but now that the wind has hit, they must avoid it as soon as possible.

"Senior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Wang, you withdraw first, and after I stay, I will join you soon."

Lu Guanghong said solemnly, in this case, someone must be left to entangle the one-eyed chapter.

"Don't be so troublesome, let's take action together, killing these four fifth-order one-eyed chapters is not a problem."

Wang Changsheng flew out. He was about to test the power of Ding Haizhu.

Four fifth-order one-eye chapters, one fifth-order high-grade, and three fifth-order middle-grade, they have thick skin and thick flesh, and the magic weapon is hard to hurt.

Wang Ruyan followed closely, holding the Hongchen flute in his hand.

When Chen Xin saw this scene, he made a decisive decision and ordered: "Sister Sun, you and Junior Nephew Li will deal with a one-eyed chapter, and Junior Brother Lu and I will each deal with a one-eye chapter. Quickly fight and kill them. And re-inflict them."

"Yes, Brother Chen."

Sun Wu agreed.

Chen Xin and Lu Guanghong flew out of the blue flying boats one after another. Chen Xin was in charge of dealing with the top fifth-rank one-eye chapter, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan teamed up to deal with the fifth-order middle-rank one-eye chapter, and Lu Guanghong alone dealt with a fifth-order middle-rank one-eye chapter. Zhang, Sun Wu and more than 20 Yuanying monks deal with the last one-eyed Zhang.

The four one-eyed chapters made a sharp, ear-piercing hissing sound, and the thick tentacles waved non-stop, piercing the void, and there were bursts of harsh air-breaking sounds, the sea water violently surging, and the air waves were terrifying.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, and six Dinghaizhu flew out, turned into six blue rays, and submerged into the sea water.

To deal with a fifth-order mid-grade monster, six Dinghaizhu are enough.

With his magic trick, with him as the center, the sea with a radius of ten thousand miles suddenly became calm. wave.

Wang Ruyan played the red dust flute, and sound waves swept out, facing dozens of black tentacles.

With a loud bang, dozens of black tentacles flew out.

One-eye Zhang opened his **** mouth, and a black liquid with a pungent smell flew out, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's magic formula changed, and he snorted softly: "Ding."

An astonishing scene appeared. The black liquid seemed to be affected by some kind of influence and fell directly into the sea water, sending out bursts of blue smoke.

Generally speaking, a complete set of magic weapons will have a corresponding formation, the most common is a complete set of flying swords to arrange a sword formation.

The Four Seas Demon Array, the formation attached to the "Four Seas Forging Spirit Dafa", uses a complete set of magic weapons to arrange. The higher the rank of the magic weapon, the greater the power of the formation.

One-eye Zhang was shocked and angry, and let out an angry roar, but a strong gravity imprisoned it, and a dazzling black light appeared on its Dozens of tentacles returned to normal, Like dozens of sharp swords, it shoots at the calm sea.

Dozens of tentacles seemed to be slapped on the cotton, and there were ripples on the sea surface, but not a single huge wave appeared.

It wants to dive to the bottom of the sea, but a strong force of gravity is used from all directions, it seems to crush its body, and it can't escape at all.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, the sea suddenly burst open, dozens of thick water tornadoes shot up into the sky, and they all hit the one-eye chapter.

With a loud bang, the one-eyed chapter was hit by the dense water wave tornado, and the surface of the body was dripping with blood, and the blood flowed non-stop.

Its single eye spewed out a black light, hitting the calm sea. The sea was torn apart like tissue paper, and its huge body dived into the seabed along the gap.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the sea water with a radius of 10,000 li seemed to be boiling, tumbling violently and turning rapidly, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of 10,000 li, generating a powerful airflow.

A huge black water wave slowly rose on the sea surface, the black water wave turned rapidly, the void made a "humming" sound, twisted and deformed, it seemed that it would be torn apart in the next moment, and several small islands were directly affected by the black water wave. Rush to the sky, turned into powder.

In the black water waves, a one-eyed chapter struggled violently, but it was useless.

It didn't take long for its body to burst open, turning into a cloud of blood, and even the spirit and demon pill could not be preserved.

From Wang Changsheng's shot, to his killing the single-eyed chapter of the fifth-rank middle-rank, it was less than five breaths. Before that, Wang Changsheng could also kill the fifth-rank middle-rank monster, but it was not easy. This time, he easily Destroyed the one-eyed chapter of the fifth-order middle grade.

In addition to the factor that he has been promoted to the middle stage of God Transformation, it also has a lot to do with Ding Haizhu's promotion to Tongtian Lingbao.

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