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Chapter 1943: Succubus, Valley of Ten Thousand Ghosts, Tiger Roaring Sky

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, and he quickened his pace. Wang Ruyan seemed to sense something and followed.

Not long after, they stopped in front of a small stall. The stall owner was a big man in a golden shirt with a strong back and big eyes. The big man in the golden shirt had a pattern of golden flames between his eyebrows and a lot of golden hairs on his arms. It was very strange. , Judging from its breath, it is obviously a mid-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

There are many things on the booth, such as ores, elixir, spiritual treasures, animal bones, demon pills and so on.

Wang Changsheng's eyes fell on a black gourd the size of a slap. The surface of the black gourd was engraved with a ferocious ghost pattern. It swayed gently, as if there were some living creatures inside. You could see the three small characters "Wangui gourd". A Lingbao has more than a dozen tiny cracks on the surface, obviously severely damaged.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was swept away, and he could feel a biting chill. The yin was very heavy, and it was obviously a ghostly treasure.

Judging from the appearance of the stall owner, he should be a member of the Jin Yanhu family.

"This fellow Daoist, how do you sell the ten thousand ghost gourd?"

Wang Changsheng asked, the soul-devouring golden cicada devoured the spirits of ghosts, which would help advance.

There are fifth-order monster spirits for sale in Fang City, but the price is relatively expensive and cannot be purchased in bulk.

When Wang Changsheng appeared near the booth, Soul Eater Jinchan was more irritable. Obviously, there was something it wanted in this Ten Thousand Ghost Gourd. You could tell from the name that it contained ghosts. Relatively speaking, Soul Eater Golden Chan I prefer to devour ghosts, especially high-level ghosts.

"This treasure is only for exchange, not for sale. At least five spiritual treasures are required. If it is a complete set of spiritual treasures, the number can be less."

The big man in the golden shirt said with a loud voice.

"It's just one piece of Lingbao, change it to a set of Lingbao? Your treasure is seriously damaged, and it's not easy to repair it."

Wang Ruyan negotiated the price.

"There is a succubus in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, but it was seriously injured. If the Taoist friends take good care of it and repair this treasure, the power of this treasure will never disappoint you."

The big man in the golden shirt explained.


Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Succubus is a special kind of ghost, good at the magic of charm. The illusions performed by high-level succubus are very terrifying. However, for the monks who practice the ghost path, the succubus is a great help.

"I want to take a look at the goods, this is no problem!"

Wang Changsheng said solemnly.

The big man in the golden shirt opened the gourd plug, and a woman's acapella sounded, the sound was pleasant, like the sound of nature, but she couldn't hear the content of the acapella. Trance.

A red light flew out from the Myriad Ghost Gourd. It was a pale woman in red. The woman in red had long ears and small eyes, and a red tail. The body surface was covered with black patterns. Demons are not demons.

Looking at the terrifying aura fluctuations emanating from the woman in red, she was a cultivator in the early stage of divine transformation, but her condition was not very good, and she was obviously seriously injured.

A golden flame emerged from a finger of the big man in the golden shirt, and the woman in red touched the golden flame, let out a painful scream, and retracted into the ten thousand ghost gourd.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a while, flipped his palm, red light flashed, and three red flags appeared in his hand. These three flags were found from the storage ring of the Bat Clan.

At this moment, a gloomy wind blew past, and a large, shriveled and dark hand grabbed the Wangui Gourd.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and his divine sense sensed that the person who came was a late-stage cultivator.

It is rare to encounter something that Soul Eater Jin Chan is interested in, so Wang Changsheng will naturally not give in. Soul Eater Jin Chan devours the succubus, which is also good for him personally.

Wang Changsheng's right hand lit up with a dazzling blue light, grabbed forward, and grabbed the shriveled big hand.

"Everything comes first."

Wang Changsheng said, turned his head and looked behind him, and saw an old woman in black robe with wrinkles on her face. The old woman in black robe had several black skulls tied around her waist. His suffocating aura, judging from his dress and aura, most likely was a ghost cultivator.

"What comes first? The one with the highest price gets it."

The black-robed old woman said with a cold face, took out a cyan storage ring, and threw it to the big man in the golden shirt.

The man in the golden shirt swept away his senses, with a playful expression on his face, looking at Wang Changsheng with a smile.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and it seemed that the things that the black-robed old woman took out were not ordinary things.

Wang Ruyan understood, took out a red porcelain bottle, and threw it to the big man in the golden shirt.

The big man in the golden shirt put the porcelain bottle between his nose and sniffed a few times, his expression was as usual, and he looked at the old woman in black robe, as if he was the one with the highest price.

"The succubus has been seriously injured, and it will take at least a hundred years to recover. The things that the old man took out are enough."

The black-robed old woman frowned.

"The one with the highest price will get it. This is the succubus in the early days of God Transformation."

The big man in the golden shirt was unmoved.

The black-robed old woman took out a black jade box and threw it to the big man in the golden shirt. The big man in the golden shirt opened it, glanced at it, and quickly closed it again.

He looked at Wang Ruyan with a half-smile but not a smile on his face.

"Since this fellow Daoist made a higher bid, then forget it."

Wang Changsheng got up and wanted to leave, what a joke, and after increasing the price again and again, the succubus could recover quickly for more than a hundred years. For him, the succubus was just food for the soul-devouring golden cicada.

"Wait, fellow Daoist, the ten thousand ghost gourd is yours."

The big man in the golden shirt stuffed the Ten Thousand Ghost Gourd into Wang Changsheng's hands. Obviously, he was asking for a huge price, but he didn't expect Wang Changsheng to be so decisive, and he didn't like him at all.

The things that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan brought out were all from the Bat Clan, so they didn't feel bad.

The black-robed old woman flickered, stopped Wang Changsheng, and said with a cold face, "This fellow Daoist, Lao Shen can offer a high price. For the sake of our Wangui Valley, give Lao Shen a face."

Wanguigu is a medium-sized sect, and there is a fit monk in charge. Wanguigu monk is good at exorcising ghosts and fighting demons.

Wang Changsheng smiled, but he couldn't compete with him, so he wanted to move out and be scary?

He took out the identity token of Zhenhai Palace, and when he saw the word "Zhenhai", the black-robed old woman gave a shock, turned around and left without saying a word.

Wangui Valley is far from Zhenhai She can only admit it.

When the big man in the golden shirt saw this scene, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he clasped his fists and said, "What do you call fellow daoists under the tiger roaring in the sky? If you catch a succubus in the future, you can give priority to fellow daoists."

Wang Changsheng pondered for a while and said, "Zhenhai Palace Wang Changsheng, was the succubus caught by fellow Taoist Hu?"

"That's not true. Someone hit me and I killed it. It was seized from the body."

Hu Xiaotian explained, his face full of pride.

"So it turns out, if fellow Daoist Hu gets another succubus or something like that, you can go to Tianhailou to find us. We still have something to do, so let's say goodbye."

After Wang Changsheng said this, he left with Wang Ruyan.

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