Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1944: 5 lines of news

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared at the door of a garret with carved jade railings.

Xuanguanglou, this shop has a wide range of operations. The more famous one is the Qixing Yunshen Pill, which is a fifth-order medicinal pill that can increase spiritual consciousness.

The exercises Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are practicing now have high requirements for spiritual consciousness, and the elixir or rare treasure to increase spiritual consciousness is also what they have been looking for, especially the panacea to increase spiritual consciousness, but it is relatively rare. A large amount of the medicinal herbs must be taken, and the increase in consciousness is considerable, and taking a few pills is not very effective.

Of course, the most effective method is to increase spiritual consciousness. Wang Changsheng and Chen Xin have inquired about it. Zhenhai Palace does have a method to increase spiritual consciousness, but it is only deduced to the period of spiritual transformation. Not many, not many high-level cultivators practiced. Chen Xin had practiced before, but he felt that the increase in spiritual awareness was too little, and it took too much time, which was not cost-effective, so he gave up.

The cultivation method of increasing spiritual consciousness is relatively rare, which does not mean that it is not available. Either the effect is not great, or the cultivation conditions are too harsh, or a complete set of Tongtian Lingbao is needed. Divine Consciousness's exercises are only average in effect.

There are a large number of monks coming in and out, which looks more lively.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in, and they were greeted by a spacious and bright hall. Behind the counter made of Xuan Qingyu was a high silver wall. Deals, flashes of aura, flashes of runes.

More than a dozen attendants in uniform silver shirts stood behind the counter. They were introducing something to the guests. From time to time, silver shirt attendants stretched out their hands and grabbed towards the silver high wall. The silver shirt attendants’ palms easily passed through the silver high wall. Take out various items.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not stay in the hall too much, and went straight upstairs.

The layout on the second and third floors is elegant. Behind the counter is a silver high wall. The clerk takes out various commodities from the silver high wall.

On the fourth floor, a plump middle-aged scholar was reading a thick book.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, the middle-aged Confucian scholar put down the books, stood up, and said politely, "Jiang Yunhe, the shopkeeper in Xia Xuanguang Building, I don't know what the two fellow Taoists call them?"

"My surname is Wang, we want to buy some Qixing Yunshen pills."

Wang Changsheng said straight to the point.

"It's not a coincidence that Daoyou Wang came. We have just sold out the Qixing Yunshen Pill and are currently out of stock. You can leave your contact information. As long as the goods arrive, I will send someone to notify you immediately."

Jiang Yunhe was full of apologies. Qixing Yunshen Pill was a relatively well-known product in Xuanguanglou, and the sales were very good.

"Out of stock? Is there anything else to increase spiritual awareness?"

Wang Changsheng frowned.

Jiang Yunhe nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but it is not suitable for the two Daoist friends. It has a certain effect on the Nascent Soul and below."

Wang Ruyan took out a blue jade slip, handed it to Jiang Yunhe, and said, "We want to buy these materials, your store has them!"

Jiang Yunhe took the jade slip, swept away his consciousness, nodded, and said, "These things are all there, two fellow Taoists wait a moment."

He took out a pale silver dharma plate, gestured for a while, and then entered a tactic.

Jiang Yunhe and Wang Changsheng started chatting, and it was all small talk.

"Manager Jiang, has something major happened in the Xiuxian world recently?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually, if something really happened, Cai Yunfeng would definitely tell them.

"Hey, there is really a big event. The Five Elements were plotted against him, and he died."

Jiang Yunhe smiled and said mysteriously.

"What? The Five Elements are dead?"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were shocked. Wuxingzi was a late stage cultivator. It is said that this person had entered the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun and obtained many treasures and the inheritance of Xuanling Tianzun. A few years ago, the auction held by the Seven Stars Business Alliance also auctioned the Tongtian Lingbao refined by Wuxingzi.

Wuxingzi built the Wuxingzong by himself, with tens of thousands of disciples, forming his own power.

"It's absolutely true, his natal magic weapon has been scrapped, and even the main altar of the Five Elements Sect has been breached, there is absolutely nothing wrong."

Jiang Yunhe said firmly.

"Manager Jiang, is this a vendetta? Or was it done by an alien?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, this news is too shocking, and the late stage cultivator is not an opponent, could it be a fit cultivator shot.

"I heard that Wu Xingzi is a spy of an alien race. He has been providing information to alien races and betraying the human race. However, Wu Xingzi used a set of exotic treasures to break out of the siege and disappeared. Now the major forces are offering rewards to Wu Xingzi, and Wu Xingzong disciples have also become Rats crossing the street are yelled at by everyone."

Jiang Yunhe said at the end with a solemn expression.

"An alien spy?"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't quite believe it. The Five Elements School has been established for thousands of years, and it has been safe and sound. When the news came out suddenly, there was a problem no matter how you looked at it. Some big power coveted it.

It is not surprising that ordinary people are innocent and guilty.

A middle-aged man with a shrewd face came up. The middle-aged man handed a cyan storage ring to Jiang Yunhe and bowed down.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this is what you want, take a look."

Jiang Yunhe handed the storage ring to Wang Changsheng and said politely.

Wang Changsheng poured out the contents of the storage ring and checked it carefully. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded. Wang Ruyan took out a blue storage ring and handed it to Jiang Yunhe.

A slight footstep sounded, and a nine-foot-tall white-clothed youth and a graceful blue-skirted girl came up. The white-clothed youth had a face like a crown jade, red lips and white teeth, a sapphire belt around his waist, deep eyes, and a hint of expression between his eyebrows. An arrogant, blue skirt girl with a sakura mouth and a beautiful nose, her skin is snowy, and her hair is combed over her temples.

Both of them are in the middle stage of God Transformation, and the youth in white has a stronger aura.

Judging from their clothes, they were obviously disciples of the Xuanqing School.

"Manager Jiang, if the Qixing Yunshen Pill arrives, send someone to Tianhailou to inform Wang Changsheng got up to leave and left with Wang Ruyan.

The young man in white swept a glance at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan without paying too much attention.

After leaving the Xuanguang Building, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were strolling on the street, and they found that many monks were talking about the Five Elements.

Some people say that Wuxingzi colluded with aliens to harm human monks, some people said that Wuxingzi used human monks to cultivate, and some people said that Wuxingzi had a set of powerful high-grade heaven-penetrating treasures to attract attention, and some people said that Wuxingzi had a set of seventh-order formations, which could There are different opinions about weakening the power of the Great Calamity, which will lead to troubles.

The Five Elements accident happened in the past few years, and Wang Changsheng was on his way, so naturally he didn't know.

Three hours later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared in a secluded courtyard with green tiles.

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