Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1936: Supernatural power shocked the audience

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. This sentence is very reasonable.

Six Dinghaizhu can easily kill the fifth-rank middle-rank single-eyed chapter in the battle at sea. If eighteen Dinghaizhu are sacrificed, I am afraid that ordinary fifth-rank high-rank monsters can’t resist it!

Those wealthy cultivators would spend huge sums of money to buy a complete set of Tongtian Lingbao, which is naturally justified.

"As expected of the Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure, the power of using water-type magical powers has increased several times. This is still six Dinghaizhu, if it were 18 Dinghaizhu, the power would be even greater."

Wang Changsheng thought to himself, his eyes filled with joy.

At this time, Chen Xin was fighting with the fifth-rank top-ranked one-eye chapter. He waved the golden giant stick and transformed into a heavy stick shadow and smashed it on the one-eye chapter's tentacles. There was a muffled sound, which did not cause any damage to the one-eye chapter. How much damage.

There was a huge cloud of red fire floating in the sky, exuding an amazing heat wave, and red fireballs flew out from the fire cloud and smashed on a one-eyed chapter one after another, and there was a huge roar. There was a sound, the fire was soaring into the sky, the red light and the black light were blazing, the air was billowing, and the white mist filled the air.

On the other side, Sun Wu and twenty Nascent Soul cultivators were besieging a one-eye chapter. The dazzling aura drowned out the one-eye chapter. The one-eye chapter was thick-skinned and could not be killed in a short time.

When Wang Changsheng's magic formula was pinched, the huge water waves collapsed, and the sea surface boiled again. Six huge black water **** suddenly appeared on the sea surface. go.

Dozens of thick tentacles of the one-eyed chapter wrapped around the golden giant stick, and suddenly threw Chen Xin out, smashing it heavily on the sea.

Chen Xin spat out a mouthful of blood, his face paled slightly, and he was panting.

The octopus monster is more difficult to deal with, and the tentacles directly sucked the golden giant stick.

A huge roar sounded, and six black water **** the size of small hills rolled on the sea, heading straight for the one-eyed chapter.

Dozens of thick tentacles in the one-eyed chapter danced wildly and slapped abruptly.


The six black water **** were smashed into pieces, and tens of thousands of black water arrows several feet long flew out, hitting Dumu Zhang’s body one after another. There was a muffled sound. Dumu Zhang’s skin was thick and fleshy. What's the big deal.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and with the one-eye chapter as the center, the sea water with a radius of 10,000 miles was like boiling, and it tumbled violently, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of 10,000 miles.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, a thick water tornado rose into the sky, and the one-eyed chapter was wrapped into the black water waves, and the strong water pressure caused it to make a series of painful roars.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, the black water wave blasted a gap, and the one-eyed chapter flew out and flew towards the distance.

At this moment, a piercing sound of breaking the air sounded, and heavy stick shadows fell from the sky, like a majestic mountain, smashing towards the one-eyed chapter.

A painful roar sounded, and the dense stick shadow smashed on the one-eye chapter, and the one-eye chapter quickly fell to the sea. Strangely, with its huge size, it did not sink to the bottom of the sea, but floated on the sea surface. superior.

Wang Changsheng's eyes turned cold, and his right hand patted the void.

In a huge roar, the sea water violently rolled, and four huge black water mountains drilled out of the sea.

One-mud Zhang's eyes showed fear, and he made a sharp and strange roar. The thick tentacles kept slapping the sea surface. It seemed that something was blocking its retreat, preventing it from diving into the bottom of the sea.

Six Dinghai beads were suspended on the bottom of the sea, the runes flashed, and the sea water in a radius of 10,000 miles was like a copper wall and an iron wall, even the one-eyed chapter was helpless.

After Dinghaizhu was promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, this reflected the meaning of the word "Dinghai".

With a loud bang, four black water mountains slammed into Dumuzhang's body one after another, smashing it into flesh and smashing the demon pill.

Chen Xin was secretly surprised, and his eyes flashed with surprise. The last time we met, Wang Changsheng's strength was not so strong. After more than a hundred years, even if he entered the middle stage of God Transformation, his strength could not increase so quickly, unless Wang Changsheng's life magic weapon It is a set of heavenly treasures.

The other two one-eyed chapters saw that the situation was not good, and regardless of their serious injuries, they dived into the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

At this time, hundreds of heavenly winds were less than three miles away from them.

"Senior Brother Chen, Senior Brother Lu, hurry up."

Wang Changsheng shouted, and raised his hands in a hug.

With a loud bang, the sea suddenly boiled violently, and a black wall of water more than ten thousand feet high and several thousand feet long emerged out of thin air, standing across the sea, like an insurmountable mountain, blocking them in front of them.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Xin and others flew back to the blue flying boat.

As soon as Chen Xin's magic tactic was pinched, the blue flying boat's aura soared, its escape speed soared, and it flew back along the way it came.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and six Dinghaizhu flew out from the bottom of the sea, turned into six blue light and flew into his sleeve and disappeared.

A look of envy flashed in the eyes of Chen Xin and the three of them. Wang Changsheng actually had a set of Tongtian Lingbao.

With a loud bang, the black water wall was smashed by hundreds of black water columns, the entire void was distorted and deformed, and several small islands were directly shattered by powerful air waves, and the world evaporated from then on.

Half a day later, a blue light pierced the sky, and after a few flashes, it stopped above a small island with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The escape light converged, revealing a cyan flying boat, with Wang Changsheng and others standing on it.

The sun is shining here, there are no clouds, and the sea breeze is blowing.

"This time thanks to Junior Brother Wang, otherwise we would have lost a lot of manpower."

Chen Xin sighed that the situation at that time was urgent. If they could not solve the one-eye chapter quickly, the wind would hit them, and their losses would not be small.

They saw with their own eyes that hundreds of islands were directly crushed by the wind and turned into powder.

"Yeah! Dumu Zhang has thick skin and thick flesh, so it is difficult to kill. I didn't expect Junior Brother Wang to have a set of Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasures. I am afraid that ordinary monks in the late stage of God Transformation are not the opponents of Junior Brother Wang!"

Sun Wu said in an envious tone.

"Senior Brother Chen and Senior Sister Sun have praised me badly. I'm just relying on the power of treasures. Speaking of which, it's thanks to Uncle Song's guidance, otherwise, my artifact refining skills wouldn't be able to improve so quickly."

Wang Changsheng said modestly, the Song Shishu in his mouth was Song Yuchan.

From what Chen Xin and others heard, Song Shishu was Song Feng.

"Junior Brother Wang is humble, and treasures are also part of strength. I finally know why Li Shishu values ​​you so much."

Lu Guanghong had a look of approval on his face. He thought that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were related households, but he didn't expect them to have real skills.

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