Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1940: Set of Lingbao bat whistle and quirky small mirror

He didn't expect that the other party has a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure that releases sound waves, which is rare.

The bats are good at sonic attacks, and few cultivators can block their combined attacks.

"Senior Sister Sun, take your disciples and retreat from this place. The farther away, the better. The sonic attack driven by your husband is an indiscriminate attack, and even I can't stop it."

Wang Ruyan sent a voice transmission to Sun Wu. She was very aware of the power of the Jiujiao Drum. If it weren't for the Hailizhu, the Yuanying monks in Zhenhai Palace would have died.

Sun Wu also saw the extraordinary power of the Jiujiao Drum, nodded, and controlled the cyan flying boat to fly into the distance.

At this time, the red-shirted youth quickly fell towards the huge vortex, his bat wings flapped non-stop, the flames blazed, and he opened his mouth to spew out an incomparably thick red flame, hitting the huge vortex like mud like the sea.

Wang Changsheng's right fist slashed towards the red-shirted man in the void, countless blue water vapors emerged, blue light flashed, and a blue fist with a size of more than 100 feet flew out. torn apart.

Before the blue boxing shadow got close, a strong sense of oppression hit his face, and the big man in the red shirt felt that it became difficult to breathe.

A dazzling red light lit up his body, his body blurred, and he suddenly turned into a red giant bat more than ten feet long, with red eyes.

At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded, the speed of the red giant bat was stagnant, and the blue giant fist slammed into it, hitting the red giant bat with a muffled sound, and the red giant bat fell into the huge vortex. , the powerful water flow is like a dense sharp blade slashing on its body, the red giant bat emits an extremely painful scream, the body surface is covered in blood, and a large number of terrifying bloodstains appear, as if it had been slashed by a thousand knives.

The speed of the huge vortex is getting faster and faster, and the flesh and blood on the red giant bat is getting less and less.

Boom! si reduce si

Seeing that he could not escape, the red giant bat resolutely exposed himself. The dazzling red light illuminated tens of thousands of miles in a radius.

After a while, the huge waves disappeared, the wind was calm, and the red giant bats also disappeared.

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, but the bat clan was also ruthless. Seeing that they couldn't escape, they simply exposed themselves.

The complexion of the golden-robed old man became ugly, his face sank, and he turned his hand to take out a flat whistle, with a flash of aura, resembling a flying bat, which was obviously a heavenly treasure.

The other two bat clans each took out an identical whistle, and the aura flashed constantly, obviously it was also a heavenly treasure.

This is a complete set of Lingbao bat whistle, originally five pieces, each of them five, one companion died in Song Yunxiang's hands, and one companion died in Wang Changsheng's hands.

To a certain extent, sonic treasures are even rarer than flying magic treasures, and ordinary monks cannot use sonic treasures to exert much power.

This set of bat whistle was made by someone who spent a lot of money to build it, and at the same time, it was very powerful.

"No, don't let them join forces, or we'll all die."

Song Yunxiang's face changed greatly, and he said in a voiceless voice.

Chen Xin's reaction was quick, and the golden giant stick in his hand swept across, like an unstoppable golden torrent, hitting the three old men in golden shirts.

The three old men in golden robes put the bat whistle to their mouths, and a sharp and ear-piercing hissing sound sounded, like the sound of birds, but also like the roar of a beast.

The wind swept the clouds, and the momentum was amazing.

Chen Xin felt a huge force attack, the tiger's mouth in his hands numb, and the golden giant stick flew out. sacrifice as sacrifice as

Lu Guanghong patted the void with his right hand, and the void oscillated and twisted. A large red hand several hundred feet in size swept across the sky and suddenly appeared above the heads of the three old men in golden robes, which was quickly photographed.

As soon as the big red hand appeared, it suddenly twisted and deformed, burst open, and disappeared as little red light.

Hai Lizhu floated on top of Wang Ruyan's head, her eyebrows were furrowed, and she felt a mess in her heart.

Wang Changsheng's face sank, the complete set of Tongtian Lingbao, no wonder Song Yunxiang was not an opponent.

He also doesn't have much confidence, unless he disperses the bat clan, maybe he can kill the bat clan, Wang Changsheng has not been so arrogant that he can defeat three by one.

"Senior Brother Chen, is there any way you can break them up? A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao, we are not their opponents."

Wang Changsheng sent a voice transmission to Chen Xin, and the bats dared to go deep into the hinterland of the human race, obviously not weak.

"I joined forces with Junior Brother Lu and the others to break them up. They have a complete set of Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures, and they can only be annihilated, but they may not be separated."

Chen Xin's brows were furrowed. If they were dragging and fighting, that would not work. Their escape speed was not as fast as the Bat Clan.

"Friend Song, do you have a way to break them up?"

Wang Changsheng transmitted a voice to Song Yunxiang with a heavy voice.

Song Yunxiang looked hesitant. It seemed that he had a treasure to deal with the bat clan, and for some reason, he was reluctant to take it out.

"I have a treasure with great power. If you take advantage of it, killing one person is definitely not a problem, and the frontal attack will not be effective."

Song Yunxiang said through voice transmission.

"Okay, we will create a chance for you. You take the opportunity to kill one person, and the rest will be easy."

Wang Changsheng's face was solemn. He originally thought that the Bat Clan would attack meleely with their powerful flesh!

At this time an invisible sound wave swept in, and the void vibrated and distorted.

Wang Changsheng's fists lit up with a dazzling blue light and smashed towards the Jiu Jiao Drum.

Several dragon roars sounded, and a substantial blue sound wave swept out, facing the opposite side.

The blue sound wave burst instantly, the waves splashed, and a wave of water ripples swayed in the void. It seemed that it was about to burst. The power of the complete set of Tongtian Lingbao was still relatively large.

Chen Xin waved the giant golden stick and shattered the incoming sound wave.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and six huge blue water **** suddenly appeared on the sea. The blue water **** turned rapidly and became larger and larger, like six blue mountains, standing on the sea.

"go with."

Following Wang Changsheng's light drink, six huge blue water polo quickly rolled towards the three old men in golden shirts. Wherever they passed, a deafening tsunami sounded, and a "humming" sound came from the void.

The three old men in the golden shirt looked at each other, back to back, facing each other in the same direction, forming a triangular defensive posture. Mi He Mi

The bat whistle in their hands suddenly rose sharply, a sharp and harsh sound rang out, and three invisible sound waves swept out, facing the six huge blue water polo.

The two collided, and the six blue water balloons seemed to hit the copper wall and the iron wall, suddenly bursting, and the waves were monstrous.

Taking this opportunity, Song Yunxiang turned his hand and took out a small mirror with green light. The back of the mirror was engraved with a ferocious Yaksha pattern. The mirror was missing two gaps the size of fingernails. The aura was amazing.

A shrill devil's cry sounded, and after countless green lights lit up on the mirror, an incomparably thick green light swept out and went straight to the three old men in golden shirts.

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