Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1939: Mysterious Cremation and Sonic Attack

Song Yunxiang's face was bloodless, and there were many bloodstains on his body.

He was panting, his eyes full of fear.

"Hmph, want to leave? Leave your life behind first."

A cold and ruthless man's voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, a green hurricane suddenly appeared in front, blocking Song Yunxiang's way.

Song Yunxiang's face changed greatly. He quickly waved the cyan flag and released a cyan flame, hitting the cyan hurricane. At the same time, he patted the golden jade lock on his chest with his right hand. Emergence, covering the whole body.

The cyan flame collided with the cyan hurricane, disappearing without a trace like mud like the sea.

A cyan hurricane suddenly appeared in front of Song Yunxiang. It was a middle-aged man with a blue face and fangs. He had a pair of huge blue bat wings on his back and his eyes were blue.

The middle-aged man turned his hands into claws and hit Song Yunxiang.

With two muffled sounds of "bang bang", the golden light curtain blocked the middle-aged man.

He opened his roar and made a shrill hissing sound, the void vibrated and twisted, and spewed out a blue sound wave, which hit the golden light curtain accurately. The golden light curtain was torn apart like thin paper, and the middle-aged man's Two claws hit Song Yunxiang's head.

With a muffled sound, the middle-aged man smashed Song Yunxiang's head, and the corpse turned into countless red flames and flew in all directions.

The middle-aged man's bat wing slammed fiercely, and the wind suddenly rose, and countless cyan wind blades flew out, shattering a part of the red fire.

A certain fire suddenly brightened, and Song Yunxiang's figure appeared. His face became paler and his breath became weaker.

"Mysterious Cremation Spiritual Art! Hmph, I'd like to see how many times you can perform this kind of escape secret."

The middle-aged man sneered, and the bat wings on his back suddenly disappeared.

Song Yunxiang seemed to have thought of something, and he broke out in a cold sweat. Before he could react, a gust of wind blew, and a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of him with a grin on his face.

At this moment, a piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a large golden stick shadow fell from the sky, smashing down like a majestic mountain.

The middle-aged man frowned, and hurriedly opened his mouth to spurt a ring of azure light, which instantly swelled and greeted him.

A rope with blue light came flying and wrapped around the middle-aged man's body.

Taking this opportunity, Song Yunxiang turned into a red light and flew towards Wang Changsheng and others.

Three huge tornadoes appeared in the distant sky, each of which was thousands of feet high and ground to the ground, and countless seawater was swept into it by the hurricane.

The rumbling sound rang out, and thousands of huge wind blades swept out from the three tornadoes, like a torrent of steel, heading straight for Song Yunxiang.

A blue water wall more than a thousand feet high suddenly rose from the sea, like a majestic blue water mountain, sitting on the sea and blocking Song Yunxiang's back.

The dense wind blades hit the blue water mountain, cutting the blue water mountain into countless blue water vapors, but soon, the dense blue water vapor suddenly condensed and returned to normal.

Song Yunxiang was less than a mile away from Wang Changsheng, when a red hot wind suddenly swept past, and a red-shirted man with a face full of flesh suddenly appeared in front of Song Yunxiang. He had a pair of red bat wings on his back, and his eyes were cold.

"Do you really think you can escape from us? Ridiculous."

The man in the red shirt sneered, his face full of murderous intent.

"Do you think you can kill fellow Daoist Song in front of me? It's ridiculous."

A sarcastic male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, a strong gravity emerged out of thin air, and a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the sea. The red-shirted man was surprised to find that his body weighed ten million pounds and could not move.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Immediately afterwards, an incomparably thick blue water wave rose into the sky, submerging the body of the red-shirted man.

Song Yunxiang's escape speed soared, and he flew to Wang Changsheng and others.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Chen, when I return to the clan, I will definitely report to the ancestors of Ming Ming and repay you well."

Si reduce Si. Song Yunxiang said gratefully, with a sincere tone.

"Repay? I'm afraid you won't live to that time."

An indifferent man's voice sounded, and he looked at the source of the voice, and saw an old man in golden robe with a young face, with a goatee and a pair of huge golden bat wings on his back, his face full of murderous intent.

Wang Changsheng didn't answer. When the magic trick was pinched, the sea water violently surged, and a dozen thick water tornadoes rose into the sky, like a dozen blue spears, stabbing the red-shirted man, one pair of which was about to tie the red-shirted man. into a sieve posture.

The red-shirted man made an extremely sharp hissing sound, the void oscillated and twisted, and a red sound wave swept out, and more than a dozen water wave tornadoes were smashed by the red sound wave, turning into water vapor in the sky and pouring on the sea.

When the Nascent Soul cultivator in Zhenhai Palace heard this, his body became weak, his hands were holding his head, and his face was distorted. Some Nascent Soul cultivators spat out a large mouthful of blood and passed out.

Wang Changsheng felt slightly uncomfortable. He had long heard that the bat clan were good at sonic attacks.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, be careful. They can join forces to perform a sonic attack with great power."

Song Yunxiang reminded, his expression solemn.

A dazzling red light appeared on the body of the red-shirted man, and a pair of huge bat wings slammed fiercely, suddenly breaking away from the shackles of gravity, and flew towards the golden-robed old man.

"Want to go? Did you ask me?"

Wang Changsheng sneered, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the huge vortex on the sea accelerated its speed and its gravity greatly increased.

The red-shirted man's body swayed from side to side, and he would be sucked into the huge vortex at any time.

A golden stick shadow fell from the sky and smashed into the red-shirted man.

The man in the red shirt was startled, UU Reading opened his mouth and spurted a small shield with red light, which instantly swelled up and greeted him.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and the red shield blocked the dense stick shadow.

Wang Changsheng's tactic reminded, six dazzling blue lights lit up in the huge vortex, the gravity increased greatly, and the big man in the red shirt flew towards the huge vortex uncontrollably.

When the golden-robed old man saw this scene, he secretly groaned badly. He and his two companions gathered together, and the three of them pinched a magic trick. Countless mysterious spiritual patterns appeared on the surface of their body, and at the same time they made a sharp, ear-piercing hissing sound.

The sound waves of three different colors of gold, blue and blue swept out, the void distorted and deformed the sea, and the huge waves were huge.

The Yuanying monks in Zhenhai Palace fell to their knees one after another, vomiting blood.

Wang Ruyan hurriedly sacrificed a blue ball and entered a magic trick. The blue ball rolled around and released a blue glow, covering them. Even so, two early Nascent Soul monks were still shocked by the sound waves. Broken internal organs.

Even if there are special spiritual treasures to protect each other, they can't stop the three bat tribes from jointly launching a sonic attack.

The three-color sound wave came straight to Wang Changsheng, and the speed was extremely fast.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, his sleeves flicked, and the nine dragon drums flew out, rising in the wind, floating in front of Wang Changsheng, and he suddenly punched the drum surface.

After three deafening dragon roars sounded, three steamy sound waves swept out, suddenly merged into one, and greeted them.

Loud bang!

Mi He Mi. The three-color sound wave collided with the blue sound wave, and both of them perished together. An amazing air wave erupted. A crack of thousands of meters long appeared on the sea surface. The sea water suddenly turned bloody.

Seeing this scene, the golden-robed old man's eyes flashed with surprise.

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